comparison of bird communities in mixed fruit orchards and natural
forest at Khao Luang, Southern Thailand.
By Philip D.
Round, George A. Gale & Warren Y. Brockelman |
This article was originally published in Biodiversity and Conservation
15 (2006) and was kindly submitted by Phil Round. |
The avifauna of a mixed fruit orchard and nearby isolated forest
patch on the mountain of Khao Luang, southern Thailand, was compared
with that in natural forest. The orchard was about 75% as rich in
bird species as the forest and was dominated by smaller frugivores,
nectarivores and widespread generalists. Sundaic birds contributed
26% of sightings in the orchard, and understorey insectivores were
poorly represented.
The avifauna
of the 4.5-ha forest patch was similarly depauperate and bore greater
resemblance to that in the orchard than to that in forest. These
results have implications for management since increasing emphasis
is being placed upon the rights of local communities to manage and
exploit resources in protected areas. While agricultural diversification
may assist in restoring modest levels of diversity in areas already
degraded or committed to human use, it should not be seen as a substitute
for conventional protection of forest and wildlife through exclusion
of such use. |
INTRODUCTION In recent years increased emphasis has been placed
on the rights of local communities to both manage and utilise the
resources of forests, including those inside protected areas. Social
scientists have argued, primarily from the point of view of social
justice, that the forests should be ‘returned to the people’
(e.g. Ramitanondh 1989; Ghimire and Pimbert 1997). Some resource
managers and community foresters have argued that parks and sanctuaries
have failed to conserve biodiversity as intended, and that conservation
would be better served if local people were involved in harvesting,
and managing, their resources (Fisher 1995; Ghimire and Pimbert
1997; Makarabhirom 1998; Scott 1998; ICEM 2003). This view is widely
held even though Bruner et al. (2001) during a wide survey of tropical
protected areas, concluded that conventional protection, usually
through exclusion or strict regulation of human use, was highly
effective in protecting biodiversity through reducing land-clearance.
It is important
that baseline studies are conducted to assess the actual and potential
human impacts of human use, and modification of vegetation, upon
biodiversity before any changes in protected area policy are made.
Although claims are often made of the historic role of communities
in protecting forest and biodiversity, the capacity of communities
to self-govern their natural resources cannot be assumed. In one
of the few scientifically based comparisons conducted, Salafsky
et al. (2001) reviewed 39 project sites in Asia and the
Pacific, and found that community-based management strategies only
worked under a limited set of circumstances, in which a mix of strategies
including direct protection, management and restoration, policy
and advocacy as well as education and awareness was used. There
is a surprising scarcity of studies that have quantified the biodiversity
values of existing community forests or intensively man-managed
forests compared with undisturbed forest.
Complex agroforestry systems with fruit trees are found in or near
forest areas in many parts of South and Southeast Asia (Michon and
de Foresta 1990; Gujral 1991; Wiersum 1991). These are multi-storyed
associations of planted or selected native species of trees, shrubs,
and herbs that supply products both for household use and for local
markets. The best-known example in Thailand is at Ban Khiriwong, Lan
Saka District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, on the steep slopes of
the mountain of Khao Luang, where forest orchards or ‘suan somrom’
have operated for over 100 years (Makarabhirom 1991; Juiprik 1997).
The Khiriwong orchards are often cited as a good example of peoples’
coexistence with forest by the villagers who enthusiastically promote
themselves as forest managers (Tourism Authority of Thailand 2000).
The aim of this
survey was to compare some ecological attributes of the Khiriwong
mixed orchards with those of ‘natural forest’ nearby,
in Khao Luang National Park.
Birds were selected
for study here because they are diverse, with (in most cases) well-known
habitat requirements and general bionomics (e.g. Round 1988; Lekagul
and Round 1991), and they are relatively easily surveyed and detected,
especially given familiarity with their vocalisations. They are
therefore especially useful as indicators of biodiversity. |
Three sites were selected for study: orchards and a forest patch
near Khiriwong village; and a representative example of forest at
Krung Ching, some 34 km distant on the same mountain. The latter
site was the closest available site that was topographically similar to Khiriwong, being situated along a
stream valley, yet which still had relatively intact lowland forest.
The study area lay on foothills and lower submontane slopes (160–320
m elevation) in a stream valley on the south-eastern flank of Khao
Luang at ca.8o 26.5' N; 99o 45.5' E (Figure 1). Vegetation was predominantly
orchard, formed mostly by Durio zibethinus Murray, with
34%of the total canopy volume, with Parkia speciosa Hassk.
ranked next with about 16%. Other canopy trees, included Sandoricum
koetjape (Burm. f) Merr., and Areca catechu L., planted
for their fruits, together with Michelia champaca L., planted
for timber. Trees comprising the middle storey included Garcinia
mangostana L. (13% of canopy volume), Lansium domesticum
Correa, and Bouea macrophylla Griff. Relatively little
of the canopy volume (22%) lay above 20 m. The understorey was sparse,
formed by a few bananas, Musa acuminata Colla, and the
ground layer was predominantly of grasses, vines and herbs, 1 m
high, with some tapioca. A few native trees remained, especially
in ravines and along the banks of the stream. The total orchard
area covered by the bird census was approximately 50 ha.
One 4.5-ha fragment, surrounded by and near the upper limit of the
fruit orchards, at 510–600 m elevation (8o 26.3' N; 99o 44.5'
E), was selected for survey. The fragment contained a mix of disturbed
and selectively logged forest and while the species composition
was not surveyed in detail, the species diversity was clearly higher,
it had about five times as many woody stems as the orchard. The
forest patch also had approximately twice the height and foliage
mass of the orchard, with 76% of the canopy cover lying above 20
m. There was also a dense lower understorey of woody plants in contrast
to the orchard. The forest patch was completely encircled by orchards
and banana plantations and a small brook ran through its centre.
Ching forest
The third study area was an area of mature forest at Krung Ching,
Nop Phitam District, inside the national park, on the northern flank
of Khao Luang, along the catchment of the Krung Ching stream, at
roughly 8o 43' N; 99p 41' E (Figure 1). Although the vegetation
was not surveyed, the area was dominated by continuous, tall, mixed
dipterocarp forest that was either unlogged, or had only been lightly
logged in the past. The vegetation was tall and multi-storeyed,
and rich in palms and lianas. The area was relatively well-watered,
with a number of small damp patches and forest streams. It covered
a range of elevations similar to the Khiriwong orchards, 180–340
m, and was therefore appropriate for comparison, though differed
somewhat in its less steep topography, encompassing a plateau of
ca. 15 km2 at roughly 300 m elevation. Data collection was limited
to the northern and eastern margins of the plateau, against the
foothills, so as to cover an area of c. 50 ha as similar in topography
as possible to Khiriwong.
These three
study sites are henceforth referred to as Khiriwong orchard, Khiriwong
forest fragment (or forest patch), and Krung Ching forest. |

1 : Locations of study areas in Khao Luang National Park. |
Khiriwong orchard was visited during 28–30 October 2000; the
Khiriwong forest patch during 20–23 November 2001 and Krung
Ching during 7–10 April 2001. At each site the observer walked
slowly through each area, recording all birds seen or heard on ‘MacKinnnon
Lists’ (MacKinnon and Phillipps 1993; Bibby et al.
1998). In this method, all species are listed, up to a predetermined
number of species, when a new list is started. Each species only
appears once per list, regardless of whether the encounter is with
a single individual or with a flock of several individuals. Although
MacKinnon Lists are less useful in terms of quantifying the evenness
of the community structure compared to traditional point counts,
they have been shown to perform well in terms estimating species
richness (O’Dea et al. 2004). We attempted to obtain
10 lists of 20 species in each habitat because experience elsewhere
in Thailand and SE Asia has shown this to be manageable and efficient
(Round 1998, 1999). In the Khiriwong orchard, data collection was
made mostly along transects spaced 100 m apart, also used to collect
vegetation data, although was not limited to the transects alone,
The Khiriwong forest patch, however, was only large enough to obtain
nine independent lists. In the Krung Ching site 11 lists were obtained.
Both the Khiriwong
orchard survey and the Krung Ching survey were carried out by the
same observer while the Khiriwong hill-slope patch survey was implemented
by a different observer. The observers had a high familiarity with
calls and songs of most species. Birds identified by sound were
only counted if estimated to be within 30 m, in order to avoid over-counting
species with loud, obtrusive calls such as barbets.
Both migrant
and resident species were tallied, since surveys of the three sites
took place during the Palearctic winter, when a reasonably complete
complement of migrant (non-breeding) species could be expected to
be present. Efforts were made to spread coverage evenly throughout
the areas, in order to avoid bias from repeated observations of
the same individual birds.
Randomized species
accumulation curves were drawn, and diversity indices calculated,
for each site using EstimateS (Colwell 2004). The percentage of
observations contributed by each species was also calculated as
a means of objectively estimating relative abundance. |
A total of 123 species of birds was recorded at the three sites
combined (Appendix 1). Fifty-nine species were recorded on 10 lists
(average 56.6 species on nine lists) in the Khiriwong orchard; 51
species on nine lists in the Khiriwong forest patch, and 82 species
on 11 lists (average 75.8 species on nine lists) at Krung Ching
(Table 1, Figure 2). Fifteen species were shared among all three
sites; 18 species were found in the Khiriwong orchard but not at
the other two sites, 10 species were found only in the Khiriwong
forest patch, while 41 species, exactly half of all those found,
were unique to Krung Ching. The two forest sites had 13 species
in common that were not found in the orchard, while the forest patch
and the orchard shared 13 species that were not found in Krung Ching
(Appendix 1). The three sites therefore had rather different bird
communities, the two Khiriwong sites having slightly less than half
their species in common (Sorensen qualitative index, CS = 0.483:
Table 2). The most distinct site was the lowland forest at Krung
Ching (CS = 0. 383 compared with the orchard, and 0.403 with the
Khiriwong forest patch: Table 2).
The species
accumulation curves for all sites were relatively steep, in no case
reaching an asymptote, although the forest patch curve appeared
to be flattening (Figure 2). However, the list for Krung Ching climbed
more steeply than at either of the Khiriwong sites, reflecting the
much greater species richness of the forest. Chao 2 estimates of
species richness were 86.7 for the Khiriwong orchards, and 53.3
for the forest patch compared with 115.1 for Krung Ching forest
(Table 1). A Fisher’s lndex (a) value of 47.4 was obtained
for the forest site, compared with 28.2 for the orchard and 23.7
for the forest patch (Table 1). The frequency distribution data
from Krung Ching and the Khiriwong Forest Patch both fitted the
log series (v2 = 4.66 and v2 = 4.68, respectively; for 3 degrees
of freedom, p>0.10), while that for Khiriwong orchards was significantly
different (v2 = 11. 36; for 3 degrees of freedom, p<0.01). However,
Leigh and de Lao (2000) make persuasive arguments for using Fisher’s
Index for diversity comparisons, even when the data does not necessarily
fit a log-series. |
1 : A comparison of bird diversity among three study sites.

2 : Species accumulation curves for orchard, forest patch
and forest, Khao Luang National Park. |
2 : Coefficients of similarity (Cs) among the three sites.
Further comments are made with respect to each site below. Species
nomenclature follows Round (2000).
The bird community at Khiriwong was heavily biased towards edge-inhabiting
species, and generalist species with a wide distributional range
throughout Thailand. The most abundant species in the orchards were
the omnivorous bulbuls, Pycnonotus finlaysoni and Iole
olivacea (each recorded on 100% of lists). Nectar-feeders,
such as Arachnothera longirostra and Anthreptes malacensis,
the nectarivorous/frugivorous Loriculus vernalis, and the
small frugivore Dicaeum trigonostigma were also abundant,
occurring on more than two-thirds of lists. The migrant arboreal
sallying insectivore, Muscicapa dauurica, and the foliage-gleaning
Gerygone sulphurea were frequent in the canopy, and another
foliage gleaner, Prinia rufescens, in the understory and
ground storey. The only frequent terrestrial insectivore was Pellorneum
Of the total
of 59 species, 18 species (and three of the 20 most abundant species,
Iole olivacea, Dicaeum trigonostigma and Arachnothera
chrysogenys) were of Sundaic affinity, and together accounted
for 52 of 200 bird registrations (26%). The remainder were species
that were widespread in the Indochinese subregion. Four species
of babblers together accounted for 8% of all bird registrations,
and none of these species (Macronous gularis, Pellorneum
ruficeps, Stachyris nigriceps and Yuhina zantholeuca)
was strictly Sundaic, all being more or less common and widely distributed
throughout the country.
Only one species
recorded at Khiriwong, Aviceda jerdoni, was considered
as nationally near-threatened (Round 2000).
forest patch
The most abundant species, occurring on 100% of lists, were Alophoixus
ochraceus (an omnivore), Arachnothera longirostra,
the frugivore Irena puella, and an understorey insectivore,
Pellorneum tickelli. Other common species included Macronous
gularis, Pycnonotus melanicterus, and Yuhina zantholeuca
(89% of lists); Hypothymis azurea and Orthotomus sutorius
(67% of lists).
The Khiriwong
forest patch was less diverse than Krung Ching and somewhat similar
in diversity and dominance to the orchards (Appendix 1). While it
held some forest species that were absent from the orchards, such
as Irena puella, Terpsiphone paradisi, and the
Sundaic babblers Malacopteron magnirostre and Alcippe
brunneicauda, it lacked the suite of lowland forest species
recorded from Krung Ching. Seven species of babblers (Timaliidae)
contributed 17% of registrations in the forest patch. Although this
exceeded the diversity in the orchards it fell far short of the
13 babbler species at Krung Ching. The only babbler species added
by the Khiriwong forest patch that was not found elsewhere, and
incidentally also the commonest, was the submontane and montane
Pellorneum tickelli. More than 75% of all babbler registrations
in the Khiriwong forest patch were contributed by this species,
together with the very tolerant and wide-ranging Macronous gularis
and Yuhina zantholeuca. Overall, the proportion of total
registrations contributed by Sundaic bird species was the same as
that in the orchards (26%), only half that in the Krung Ching lowland
forest (below).
No hornbills
or any other nationally rare or threatened species were detected
in the Khiriwong forest patch.
In comparison with both Khiriwong plots, the commonest species at
Krung Ching showed less overall predominance, as would be expected
of a more diverse habitat. No species occurred on 100% of lists
(Appendix 1). Larger frugivores were frequent. In contrast to the
orchard, where just one species of barbet, Megalaima sp.,
was recorded, Krung Ching held four species, all relatively common.
One of these, Megalaima mystacophanos, was among the commonest
species on the plot, being recorded on 73% of lists. Another frugivore,
Irena puella, was even more frequent (82% of lists). A
great range of arboreal and understorey insectivores was also present.
The commonest
bulbul found at Krung Ching, Alophoixus bres (64% of lists),
was characteristic of forest at lower elevations and was recorded
in neither of the Khiriwong plots but was replaced by A. ochraceus
in the forest patch (Appendix 1). Ecotone-inhabiting bulbuls, and
those feeding partly on the small fruits of pioneer tree species
(e.g. most Pycnonotus spp., Iole olivacea), which
predominated in the Khiriwong orchard, were scarcer at Krung Ching.
Krung Ching held 13 species of babblers compared with three species
in the Khiriwong orchard and seven in the forest patch. None of
the three commonest babblers at Krung Ching, the two foliage gleaners,
Stachyris erythroptera and Malacopteron cinereum,
and the terrestrial Pellorneum capistratum was recorded
at the other two sites.
Species of Sundaic
affinity, most of which are obligate forest birds (Wells 1976),
contributed 122 of 220 bird registrations at Krung Ching (55.5%),
more than twice the proportion in the other sites. Approximately
19 species recorded at Krung Chung (23%) would probably not be expected
to occur higher than 500 m elevation, based on their (lowland forest)
habitat requirements. Even so, the Krung Ching sample should not
be taken as fully representative of a lowland forest community since,
even there, the plains were already devoid of forest cover, and
many extreme lowland specialists were not detected.
The presence
of four species of hornbills at Krung Ching, and their complete
absence from the other two sites was especially noteworthy. Eight
species of bird found at Krung Ching were listed as nationally threatened
or nearthreatened by Round (2000): in addition to the hornbills mentioned above, these
were Indicator archipelagicus, Oriolus xanthonotus,
Trichastoma bicolor and Stachyris maculata. Krung
Ching also still supported some arboreal mammals. Both White-handed
Gibbon Hylobates lar and Dusky Leaf Monkey Trachypithecus
obscurus were heard, and a few Black Giant Squirrels Ratufa
bicolor were seen. None of these species was recorded at either
of the Khiriwong sites.
Although this survey did not attempt a detailed examination of use
of forest and forest products by local people, this is clearly an
aspect of crucial importance in understanding local avifaunas and
other aspects of biodiversity. The effects of human use are varied,
impacting on the avifauna both directly (hunting and persecution)
and indirectly (through habitat loss and fragmentation).
and trapping
The local people at Khiriwong were still trapping wild birds in
violation of wildlife protection laws. On 22 November 2001 we observed
a group of men walking towards Khiriwong village with two cages,
each containing a Blue-winged Leafbird. These could have been newly
trapped birds or live decoys used to attract birds into traps. Eleven
Irena puella, 10 Copsychus malabaricus, one Loriculus
vernalis, one Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus,
one Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias thalassina, and one unidentified
blue flycatcher Cyornis sp. were observed in cages in Khiriwong
village. The absence of shamas in both orchards and forest fragment
was almost certainly due at least partly to trapping.
Larger species
such as hornbills are particularly vulnerable to poaching and collection
of nestlings for the pet trade. It is likely that most hornbills
were eradicated from Khiriwong many years ago due to a combination
of direct disturbance and habitat loss.
of natural forest cover
The most obvious human disturbance at Khiriwong was the loss of natural
forest cover from most areas below 600–700 m elevation which
removed habitat for a wide range of the more ecologically sensitive
birds. The Khiriwong forest patch, the lowest we could find in the
immediate vicinity of the orchards, lay well above the normal upper
altitudinal limits for some species found at Krung Ching, such as
Oriolus xanthonotus, Trichastoma bicolor, and Stachyris
Despite assertions
about the stability of the agroforestry systems at Khiriwong, the
replacement of forest by plantation was still in progress, and gradually
encroaching up the slopes of Khao Luang National Park from 700 m
to at least 800 m elevation. Gradual enlargement of cultivated areas
is a persistent problem in situations where local people are farming
land in close proximity to forest: it is very difficult to monitor
because the boundary between forest and cultivated land is seldom
surveyed and marked. |
All three sites surveyed showed a moderate to high diversity of
birds. Other than for vegetation type, the two lowland/foothills
sites, Khiriwong orchardand Krung Ching, were judged to be comparable
in their environmental features and location. Both covered a roughly
similar range of elevations and included major streams (though Krung
Ching had somewhat less steep topography than Khiriwong). Khiriwong
was surveyed during October, after the end of the breeding season,
when bird vocalising was generally at a lower level, whereas Krung
Ching was censused in April, at a time when most forest birds were
breeding and probably vocalised more. However, this was not thought
to be a significant source of error, since birds were detected both
by sight and by sound. It probably takes longer to amass a sample
when birds are calling less, but there is little bias over differential
detectability among species using MacKinnon Lists (O’Dea et
al. 2004). The main exception for this are the parasitic cuckoos,
Cuculus micropterus, Cacomantis spp., Chrysococcyx
spp., and Surniculus lugubris, which are relatively difficult
to observe, but have loud vocalisations during the breeding season.
However, parasitic cuckoos contributed only 3 of 220 registrations
at Krung Ching, too small a proportion to pose any significant bias.
Moreover, a full complement of wintering migrants was believed present
during all survey periods.
The three sites
were strongly dissimilar, with rather limited overlap among their
avifaunas. The Khiriwong orchard differed markedly in the structure
and composition of its bird community in comparison to the lowland
forest, as exemplified by Krung Ching, within the adjacent national
park. In particular, the orchards lacked most of those species characteristic
of the Sundaic lowland forest bird community, and the majority of
species recorded were widespread and ecologically tolerant, and
found in a range of habitats including forest, forest edge, plantations
or open cultivated land throughout Thailand. Babblers (Timaliidae)
are generally good indicators of diversity, since all are shortwinged
forms with rather limited dispersal capabilities. The larger, least
disturbed forests are rich in babblers. For example, Khao Nor Chuchi,
possibly the single richest lowland forest site remaining in southern
Thailand, possesses at least 22 species of babblers among the 318
bird species recorded there (Round and Treesucon 1998). The Khiriwong
orchards were especially depauperate in understorey-inhabiting insectivores
such as babblers, and even the relatively ecologically tolerant
Copsychus malabaricus, while a great many other species
of obligate forest bird found at Krung Ching were also absent. Although
smaller frugivores and nectarivores fared better, they were heavily
biased in favour of edge-inhabiting species. Other, larger, frugivores
that were abundant in forest, such as Irena puella, were
Our results
closely parallel those of Thiollay (1995) for Indonesian traditional
agro-forests. Bird species richness in various Indonesian agroforests
was about one-third to slightly more than one-half that in primary
forest. Larger frugivores, larger insectivores of both canopy and
understorey, and terrestrial insectivores of the forest interior
were absent from or much reduced in agroforests, while species persisting
included small frugivores, smaller foliage gleaning insectivores,
nectarivores, and edge species. Fully 41% of birds encountered in
forest were never found in the agro-forest, while 25% of the bird
species in agro-forest did not enter forest (Thiollay 1995). Disturbance
of natural vegetation did not merely cause a reduction in number
of bird species but also involved replacements of the more sensitive
forest-living species by others more tolerant of disturbance.
Although the
Khiriwong forest patch was surrounded by orchards and only a short
distance from the orchard surveyed, it differed markedly in the
composition of its avifauna, possessing a few more forest species,
and a few ‘new’ species characteristic of higher elevations. Nonetheless, it bore more similarity
to the orchard than it did to the other closed canopy forest site.
Some edge-inhabiting species may move between the orchards and the
forest patch, while many forestinterior species were probably lost
from the forest patch due to area effects. The smallness of the
forest patch may cause it to mirror the attributes of surrounding
cultivated areas to some degree (cf. Diamond et al. 1987).
It was clearly too small to hold larger birds which require large
home ranges, such as hornbills (Poonswad and Tsuji 1994). All four
hornbill species found at Krung Ching occur elsewhere in southern
Thailand at elevations comparable to that of the Khiriwong forest
patch. However, it is not easy to disentangle the effects of fragmentation
from other factors (McGarigal and Cushman 2002). Hornbills will
also have been impacted by hunting, the effects of which are liable
to be more severe in small forest patches, where there is little,
or reduced, possibility of recolonisation from elsewhere. Habitat
fragmentation also impacts on smaller birds. The forest interior
frugivore Calyptomena viridis was not detected in the forest patch. Ford and Davison (1995) also noted a marked reduction
in babblers and other understory birds even from patches as large
as 500–800 ha.
forest orchards such as those at Khiriwong offer food resources
for a number of smaller nectarivorous and frugivorous birds, such
as Megalaima australis, Loriculus vernalis, Dicaeum
trigonostigma and Arachnothera chrysogenys, and also
a few insectivores (including, in this case, three species of woodpeckers,
Celeus brachyurus, Picus miniaceus and Meiglyptes
tristis) that would be unlikely to occur in monoculture plantations
such as rubber. The species accumulation curve for rubber plantation
surveyed at Khao Nor Chuchi, Krabi, S. Thailand, by Gro-Nielsen
(1997, unpublished report) reached an asymptote at £ 25 species,
less than half that for Khiriwong.
Khiriwong was
therefore diverse in comparison with other agricultural areas where
rubber plantations have been allowed to ascend hill-slopes to 600
m or higher. The Khiriwong model might, therefore, be appropriate
for habitat diversification, and restoration of modest levels of
biodiversity in sites that have already been heavily impacted by
man, and areas committed to agricultural use. However, it is certainly
not a satisfactory alternative to conservation forest in protected
areas where exclusion of human exploitation is the best means of
maintaining biodiversity.
Plant species
richness will impact bird diversity since a plant community that
is poorer in species will, other things being equal, offer fewer
foraging niches for birds (Wiens and Rotenberry 1981; Hansen et
al. 1995). Clearly, the Khiriwong orchards had many fewer species
of trees than the forest areas and 2883 it would be expected that
orchards offer a smaller range of fruit and other food resources
than forest. However, it is unclear to what extent the poor representation of understorey and middle storey insectivores is a function of reduced
structural complexity, as opposed to biotic complexity, of the vegetation.
The forests had a greater density of vegetation occupying the lower
strata (1–6 m), whereas the understorey in the Khiriwong orchards was sparse. It
is possible that if more varied undergrowth was allowed to grow
between and beneath the fruit trees, populations of some understorey
birds might eventually recover. Mitra and Sheldon (1993) found a
relatively diverse insectivorous bird fauna inhabiting the understorey
and middle storey of plantations of the exotic tree Albizia
falcataria in Borneo.
By default,
the model for development followed in southern Thailand and elsewhere
throughout the Sunda subregion has been one in which rural populations
have been allowed to expand cultivation to occupy virtually the
entire lowland area, with forest being allowed to remain, if at
all, on hill-slopes only. While this may be appropriate for upper
watershed conservation, it is a very poor strategy for biodiversity
conservation. As this study has shown, neither patches of closed
canopy, multi-storeyed forest on hill-slopes nor tall, mature orchards
of the valley-bottom and foothills can compare with lowland forest
in terms of avian species richness.
These findings
are highly significant for pursuing biodiversity conservation in
man-modified landscapes. We should not be seeking, as a general
principle, to extend or legitimise extractive human use in national
parks and other protected areas, as many Thai NGOs, and some international
conservation agencies (ICEM 2003), have suggested, since this would
further reduce biodiversity. A more appropriate strategy would be
to encourage agricultural diversification in existing plantations,
while seeking to restore original forest cover in selected areas
around the lowland margins of existing protected areas, perhaps
through ‘buy-back’ or financial compensation to farmers
or landowners, such as has been implemented in (e.g.) Florida, USA
(Main et al. 1999). |
We thank Mr. Sathien Chuaynoo, Superintendent of Khao Luang National
Park, Ms. Somjit Huangdilok, National Parks Division, Department of
National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Conservation, Bangkok; Mr. Therdthai
Khwangthong, head of the Krung Ching Guard Station, and the villagers
of Ban Khiriwong for their assistance and hospitality. PDR would also
like to thank Ms. Sukanya Thanomphut and Dr. Panom Archarit for facilitating
his visit to Krung Ching. Dr. John Milne, John Parr and Dr. Sompoad
Srikosamatara commented on versions of this manuscript. This survey
was conducted in collaboration with the National Center for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology, Bangkok, Thailand, with support from
the Biodiversity Research and Training Program, Grant BRT 244003. |
1 : Numbers and species of birds recorded in orchard and
forest habitats, Khao Luang National Park.
Species |
name |
guild |
(orchard) |
(forest patch) |
Ching (forest) |
badius |
Shikra |
R |
1 |
1 |
1 |
undulatus |
Hornbill |
FF |
0 |
0 |
1 |
lafresnayei |
Great Iora |
1 |
0 |
4 |
tiphia |
Iora |
4 |
0 |
0 |
viridissima |
Green Iora |
1 |
0 |
5 |
fuciphagus |
swiftlet |
SwI |
0 |
0 |
4 |
siparaja |
Sunbird |
IN |
2 |
0 |
0 |
temmincki |
Sunbird |
IN |
0 |
3 |
0 |
brunneicauda |
Brown Fulvetta |
Fgl |
0 |
2 |
1 |
bres |
Bulbul |
0 |
0 |
7 |
ochraceus |
Bulbul |
1 |
9 |
3 |
phaeocephalus |
Bulbul |
0 |
0 |
2 |
galeritus |
Hornbill |
FF |
0 |
0 |
1 |
malacensis |
Sunbird |
IN |
8 |
0 |
0 |
simplex |
Plain Sunbird |
IN |
1 |
1 |
0 |
singalensis |
Sunbird |
IN |
4 |
0 |
1 |
affinis |
Spiderhunter |
IN |
0 |
4 |
1 |
chrysogenys |
Spiderhunter |
IN |
5 |
2 |
1 |
flavigaster |
Spiderhunter |
IN |
1 |
0 |
0 |
longirostra |
Spiderhunter |
IN |
9 |
9 |
6 |
jerdoni |
Baza |
R |
1 |
0 |
0 |
comatus |
Hornbill |
FF |
0 |
0 |
3 |
rubiginosus |
Woodpecker |
0 |
0 |
4 |
vigil |
Hornbill |
FF |
0 |
0 |
1 |
merulinus |
Cuckoo |
0 |
2 |
0 |
sonneratii |
Bay Cuckoo |
0 |
0 |
1 |
fuliginosus |
Brown Barbet |
0 |
0 |
4 |
viridis |
Green Broadbill |
AF |
0 |
0 |
4 |
brachyurus |
Woodpecker |
2 |
0 |
0 |
sinensis |
Coucal |
TI |
1 |
0 |
0 |
erithacus |
Kingfisher |
P |
0 |
0 |
2 |
indica |
Dove |
TiF |
1 |
0 |
0 |
cochinchinensis |
Leafbird |
5 |
2 |
2 |
cyanopogon |
Green Leafbird |
1 |
5 |
3 |
malabaricus |
Shama |
TI |
0 |
0 |
10 |
saularis |
Magpie Robin |
TI |
1 |
0 |
0 |
sumatranus |
Dusky Broadbill |
0 |
0 |
1 |
micropterus |
Cuckoo |
0 |
0 |
1 |
ceylonensis |
Flycatcher |
SaI |
0 |
3 |
3 |
balasiensis |
Asian Palm
Swift |
SwI |
5 |
2 |
0 |
indicus |
Wagtail |
TI |
1 |
0 |
0 |
cruentatum |
Flowerpecker |
AF |
5 |
0 |
1 |
trigonostigma |
Flowerpecker |
AF |
7 |
0 |
1 |
annectans |
Drongo |
SaI |
0 |
4 |
0 |
hottentottus |
Drongo |
IN |
0 |
2 |
0 |
leucophaeus |
Ashy Drongo |
SaI |
0 |
5 |
0 |
leschenaulti |
Forktail |
TI |
0 |
0 |
2 |
ochromalus |
Broadbill |
1 |
4 |
3 |
sulphurea |
Gerygone |
7 |
0 |
0 |
diardii |
Trogon |
0 |
0 |
1 |
oreskios |
Trogon |
0 |
1 |
0 |
comata |
Treeswift |
SwI |
1 |
0 |
0 |
longipennis |
Treeswift |
SwI |
5 |
0 |
0 |
picatus |
Flycatcher-shrike |
SaI |
6 |
0 |
1 |
rustica |
Barn Swallow |
0 |
0 |
1 |
hypogrammicum |
Sunbird |
IN |
0 |
0 |
7 |
azurea |
Monarch |
SaI |
0 |
6 |
3 |
archipelagicus |
Honeyguide |
0 |
0 |
1 |
olivacea |
Bulbul |
10 |
0 |
2 |
puella |
Asian Fairy
Bluebird |
AF |
0 |
9 |
9 |
pulchella |
Kingfisher |
0 |
0 |
1 |
vernalis |
Hanging Parrot |
AF/N |
9 |
3 |
0 |
cyane |
Blue Robin |
TI |
2 |
0 |
1 |
gularis |
Tit Babbler |
6 |
8 |
3 |
abbotti |
Babbler |
0 |
0 |
1 |
malaccensis |
Babbler |
TI |
0 |
0 |
3 |
cinereum |
Babbler |
0 |
0 |
4 |
magnirostre |
Babbler |
0 |
2 |
2 |
australis |
Barbet |
6 |
4 |
5 |
mystacophanos |
Barbet |
0 |
2 |
8 |
tristis |
Woodpecker |
2 |
0 |
1 |
dauurica |
Asian Brown
Flycatcher |
SaI |
8 |
2 |
1 |
sibirica |
Flycatcher |
SaI |
0 |
0 |
1 |
caeruleus |
Blue Whistling
Thrush |
TI |
0 |
1 |
0 |
jugularis |
Sunbird |
IN |
1 |
1 |
0 |
amictus |
Bee-eater |
SaI |
0 |
0 |
2 |
xanthonotus |
Oriole |
0 |
0 |
5 |
atrogularis |
Tailorbird |
6 |
5 |
6 |
sutorius |
Tailorbird |
3 |
6 |
1 |
capistratum |
Babbler |
TI |
0 |
0 |
5 |
ruficeps |
Babbler |
TI |
6 |
1 |
0 |
tickelli |
Babbler |
0 |
9 |
0 |
divaricatus |
Ashy Minivet |
2 |
1 |
0 |
flammeus |
Minivet |
2 |
2 |
0 |
roseus |
Rosy Minivet |
0 |
1 |
0 |
chlorophaeus |
Malkoha |
0 |
0 |
2 |
curvirostris |
Malkoha |
1 |
2 |
1 |
javanicus |
Malkoha |
0 |
0 |
4 |
tristis |
Malkoha |
4 |
0 |
0 |
pyrhopterum |
Philentoma |
SaI |
0 |
0 |
4 |
borealis |
Warbler |
1 |
0 |
3 |
coronatus |
Crowned Warbler |
3 |
0 |
2 |
inornatus |
Warbler |
1 |
4 |
0 |
tenellipes |
Leaf Warbler |
1 |
2 |
0 |
miniaceus |
Woodpecker |
2 |
0 |
0 |
guajana |
Pitta |
TI |
0 |
0 |
2 |
galericulatus |
Jay |
0 |
0 |
1 |
rufescens |
Prinia |
8 |
0 |
0 |
maculatus |
Flowerpecker |
AF |
0 |
2 |
3 |
percussus |
Flowerpecker |
AF |
0 |
0 |
1 |
atriceps |
Bulbul |
0 |
2 |
1 |
brunneus |
Bulbul |
AT |
1 |
2 |
4 |
erythrophthalmos |
Bulbul |
1 |
0 |
1 |
finlaysoni |
Bulbul |
10 |
1 |
0 |
melanicterus |
Bulbul |
6 |
8 |
2 |
leucopygialis |
Swift |
SwI |
3 |
0 |
0 |
olivacea |
Flycatcher |
SaI |
0 |
3 |
5 |
cheela |
Serpent-Eagle |
R |
1 |
3 |
0 |
alboniger |
Hawk-Eagle |
R |
1 |
0 |
0 |
erythroptera |
Babbler |
0 |
0 |
6 |
maculata |
Babbler |
0 |
0 |
1 |
nigriceps |
Babbler |
2 |
3 |
2 |
poliocephala |
Babbler |
0 |
0 |
2 |
striolata |
Babbler |
0 |
0 |
1 |
lugubris |
Cuckoo |
0 |
0 |
1 |
gularis |
Large Woodshrike |
0 |
5 |
1 |
paradisi |
Asian Paradise-flycatcher |
SaI |
0 |
4 |
2 |
curvirostra |
Pigeon |
AF |
1 |
0 |
2 |
bicolor |
Babbler |
0 |
0 |
2 |
criniger |
Bulbul |
0 |
0 |
3 |
zantholeuca |
Yuhina |
2 |
8 |
0 |
citrina |
Thrush |
TI |
0 |
3 |
0 |
number of individuals |
200 |
180 |
220 |
represent no. of occurrences on 20-species MacKinnon Lists. (Khiriwong
orchard, 10 lists; Khiriwong forest patch, 9 lists; Krung Ching, 11
lists). Feeding guilds assigned after Johns (1986): TF, terrestrial
frugivore; AF, arboreal frugivore; FF, arboreal faunivore/frugivore;
TIF, terrestrial insectivore/ frugivore; AIF, arboreal insectivore/frugivore;
IN, insectivore/nectarivore; TI, terrestrial insectivore; BGI, bark-gleaning
insectivore; FGI, foliage-gleaning insectivore; SaI, Sallying insectivore;
SwI, sweeping insectivore (exclusively aerial feeder); R, raptor;
P, piscivore. Species of mainly or entirely Sundaic distribution are
shown in bold type. (There appear to be no previous records of D.
hottentottus for the Thai–Malay Peninsula. This record
is provisionally retained for the purposes of this analysis, while
recognising that further evidence would be necessary before adding
it to the faunal list. D. h. brevirostris is a common winter
visitor to a range of woodland habitats, including close canopy evergreen
forest in continental Thailand and its occasional occurrence in peninsular
Thailand seems likely.) |
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submitted by:
D. Round, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University,
Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400. E-mail: frpdr@mahidol.ac.th
George A.
Gale, School of Bioresources and Technology, King Mongkut’s
University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkhunthien, Bangkok 10150
Y. Brockelman, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol
University, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400
*Author to whom
correspondence should be sent. |