by Nick Upton
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Mae Wong National Park
(Updated 18/05/23)


Forest at Mae Wong
(Photo by Douglas Bolt)

Mae Wong National Park, in Kampaeng Phet and Nakorn Sawan provinces, covers 894 square kilometres and is part of the western forest complex: the largest remaining tract of forest in Thailand.

A road which runs for about 30 kilometres from headquarters to Chong Yen campsite offers birdwatching opportunities at a variety of altitudes which makes it possible to see a huge total of bird species if staying for several days. The facilities in this park are basic but adequate and the staff are quite friendly and easy to deal with, making this a pleasant place to stay.

Much of this area used to be occupied by various hilltribe communities, so there are areas that are deforested, but secondary growth has established itself quickly and there are large areas of beautiful forest with huge, mature trees. Additionally, a number of streams and rivers drain the park and add to the scenic nature of this area as well as the avifauna.

Mae Wong National Park is the most accessible part of the western forest complex and gives birders the opportunity to see some species that are really hard to find or absent elsewhere in Thailand. The only set back with this national park are the large number of biting flies that live at the higher altitudes.

Birding Highlights

Grey Peacock Pheasant
(Photo by Nick Upton)

There are several species of bird that can be found at Mae Wong and very seldom anywhere else in Thailand but of these Rufous-necked Hornbill has to be the star attraction. This species is only found in a few locations within the western forests of Thailand, but Mae Wong is the most accessible and provides the best chance of finding the species in the Kingdom; the wet season seems to be the best time of the year for sightings of this species with very few records of it from the dry season.

Burmese Yuhina is another speciality of the higher regions of Mae Wong National Park, foraging in small flocks, but is not commonly seen, and Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler is another exciting bird which is frequently observed near Chong Yen campsite. Rusty-capped Fulvetta is also confined to this region within Thailand, although most birders will not see it unless making the three day round trip hike to Doi Mokoju or one of the even more inaccessible high peaks in the area. The call of Mountain Scops Owl is a common sound in the hills of Mae Wong, although seeing one is not so easy. Grey Peacock Pheasant is more frequently seen here than at most locations within its range and Mae Wong is definitely the best place to see White-necked laughingthrush.

A few birders have been lucky enough to see Crested Kingfisher as it makes its way along a river close to headquarters, but the general abundance of colourful forest bird species, such as Long-tailed Broadbill, Speckled Piculet, Maroon Oriole, Blue-bearded Bee-eater and Golden-throated Barbet, amongst many others, is reason enough to make the trip to Mae Wong.

A checklist of the birds for this location can be found here - Mae Wong Checklist

Greater YellownapeBird Watching Trips:
If you need help organizing a bird watching trip to Thailand, take a look at the suggested itineraries for ideas on creating a tailor-made trip and contact me for advice: Thailand bird tours.
Travel Information

Use the interactive map below for directions to Mae Wong National Park entry gate (B). The blue line shows the route from the towns of Nakhon Sawan (A) and Kamphaeng Phet (C) both of which are on the main Bangkok-Chiang Mai highway.

Mae Wong National Park isn't the simplest place to get to, but is worth the trip, particularly if you have already visited many of the other birding spots in Thailand. For those driving in and out every day the park gate opens at 6am and 6pm is the cut off point for reaching park HQ from Chong Yen.

By Car/Motorcycle
For those driving from Bangkok take highway 1 to Nakhon Sawan. Take the by-pass around the city and continue along the main highway for another 8 km until the turning to Lad Yao; it's well signposted. From Lad Yao take the road to Ban Khao Chon Kam about 40 kilometres away. At the intersection in this village turn right onto the road to Khlong Lan - about another 50 kilometre drive. After reaching Khlong Lan turn left and drive to the National Park; there is a petrol station close to the intersection. Using a private vehicle is really the only sensible option for birders visiting Mae Wong.

For those coming from Kampaeng Phet, take highway 1 south. After 6km turn right at Ban Khlong Mae Lai and follow the road all the way to the Mae Wong National Park - about 75 kilometres.

By Bus
Buses from Bangkok run from the Northern (Mor Chit) terminal to Khlong Lan three times a day and takes about 5.5 hours. From there it would be possible hire a motorbike or songtaew can be hired into the park but once in the national park there is no transport from HQ to Chong Yen unless it can be negotiated with the park staff.

By Taxi
It would be possible to hire a taxi in Bangkok to take you to Mae Wong National Park, probably by looking online for a transfer service. Once in the park you would have the problem of how to get between the HQ and Chong Yen.

Finding Birds
Anywhere suitable to stop along the long drive up to Chong Yen is worth investigating and there may be some small side trails that remain uninvestigated. However, a few locations within the park have proved reliable for certain species.
Road Chong Yen Headquarters
Road: Almost 30 kilometres of road through the forest offer plenty of opportunity to watch birds, although few birders stop to make the most of it. Some excellent quality forest houses species such as Great Hornbill, Wreathed Hornbill, Grey-headed Woodpecker and Orange-breasted Trogon.

HQ: At headquarters Red-billed Blue Magpie can usually easily be seen in the early morning and late afternoon and a number of flowering trees attract Flowerpeckers, Sunbirds and Bulbuls. The river behind the bungalows is also a likely spot for birds in the early morning.

Campground: The campground a short distance along the road from HQ is a very pleasant spot and provides an opportunity to see a number of species. Crested Kingfisher is reported to fly along past a swimming spot which I assume is located here, although I may be wrong - in any case, I didn't see it here. Species that can be found are the ubiquitous Grey Wagtail along with Blue-bearded Bee-eater, Blue Whistling Thrush and Black-capped Kingfisher. On one occasion I flushed out a very unseasonal Black Bittern from the marshy ground alongside the river.

It is worth noting that at night, if the lights of the toilet are left on, that an amazing variety of moths can be found on the walls of the toilet block!

  HQ Campground Watrefall Trail
Waterfall Trail: This short trail leads to a waterfall and provides another opportunity to get into the forest.
Hill Behind Ranger Station Campsite Steep Trail Umphang Trail Gulley 1 Gulley 2  

Hill Behind Ranger Station: This small, partially deforested hill is easily watched from the campsite and is frequented by Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters and Stripe-breasted Woodpeckers.

Campsite: There are fine views from the campsite along a valley to the west. This is a good point to watch raptors and also hornbills as they fly across the valley. For the most fortunate, it is possible to watch Rufous-necked Hornbills calling from large trees down the valley from the campsite.

Lots of other birds can be viewed in the foliage around the campsite and Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler is sometimes seen here is are birds such as Great Barbet and Orange-bellied Leafbird..

Steep Trail: This trail proceeds west from the ranger accommodation and heads quite steeply downhill. Several species of Laughingthrush have been found along here and it is a good location for finding species that prefer to occupy the understorey; species including White-throated Fantail and Rufous-throated Partridge.Where exactly this trail goes, I'm not sure, but it continues for some distance for those who wish to explore.

Umphang Trail: This trail is actually the old road to Umphang, although after a few hundred metres it is very difficult to recognise this fact. The trail is easy enough to follow even if it is a little overgrown and quite a number of good species can be found along here. Silver-eared Laughingthrush is fairly common, although not as easy to see as it is on Doi Inthanon. The first few hundred metres of the trail are very birdy and Hill Prinia, White-browed Piculet and Maroon Oriole are common. Other interesting species that can be found along this trail are Yellow-bellied Fantail, Short-billed Minivet, Mountain Tailorbird and Burmese Yuhina.

For those searching for a real adventure it is possible to hike all the way to Umphang; it would be a good idea to consult the rangers about this. Being within the forest for this distance would no doubt reveal a large number of birds to the vigilant.

Silver-eared Laughingthrush
(Photo by Suppalak Klabdee)

Gulley 1: A couple of hundred metres along the Umphang Trail a damp gulley can be seen on the left. The gulley is quite wide and quickly climbs quite steeply. However, it is possible to go into the forest here and find a few interesting species. Small Niltava and White-throated Fantail often occupy this area and Rusty-naped Pitta has been seen.

Gulley 2: A kilometre or so back down the road there is a gulley to the right which can be clambered along for a distance. Don't try and follow it on the other side of the road as it heads very steeply downhill. In the forest along the gulley Rufous-throated Partridges can be found and I once found a group of Rufous-necked Hornbills in a fruiting tree - definitely worth a look along here!


Kamphang Phet Hotels

The facilities at Mae Wong are just about sufficient for their purpose. I have been told that the national park bungalows at headquarters are rather nice - they certainly have an attractive setting, looking out onto a rocky river. A little further along the road from HQ is a small campsite next to the river - a very nice location - with a toilet block but no other faciiities.

Chong Yen Campsite

Chong Yen Campsite
(Photo by Douglas Bolt)

HQ itself has a visitor centre and a small restaurant where tasty, cheap food can be purchased and this is where a permit to travel to Chong Yen must be organised and accommodation paid for.

Most birders want to head straight for Chong Yen, and this must have one of the nicest settings for a campsite anywhere in Thailand. However, it is an extremely small campsite and gets incredibly uncomfortably crowded at weekends and the toilets/showers can get very busy and overcrowded, although a second toilet/shower block has been built in recent years.

There are some small rooms that can be hired from HQ, but arranging this is something the Thai National park system makes virtually impossible from overseas so it is simpler to camp. You can bring your own tent or hire a national park tent, which are of a good size. There only food available here is basically pot noodles, bags of crisps and coffee from a small kiosk run by the rangers. If camping, supplies need to be brought in from the outside; there is a market and a 7/11 store in the village of Klong Lan but the nearest supermarket is quite some distance away so come prepared..

One must pass through the small town of Klong Lan before getting to Mae Wong and as stated, simple supplies of most types can be bought here. There is also a petrol station here to fill up before heading up the hill, ATMs, a local market, a good restaurant, a 7/11 store, a pharmacy and a few simple but pleasant places to stay.

In Klong Lan itself birders can stay at Baan Nai Suan (087 093 8029), a pleasant enough place with wooden, elevated cabins that have air conditioning, bathroom and fridge. About 8 kms further along the road, towards the national park, there is Makbun Resort ( 081 616 1886), a similar style of accommodation at a similar price, although I am told the rooms could do with some maintenance. I don't think English is spoken at either location so get a Thai friend to phone for you. If you visit during the week when there is no public holiday I would expect that just turning up and asking for a room will not see you disappointed.

Useful Books

The Ecology and Conservation of Asian Hornbills
This informative book has everything a birder would want to know about the ecological importance of Asian Hornbills in their forest habitat. A wonderful reference book for birders interested in these iconic birds.

Birds of Thailand Birds of Thailand
This field guide has set new standards in identifying birds in the wild in Thailand. With the most up-to-date taxonomy of any publication this is the book you need if you are birdwatching in Thailand. Forget all of the older guides and buy this one.

Other Related Pages

Mae Wong National Park Bird Checklist

Thailand Birdwatching Tours

Other Western Thailand Birding Locations

Top Ten Birds of Thailand: Number 5 - Rufous-necked Hornbill

Video clip of Speckled Piculet taken at Chong Yen, Mae Wong, by Gerald Moore

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Trip Reports

Mae Wong National Park, 29th April-2nd May 2023 - by Nick Upton

Mae Wong, Various Trips 2004-06 - by Charles Davies

Mae Wong National Park, 5th May 2000 - by Peter Ericsson

Maroon Oriole Bird Watching Trips:
Mae Wong is a great place to go birding away from the more well-trodden locations. It is also a location to look for several species that are very rarely seen anywhere else and can be a rewarding birding site at almost any time of the year. Mae Wong makes a good four-day trip from Bangkok or can be combined with other sites.

Look at some itinerary ideas, Thailand bird tours, or contact me for information:
Related Blog Entries

Mae Wong NP & Wetlands Birding Trip - posted 04/06/23

Photo Galleries
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Forest at Chong Yen
Chong Yen Campsite
Rocky Stream
Sunset at Chong Yen
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