by Nick Upton
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Central Thailand, 13th-21st February 2015

Due to popular demand and success of previous trips, this short Central Thailand birding tour was arranged for those who did not have the time to participate in a longer tour. The itinerary was the same as the central section of longer birding tours of Thailand, an itinerary which has proved enjoyable and successful over previous years - very much a case of, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Nick Upton, Ray Davies, Mike Potts, Norman Briden, Simon Levene, Nigel Oram, Kath Oram

We used a Toyota Commuter van which was comfortable for the seven of us, with the luggage occupying the back seats. At this time vans were not being allowed to drive up the dirt road to Panoen Tung at Kaeng Krachan so we hired a local driver (Mr Neung) to take us up the hill. For those people in the cab it was comfortable enough but those on the back of the vehicle found it a little bumpy.

All the places we stayed in were simple, but comfortable and clean local hotels and guesthouses. All accommodation had air conditioning and private bathroom with heated showers and complimentary bottled water.

Good food was served in the restaurants of all the places we stayed in and several lunches were eaten in local restaurants where tasty dishes are always available. Indeed, the quality and variety of the Thai cuisine is was a highlight of this trip for many participants.

Notes on Finding Birds
Forest birding is always tricky, and at times can be extremely difficult, requiring a lot of patience. However, on this trip birding in the forest was not at its hardest and although patience was needed, this patience was rewarded with regular sightings of wonderful birds. At times things became slow, but this is to be expected, and it did not usually take too long before we found a feeding flock of small birds or were on the track of something exciting that was calling nearby.

Birding in the wetlands is always very rewarding and armed with the knowledge of where to find particular species we had some exceptional birding in these habitats even though windy weather hampered things a little.

Field Guides
1. Birds of Southeast Asia by Craig Robson
2. Guide to the Birds of Thailand by Philip D. Round & Boonsong Lekagul
3. Raptors of the World by James Ferguson-Lees & David Christie

Birding Highlights

Wat PraPhuttabaht Noi: Limestone Wren Babbler
Khao Yai: Silver Pheasant, Eared Pitta, Siamese Fireback, Banded Kingfisher, Banded Broadbill, Red-headed Trogon, Great Hornbill, Black-and-buff Woodpecker, Orange-headed Thrush, Mugimaki Flycatcher, White-throated Rockthrush, Heart-spotted Woodpecker
Petchaburi Rice Fields: Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Watercock
Laem Pak Bia/Pak Thale: Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Far Eastern Curlew, Nordmann's Greenshank, Black-tailed Gull, Pallas's Gull, Heuglin's Gull, Slender-billed Gull, Malaysian Plover, White-faced Plover, Asian Dowitcher, Mangrove Whistler, Pied Harrier
Khao Look Chang: Black-headed Woodpecker, Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
Kaeng Krachan: Great Slaty Woodpecker, Tickell's Brown Hornbill, Banded Woodpecker, Crimson-winged Woodpecker, Black-thighed Falconet, Ratchet-tailed Treepie, Red-bearded Bee-eater, Black-and-red Broadbill, Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Silver-breasted Broadbill, Long-tailed Broadbill, Kalij Pheasant
Wat Khao Takrao: Black-faced Spoonbill, Greater Spotted Eagle, Black-headed Ibis, Steppe Eagle

Birding Diary

Wat Pra Phuttabaht Noi
Leaving the Mariya Boutique Residence at 5am we arrived at this photogenic temple, nestled within a natural limestone amphitheatre a little after 7am. Overcast skies made birding rather slow but the group was patient and by waiting in the right place we were all able to get good views of our target bird - the calcicola race of Limestone Wren Babbler.

This site is always good for a few of the commoner woodland species too and we enjoyed a good sighting of Asian Barred Owlet as well as Lineated Barbet, Coppersmith Barbet, Common Iora and the only Sooty-headed Bulbuls of the trip. Watching a Peregrine Falcon of the race peregrinator having a face-off with a Variable Squirrel was quite a memorable sighting too.

Khao Yai
Rain on arrival at Khao Yai did not bode well for our short stay but fortunately the weather cleared up after a few hours and things were back to normal. Even with the rain we got great views of a regular wintering male Mugimaki Flycatcher and came across a mixed flock containing Brown-rumped Minivet, White-bellied Erpornis and Claudia's Leaf Warbler. A short walk also provided unusually close-up views of Pale-legged Leaf Warbler, our first Orange-breasted Trogons and one of the birds of the morning - a pair of Banded Broadbills which loafed around long enough for everyone to get some fairly good photos despite the poor light.

A visit to Pa Gluai Mai campsite was very productive for us, particularly as we used it as a location to see birds during a quiet middle-of-the-day period. A beautiful White-throated Rockthrush was a nice find and a pair of Great Hornbills were the first of a number of sightings of this awesome bird. A short wait at a stakeout in this area was very enjoyable with superb close-up views of the expected Orange-headed Thrush, Siberian Blue Robin, Hainan Blue Flycatcher, White-rumped Shama and Puff-throated Babbler with an Alstrom's Warbler into the bargain.

We spent part of a morning at the top of the Khao Khieo road, at the military checkpoint, getting some fantastic views of Black-throated Laughingthrush doing some very comical things in the snack shop as well as photographic opportunities of Radde's Warbler at the base of some small bushes. Early morning activity up here was good with Common Green Magpie, White-browed Scimitar Babbler, Black-winged Cuckooshrike, Moustached Barbet, Common Kestrel, Barred Cuckoo Dove, Grey-backed Shrike and Mountain Imperial Pigeon all performing as hoped for. Birding further down the Khao Khieo road also turned up some good birds over the course of our stay, although it was always quieter than expected. However, patience brought us fine views of Red-headed Trogon, Laced Woodpecker, White-crested Laughingthrush and Black-and-buff Woodpecker.

We had two evenings to spend at Khao Yai and on the first of these wonderful views of Great Eared Nightjar calling overhead was a great end to a day's birding and while waiting at a Myna pre-roost gathering, on our second evening we got lucky with excellent sightings of Long-tailed Broadbill and Lesser Yellownape as well as our target birds Common Hill Myna and Golden-crested Myna.

With our group in a positive mood we continued to see new birds at every stop; Vernal Hanging Parrot, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, Rufescent Prinia, Bright-capped Cisticola, Puff-throated Bulbul, Scarlet Minivet and Blue Rockthrush being just a few of them. However, a couple of our most memorable birds came just before lunch on our second day, a time at which many people would not have been expecting much to happen. Walking down a forest trail I heard a Banded Kingfisher calling; this species can be really difficult to locate and take some patience but this one was relatively easy to find and I tracked it down within about 10 minutes of first hearing it. Seeing the bird through foliage was a little tricky but everyone in the group worked together so that all could see it well at the same time. Further down the same trail we were watching some small birds in a flock when I heard an Eared Pitta call just once. I knew that a nearby side trail would take us towards the bird but we were all still shocked when suddenly a pair of Eared Pittas were there feeding in front of us. Their cryptic plumage and the undergrowth at first made them difficult for everyone to see but they hung around so that eventually everybody had exceptionally good views of this seldom-seen species. This moment was going to be difficult to beat!

Great HornbillBird Watching Trips to Central Thailand:
Khao Yai and Kaeng Krachan national parks together with the multitudes of shorebirds in the Gulf of Thailand always form the core of the Central Thailand birding itinerary.

The wetlands are superb between November-late March but the forests of the Central region are best visited January to July; but there are always lots of good birds to be seen.

Contact me to arrange a birding trip and/or to discuss the best bird watching options for you:

Spoon-billed Sandpiper

Spoon-billed Sandpiper & Red-necked Stint
(Photo by Nick Upton)

Eared Pitta was excellent but on our last morning we would have an experience that would come close to beating it. We had searched along the roads for Pheasants a few times but with no luck so on our last morning it was very pleasing to come across a group of Siamese Firebacks in the road, giving us all great views and then not much further along the same road, a male Silver Pheasant - a wonderful result. Driving further up the road we were shocked to see another group of Silver Pheasants and then a third sighting of another male. This third hung around in the road, just in front of us for 10 minutes or more giving us time to get lots of photos and give us another very memorable sighting that we would all be talking about for the remainder of the trip.

On our way out of the park, heading to our next location, we made a stop to see Van Hasselt's Sunbird, Crimson Sunbird and Little Spiderhunter, all of which we had good views of before leaving.

Petchaburi Rice Fields
We arrived at the rice fields at around 3pm giving us the best birding hours of the afternoon at this productive location. Our first stop quickly gave us the opportunity to study the differences between Asian Golden, Streaked and Baya Weavers as they fed in the rice fields and a nice surprise was a male Asian Golden Weaver in near breeding plumage. A couple of soaring raptors were good sightings too with Greater Spotted Eagle and Booted Eagle as well as the commoner Brahminy Kite.

Wind made finding some of the more skulking birds more or less impossible but a nice damp field held a good variety of species with Asian Openbill, Grey-headed Lapwing, Watercock, Common Snipe, Bronze-winged Jacana, Black-winged Stilt, Wood Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Common Moorhen and Purple Swamphen among the Egrets and Pond Herons.

The wind and drainage of ponds, depriving us of suitable habitat for some of the hoped for birds became a bit of a problem for us but we still managed some more nice birds with Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Black-winged Kite and flyover Oriental Pratincole before making the 10 minute drive to our hotel.

Laem Pak Bia/Pak Thale
For many in the group the critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper was the most anticipated bird of the tour and although it gave us a little more trouble than I had hoped for we were still enjoying good views of this species feeding within the first hour of arrival at Pak Thale. We were able to watch this bird at length and it was nice to see everyone in the group enjoying this bird until it eventually departed after putting on a show for about 20 minutes.

This area of salt pans and mudflats has much more to offer than just Spoon-billed Sandpiper and it is one of the best wader sites in the world (in fact it is a candidate for THE best wader site in the world) with the number of species and individual birds seen in a day often overwhelming. As well as the Spoonie we also obtained good views of many of the commoner shorebird species: Curlew Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Bar-tailed Godwit, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Red-necked Stint, Marsh Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Kentish Plover and Lesser Sand Plover. At Pak Thale we were also successful in finding some of the scarcer shorebirds; 2 Far Eastern Curlews, 5 Red-necked Phalaropes and 13 Terek Sandpipers were good. A Slender-billed Gull was a surprise but Caspian, Gull-billed, Common, Little and Whiskered Terns were expected.

Although the heat was quite oppressive by mid-morning we still had time to head to salt pans at Laem Pak Bia and find two more of the shorebird specialities of the area, Nordmann's Greenshank (49) and Asian Dowitcher (12), getting close enough to appreciate all the identification features of both species. Creeping along in the van also gave us exceptional views of many species including Temminck's Stint, Pacific Golden Plover, Common Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Long-toed Stint, Eastern Black-tailed Godwit, Great Knot, Common Redshank, Grey Plover, Red-necked Stint, Broad-billed Sandpiper and Curlew Sandpiper. Quite a lot to take in before lunch!

After an enjoyable lunch at a local restaurant it was time for our boat trip to the sand spit. This is always an enjoyable little trip with some special birds to see and our boatman, Mr Daeng, is always really helpful and good at spotting the target birds. Our trip was a very hot one but fantastic views of large numbers of feeding shorebirds at close range took our minds off of this. A huge flock of Great Knot along with many Sanderling, Greater Sand Plovers, 1 Ruddy Turnstone, Lesser Sand Plovers and Red-necked Stints was quite a sight but our attention was drawn away by a Chinese Egret. Our other target birds here were Malaysian Plover and White-faced Plover both of which we obtained good views of fairly quickly giving us time to study the Gull and Tern flock. Among the commoner terns we also spotted Greater and Lesser Crested Terns while 5 Pallas's Gulls were obvious, towering above the other birds. While watching these, a flock of Gulls came in and settled on the sea. At first they all seemed like Heuglin's Gull but we quickly noticed that one bird was different. I photographed this bird and it may be that it is Thailand's first Steppe Gull (barabensis) but this is yet to be confirmed. One thing we do know is that gulls often present an id challenge. A single Black-tailed Gull was easier to identify and quite a surprise, making for an exceptional gull day, something that is not to be expected in Thailand.

After the boat trip we went to a nearby rubbish tip to look for White-shouldered Starling, which we found, but they were totally eclipsed by one of the birds of the trip; a wonderful male Pied Harrier which gave us superb flight views.

Our last stop of the day was at the King's Project where we added Ruff, Red-wattled Lapwing and Pintail Snipe to our wader day list as well as getting good views of Painted Stork, Indian Cormroant and White-winged Tern. Our wait for crakes was fruitless but several thousand Lyle's Flying Foxes was appreciated by all and the subsequent Indian Nightjars were a great way to finish an exceptional day's birding. I never get bored of visiting Laem Pak Bia/Pak Thale, it really is one of the world's great birding sites, one that every birder should visit at least once.

Khao Look Chang

Our single morning at this small patch of relict dry dipterocarp woodland was primarily about finding Black-headed Woodpecker, a bird which is a real habitat specialist and regional endemic. It did not take too long to locate a couple of these stunning birds and for everyone to get cracking views of them feeding, low on the trunks of the woodland trees.

It is always nice to get the target birds quickly but it is also nice to have a good birding session with a good selection of species and our morning certainly gave us this with Asian Barred Owlet, Lineated Barbet, Red-breasted Parakeet, Spotted Owlet, Rufous Treepie and Greater Racket-tailed Drongo. These species were more or less expected but a flock of 11 Orange-breasted Green Pigeons most certainly were not. Birding around the small lake at the site also turned up a Cinnamon Bittern in flight, a pair of Racket-tailed Treepies, Little Ringed Plover, White Wagtail, Green Bee-eater, Intermediate Egret and a whole host of Red-wattled Lapwings.

Not a bad morning's birding before heading to our accommodation near Kaeng Krachan for lunch.

Lung Sin Hide
On our first afternoon at Kaeng Krachan we did not enter the national park, instead as we were a small group, we were able to visit the nearby Lung Sin Hide, where I was expecting a number of species to come to bathe and feed; many of them species that are extremely hard to find in the forest.

Some members of the group were not sure if they could remain in the hide for our 5-hour session but all doubts were swept away by the procession of birds that displayed themselves right in front of us. We were treated to stunning views of Scaly-breasted and Bar-backed Partridges as well as 2 Large Scimitar Babblers which allowed themselves to be photographed at length as they bathed. The gangs of Greater and Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrushes which repeatedly visited were popular with everyone but it was a real treat to see a number of fairly common forest birds at close range, allowing us to see them at their best. In particular Black-naped Monarch and Racket-tailed Treepie seemed like completely different birds, seen at just 10 feet away in good light without any foliage in front of them.

Other species we saw on this afternoon were Black-crested Bulbul, Streak-eared Bulbul, Stripe-throated Bulbul, White-bellied Erpornis, Abbott's Babbler, Puff-throated Babbler, Siberian Blue Robin, Pin-striped Tit Babbler, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher, Chinese Blue Flycatcher, Blue-throated Flycatcher and Red Junglefowl. Everyone agreed that it had been an afternoon of amazing bird watching.

Kaeng Krachan
Kaeng Krachan never seems to disappoint and on this trip it was to serve us some real delights. Over the next few days we concentrated our efforts on the three main zones at Kaeng Krachan; the lowland mixed deciduous forest, the lowland moist forest and the moist highland zone.

Our first morning in the national park was spent in the drier lowland forest and it did not disappoint with prolonged 'scope views of Great Slaty Woodpecker with Black-thighed Falconet, Sultan Tit, Greater Flameback, Common Flameback, Greater Yellownape and Asian Drongo Cuckoo all quickly following. Subsequent stops in this zone also gave us Grey-rumped Treeswift, Great Hornbill, Grey-headed Woodpecker and 2 Brown Boobooks on the point of dusk. On another morning we visited a trail on the transition between the drier and moist forest in the lowlands and this was highly successful with a pair of Black-and-red Broadbills which were following a flock of very smart Silver-breasted Broadbills. A nice sighting of Streak-breasted Woodpecker was also very good.

We had several morning sessions in the moister lowland forest which allowed us the time needed to find some really good birds. In this area we found a pair of stunning Black-and-yellow Broadbills, a species that looks like someone let the kids loose with the crayons and utters quite the most crazy of calls. We also did well for woodpeckers in this area seeing both Crimson-winged and Banded Woodpeckers giving us the pleasure of two write-ins on the checklist based on previous years' tours; we also appreciated more views of Orange-breasted Trogon too. Several mixed flocks allowed us all to see the attractive Sulphur-breasted Warbler well and study the identification features of Eastern Crowned Warbler; more views of Sultan Tit at close range were also great and Little Cuckoo Dove was a bit of a surprise.

On our last morning in this zone we all finally got satisfying views of a group of 5 Tickell's Brown Hornbills which actually came in too close at first but then settled down at a good distance.

The remainder of our birding at Kaeng Krachan was spent at higher altitudes, between Km 27-30. This area actually gave us our slowest birding of the trip but the group's patience and trust in my decisions paid off with Collared Babbler, Red-headed Trogon, Long-tailed Broadbill and eventually, exceptional views of a pair of Ratchet-tailed Treepies nest-building. On one of our visits to this area rain seemed like it may spoil proceedings but after it stopped many species came out giving us fabulous sightings of Great Barbet, Great Hornbill and Red-bearded Bee-eater as they came out to sit on exposed areas in order to dry off. The journey downhill gave us the chance to encounter a nice male Kalij Pheasant as it strutted around on the road.

Laem Pak Bia & Wat Khao Takrao
On our last day we revisited Laem Pak Bia district to do some birding at a freshwater pool and then moved on to Wat Khao Takrao where I hoped to finish the trip with something special.

We enjoyed a really good hour and a half at our first stop, seeing many of the species that we had missed at the rice fields due to the windy weather at the time; this time we were blessed with calm conditions. Standing in one spot, overlooking a pool, we had great sightings of Greater Painted Snipe, a species that many in the group had hoped for, as well as Watercock, Bluethroat, Streaked Weaver, Ruddy-breasted Crake, Yellow Bittern, Cinnamon Bittern and Purple Heron. The birds came thick and fast and we also got some nice views of Plain-backed Sparrow perched on a post and a quick burst of call playback drew in a singing Indochinese Bushlark. A flyover Red Avadavat was glimpsed as a red flash by a few but a few reedbed birds showed themselves nicely - Yellow-bellied Prinia, Black-browed Reed Warbler and Oriental Reed Warbler. Other species seen included Brown Shrike, Zitting Cisticola, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Common Iora and a Richard's Pipit.

We stopped briefly to enjoy some close views of some of the waders including more views of Asian Dowitcher and Nordmann's Greenshank while adding Pied Avocet to our long list of shorebirds.

Another quick stop at Wat Komnaram was also successful with large numbers of Oriental Pratincoles hanging around on the dry mud which also attracts Oriental Skylark, a bird we always manage to see in song flight here; another species seen in song flight this visit was a Paddyfield Pipit.

The final stop of the tour was at Wat Khao Takrao where we saw a number of Black-headed Ibis and Painted Storks but the real prize that I had hoped for was Black-faced Spoonbill; spotted at long range through heat haze but we then drove much closer for very nice views of it preening and walking around. As it turned out, this was not the last stop as we spotted a large group of Black-eared Kites over a nearby drained fishpond and a quick look there revealed huge numbers of Painted Storks, Egrets and Pond Herons with more Black-headed Ibis and at least 5 Greater Spotted Eagles loafing around on the mud. While we were all marvelling at this scene another large eagle in flight turned out to be an adult Steppe Eagle which obliged us by flying in low and close before landing on the mud. What a finish! All that remained was to drive back to Bangkok where I said goodbye to the group at the Mariya Boutique Residence where I had met them.

Nick Upton (

Species list with sites and notes

Wat PraPhuttabaht Noi: WPN
Khao Yai: KY
Petchaburi Rice Fields: PRF
Laem Pak Bia: LPB
Pak Thale: PT

Wat Komnaram: WKN
Khao Look Chang: KLC
Kaeng Krachan: KK
Lung Sin Hide: LSH
Wat Khao Takrao: WKT

1. Bar-backed Partridge: LSH & Km 23, KK.
2. Scaly-breasted Partridge:
3. Red Junglefowl
: A few at KY & KK.
4. Kalij Pheasant: 1m at Km 23, KK.
5. Silver Pheasant : Single males at 2 locations on Khao Khieo rd, KY, plus a group of 8 birds on the same road.
6. Siamese Fireback: 1m & 2f on Khao Khieo rd, KY.
7. Lesser Whistling-duck: 200+ at LPB; 1000+ at WKT.
8. Eurasian Wigeon: 1m at WKT.
9. Northern Pintail: A large flock of 500+ at WKT.
10. Garganey: Large numbers at WKT.
11. Little Grebe: A few at PRF & LPB.
12. Painted Stork: A few at LPB, PT & many at WKT.
13. Asian Openbill: Many at PRF; a few at KLC.
14. Black-headed Ibis: c20 at WKT.
15. Black-faced Spoonbill: 1 at WKT.
16. Yellow Bittern: 2 at LPB.
17. Cinnamon Bittern: 1 at PRF; 1 at LPB.
18. Black-crowned Night Heron: King's Project, LPB.
19. Striated Heron: 2 at LPB sand spit.
20. Chinese Pond Heron: Common and seen at all sites.
21. Javan Pond Heron: Known to be common at LPB, PT, WKT, WKN & PRF but inseperable from Chinese Pond Heron in non-breeding plumage.
22. Eastern Cattle Egret: WPN, PRF, KLC, WKN & LPB.
23. Grey Heron: PT, LPB, WKN & WKT.
24. Purple Heron: A few at WKT.
25. Eastern Great Egret: PRF, PT, LPB, WKN & WKT.
26. Intermediate Egret: PT, LPB, WKN & WKT.
27. Little Egret: Seen at all sites.
28. Chinese Egret: 2 at LPB sand spit.
29. Little Cormorant: KY, PRF, PT, LPB, WKN, KLC & WKT.
30. Indian Cormorant: Fairly common at PRF, PT, LPB & WKT.
31. Western Osprey: 1 at WKT.
32. Oriental Honey-buzzard: 1 at KY.
33. Black-winged Kite: 2 at PRF.
34. Black-eared Kite: 40+ at WKT.
35. Brahminy Kite: PRF, PT, LPB & WKT.
36. Crested Serpent Eagle: A few at KY & KK.
37. Eastern Marsh Harrier: A few at PRF & LPB.
38. Pied Harrier: 1 adult male at LPB rubbish tip.
39. Crested Goshawk: 1 at KY.
40. Japanese Sparrowhawk: 1 at PRF.
41. Greater Spotted Eagle: c5 at WKT; 1 at PRF.
42. Steppe Eagle: 1 adult at WKT.
43. Booted Eagle: 1 at PRF.
44. Black-thighded Falconet: 1 at Km 9, KK.
45. Common Kestrel: 1j at checkpoint, Khao Khieo rd, KY.
46a. Peregrine Falcon: 1 peregrinator at WPN.
46b. Peregrine Falcon: 1 japonensis at PT.
47. White-breasted Waterhen: PRF, LPB, KLC & WKT.
48. Ruddy-breasted Crake: 1 at LPB.
49. Watercock: 2 at PRF; 1 at LPB.
50. Purple Swamphen: A few at PRF.
51. Common Moorhen: A few at PRF & LPB.
52. Black-winged Stilt: Common in wetlands.
53. Pied Avocet: c60 at LPB.
54. Grey-headed Lapwing: A few at PRF & WKN.
55. Red-wattled Lapwing: Seen at all locations.
56. Pacific Golden Plover: PT, LPB & WKN.
57. Grey Plover: PT, LPB & WKT.
58. Little Ringed Plover: PRF, PT, LPB, WKN, WKT.
59. Kentish Plover: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
60. White-faced Plover: 1m at LPB sand spit.
61. Malaysian Plover: A few at LPB sand spit.
62. Lesser Sand Plover: Common at PT & LPB.
63. Greater Sand Plover: A few at PT & LPB.
64. Greater Painted-snipe: A few at LPB.
65. Bronze-winged Jacana: A few at PRF.
66. Pintail Snipe: A few at King's Project, LPB.
67. Common Snipe: A few at PRF.
68. Asian Dowitcher: 12 at LPB.
69. Eastern Black-tailed Godwit: Large numbers at PT & LPB.
70. Bar-tailed Godwit: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
71. Whimbrel: 40-50 at PT.
72. Eurasian Curlew: 800+ at PT.
73. Far Eastern Curlew: 2 at PT.
73. Spotted Redshank: Common at PT & LPB.
74. Common Redshank: A few at PT & LPB.
75. Marsh Sandpiper: Very common at PT, WKN & LPB.
76. Common Greenshank: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
77. Nordmann's Greenshank: 49 at LPB.
78. Wood Sandpiper: PRF, WKN, WKT, PT & LPB.
79. Terek Sandpiper: 13 at PT.
80. Common Sandpiper: 1 at PRF; a few at PT, WKT & LPB.
81. Ruddy Turnstone: 1 at PT.
82. Great Knot: Large numbers at PT & LPB.
83. Sanderling: A few at PT & LPB.
84. Red-necked Stint: Very common at PT & LPB.
85. Temminck's Stint: A few at LPB.
86. Long-toed Stint: Fairly common at PT, WKN & LPB.
87. Curlew Sandpiper: Very common at PT & LPB.
88. Spoon-billed Sandpiper: 1 seen well at PT.
89. Broad-billed Sandpiper: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
90. Ruff: A few at LPB.
91. Red-necked Phalarope: 5 at PT.
92. Oriental Pratincole: Good numbers at PRF, LPB & WKN.
93. Slender-billed Gull: 1 at PT.
94. Brown-headed Gull: Common at PT & LPB; a few at WKT.
95. Pallas's Gull: 5 of various ages, LPB sand spit.
96. Black-tailed Gull: 1 in almost adult plumage.
97. Heuglin's Gull: 5 of various ages, LPB sand spit.
98. Gull-billed Tern: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
99. Caspian Tern: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
100. Great Crested Tern: 30+ at LPB sand spit.
101. Lesser Crested Tern: A few at LPB sand spit.
102. Little Tern: Common at PT & LPB.
103. Common Tern: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
104. Whiskered Tern: Common at PT & LPB.
105. White-winged Tern: A few at LPB.
106. Rock Pigeon
107. Red Collared Dove:
Common in open country.
108. Spotted Dove: Common in open country.
109. Barred Cuckoo Dove: A few at military checkpoint, Khao Khieo rd, KY.
110: Little Cuckoo Dove: 3 between streams 2 & 3, KK.
111. Common Emerald Dove: A few at KY & KK.
112. Zebra Dove: Common in open country.
113. Pink-necked Green Pigeon: A few at PRF.
114. Orange-breasted Green Pigeon: 11 at KLC.
115. Thick-billed Green Pigeon: Several at KY & KK.
116. Mountain Imperial Pigeon: Fairly common at KY; a few at Km27-30, KK.
117. Vernal Hanging Parrot: A few at KY.
118. Red-breasted Parakeet: Common near KY park gate.
119. Greater Coucal: A few at LPB, KK & WKT.
120. Green-billed Malkoha: A few at WPN, KY & KK.
121. Asian Koel: A few at PRF, LPB & KLC.
122. Banded Bay Cuckoo: 1 at Bang Krang campsite, KK.
123. Asian Drongo Cuckoo: 2 at Km 9, KK.
124. Large Hawk Cuckoo: 1 seen briefly by some, KY.
125. Asian Barred Owlet: 1 at WPN; 2 at KLC.
126. Spotted Owlet: 2 at KLC.
127. Brown Boobook: 2 at Km 9, KK.
128. Great Eared Nightjar: 4 at KY.
129. Indian Nightjar: 2 at King's Project, LPB.
130. Grey-rumped Treeswift: A few at Km 12, KK.
131. Himalayan Swiftlet: A few at KY.
132. Pale-rumped (Germain's) Swiftlet: Very common at PRF, PT, LPB, WKN & WKT.
133. Brown-backed Needletail: KY & KK.
134. Asian Palm Swift: Seen at all locations.
135. House Swift: A few at KY.
136. Orange-breasted Trogon: Seen a few times at KY & KK.
137. Red-headed Trogon: A pair at KY & 1f at Km 28, KK.
138. Indian Roller: KY & KLC.
139. Oriental Dollarbird: A few at KY & KK.
140. Banded Kingfisher: 1m at Km 33, KY.
141. White-throated Kingfisher: KY, PRF, KLC, WKT & LPB.
142: Black-capped Kingfisher: A few at PT & LPB.
143. Collared Kingfisher: PT & LPB.
144. Common Kingfisher: PRF, LPB & WKT.
145. Red-bearded Bee-eater: 1 at Km 30, KK.
146. Blue-bearded Bee-eater: A few at KY.
147. Green Bee-eater: WPN, PRF, LPB & KLC.
148. Blue-tailed Bee-eater: A few at PRF & LPB.
149. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater: WPN, KY & KK.
150. Eurasian Hoopoe: A few at WPN.
151. Tickell's Brown Hornbill: A group of 5 at stream 2, KK.
152. Oriental Pied Hornbill: Fairly common at KY & KK.
153. Great Hornbill: Seen a few times at KK & KY.
154. Wreathed Hornbill: 2 in flight at KY.
155. Great Barbet: A couple at Km 30, KK.
156. Lineated Barbet: A few at WPN & KLC.
157. Green-eared Barbet: A few at Km 9, KK.
158. Blue-throated Barbet: A few at Km 27.5-30, KK.
159. Moustached Barbet: A few at KY.
160. Blue-eared Barbet: A few at KY & KK.
161. Coppersmith Barbet: WPN, KLC & Km9, KK.
162. Heart-spotted Woodpecker: 1 at KY.
163. Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker: 1 at stream 3, KK.

164. Banded Woodpecker: 1 between streams 2 & 3, KK.
165. Greater Yellownape: A few at Km 9, KK.
166. Lesser Yellownape: 1 at KY.
167. Crimson-winged Woodpecker: 1 at stream 2, KK.
168. Streak-breasted Woodpecker: 1 near Youth Camp, KK.
169. Laced Woodpecker: 2 at KY.
170. Black-headed Woodpecker: 3 at KLC.
171. Grey-headed Woodpecker: 1 at Km 9, KK.
172. Common Flameback: A few at KK.
173. Greater Flameback: A few at KY & KK.
174. Black-and-buff Woodpecker: Once each at KY & KK.
175. Great Slaty Woodpecker: 4 at Km 9, KK.
176. Black-and-red Broadbill: 2 near Youth Camp, KK.
177. Long-tailed Broadbill: KY & KK.
178. Silver-breasted Broadbill: A flock near Youth Camp, KK.
179. Banded Broadbill: A pair at Boonsonglekagul Camp, KK.
180. Black-and-yellow Broadbill: A pair at KK.
181. Eared Pitta: A pair observed feeding, Km 33, KY.
182. Golden-bellied Gerygone: 2 at PT.
183. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike: Fairly common, seen at KY & KK.
184. Large Woodshrike: A small flock at KK.
185. Ashy Woodswallow: WPN & KY.
186. Common Iora: A few at WPN, KLC & LPB.
187. Great Iora: Seen several times in mixed flocks at KK.
188. Black-winged Cuckooshrike: Seen several times in mixed flocks at KY & KK.
189. Brown-rumped (Swinhoe's) Minivet: Fairly common with mixed flocks at KY & KK.
190. Scarlet Minivet: A few at KY & KK.
191. Mangrove Whistler: 1 at PT.
192. Brown Shrike: WPN, KY, PRF, LPB & WKN.
193. Long-tailed Shrike: A pair at PRF.
194. Grey-backed Shrike: A few at KY.
195. White-bellied Erpornis: Several in mixed flocks at KY.
196. Blyth's Shrike-babbler: 1f at Km30, KK.
197. Black-naped Oriole: A few at Km 9, KK.
198. Black Drongo: Common in open country.
199a. Ashy Drongo (leucogenis): WPN, KY & KK.
199b. Ashy Drongo (mouhoti): KY & KK.
200. Bronzed Drongo: A pair at Km 28, KK.
201. Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo: A few at Km 27.5, KK.
202. Hair-crested Drongo: WPN, KY, KLC & KK.
203. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo: KY, KLC & KK.
204. Pied Fantail: A few at LPB & PT.
205. Black-naped Monarch: KY, LSH & KK.
206. Asian Paradise-flycatcher: 1 in a mixed flock at Km 28, KK.
207. Common Green Magpie: 2 at military checkpoint, Khao Khieo rd, KY.
208. Rufous Treepie: A few at KLC.
209. Racket-tailed Treepie: 2 at KLC; a few at LSH.
210. Ratchet-tailed Treepie: 2 nest-building at Km 28, KK.
211. Eastern Jungle Crow: WPN, KY, PRF & LPB.
212. Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher: Fairly common at KY & KK.
213. Sultan Tit: Seen a few times at KK.
214. Indochinese Bushlark: 2 at LPB.
215. Oriental Skylark: A few at WKN.
216. Black-headed Bulbul: A few at KY & KK.
217a. Black-crested Bulbul: Common at KK.
217b. Black-crested Bulbul (johnsoni): Common at KY.
218. Red-whiskered Bulbul: A few at PT.
219. Sooty-headed Bulbul: Common at WPN.
220. Stripe-throated Bulbul: KY, LSH & KK.
221. Flavescent Bulbul: A few at Km 28-30, KK.
222. Yellow-vented Bulbul: A few at PRF.
223. Streak-eared Bulbul: WPN, PRF, PT, LPB, WKN, KLC, LSH & KK.
224. Puff-throated Bulbul: Fairly common at KY.
225. Ochraceous Bulbul: Common at KK.
226a. Grey-eyed Bulbul (propiniqua): Common at KY.
226b. Grey-eyed Bulbul (lekhakuni): A few at KK.
227. Mountain Bulbul: A few at Km 30, KK.
228. Barn Swallow: Seen every day.
229. Red-rumped Swallow: A few at KY & KK.
230. Yellow-bellied Warbler: A few at Km 27.5, KK.
231. Radde's Warbler: A few at KY & KK.
232. Yellow-browed Leaf Warbler: Common.
233. Two-barred Warbler: A few at WPN & KY.
234. Pale-legged Leaf Warbler: 1 bird reacted strongly to call playback at KY.
235. Eastern Crowned Leaf Warbler: Several in flocks between streams 2 & 3, KK.
236. Claudia's Leaf Warbler: Seen frequently in mixed flocks at KY & KK.
237. Sulphur-breasted Warbler: Several in flocks between streams 2 & 3, KK.
238. Alstrom's Warbler: 1 at Pa Gluai Mai campsite, KY.
239. Oriental Reed Warbler: A few at PRF & LPB.
240. Black-browed Reed Warbler: A few at LPB.
241. Zitting Cisticola: A few at LPB & WKN.
242. Bright-capped Cisticola: 2 at KY.
243. Rufescent Prinia: 1 at KY.
244. Yellow-bellied Prinia: A few at PRF & LPB.
245. Plain Prinia: A few at LPB & WKN.
246. Dark-necked Tailorbird: 1 at KY.
247. Large Scimitar Babbler: 2 at LSH.
248. White-browed Scimitar Babbler: 2 at KY; a few at Km27.5-30, KK.
249. Rufous-fronted Babbler: A few at KK.
250. Pin-striped Tit Babbler: KY, LSH & KK.
251. Chestnut-capped Babbler: Seen briefly by some observers at PRF.
252. Brown-cheeked Fulvetta: Several at LSH.
253. Limestone Wren Babbler: A few at WPN.
254. Collared (White-hooded) Babbler: Km 27.5-28, KK.
255. Abbott's Babbler: 2 at LSH.
256. Puff-throated Babbler: A few at KY & LSH.
257. White-crested Laughingthrush: Several flocks at KY.
258. Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush: Many at LSH.
259. Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush: Several at LSH.
260. Black-throated Laughingthrush: A small flock at military checkpoint, Khao Khieo rd, KY; 2 at Km 28, KK.
261. Chestnut-flanked White-eye: A flock at KY.
262. Asian Fairy Bluebird: Fairly common at KY & KK.
263. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch: 2 at Km 9, KK.
264. Golden-crested Myna: 1m, 1f at KY.
265. Common Hill Myna: Fairly common at KY.
266. White-vented Myna: Common in open country.
267. Common Myna: Common in open country & urban areas.
268. Asian Pied Myna: Common in open country.
269. White-shouldered Starling: A few at LPB rubbish tip.
270. Orange-headed Thrush: 2 at Pa Gluai Mai campsite; 1 at ban Maka.
271. Eyebrowed Thrush: 1 at Km 9, KK.
272. Oriental Magpie Robin: WPN, PRF, PT, LPB, KLC & Ban Maka.
273. White-rumped Shama: WPN, KY, KK & Ban Maka.
274. Dark-sided Flycatcher: A few at Km 30, KK.
275. Asian Brown Flycatcher: WPN, KY & KK.
276. Verditer Flycatcher: Fairly common at KY & KK.
277. Hainan Blue Flycatcher: 1m at KY.
278. Hill Blue Flycatcher: 1f at KY.
279. Tickell's Blue Flycatcher: Several at LSH.
280. Blue-throated Flycatcher: 1m at LSH.
281. Siberian Blue Robin: Juveniles at KY & LSH.
282. Bluethroat: 1 at LPB.
283. Blue Whistlingthrush (caeruleus): 1 at military chekpoint, Khao Khieo rd, KY.
284. Mugimaki Flycatcher: 1m at KY.
285. Taiga Flycatcher: Common.
286. Blue Rockthrush (pandoo): 1 at KY.
287. White-throated Rockthrush: 1m at Pa Gluai Mai campsite, KY.
288. Eastern Stonechat: A few at PRF & LPB.
289. Blue-winged Leafbird: Several at KY & KK.
290. Thick-billed Flowerpecker: Singles at KY & KK.
291. Plain Flowerpecker: 1 at KY.
292. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker: A few at KY & KLC.
293. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird: 1m, 1f, near stream 2, KK.
294. Van Hasselt's Sunbird: A few near Haew Narok, KY.
295. Olive-backed Sunbird: Common.
296. Black-throated Sunbird: A few at KY.
297. Crimson Sunbird: 1m near Haew Narok, KY.
298. Little Spiderhunter: A few at KY.
299. Streaked Spiderhunter: A few at Km 30, KK.
300. House Sparrow: PRF & LPB.
301. Plain-backed Sparrow: WPN & LPB.
302. Eurasian Tree Sparrow: Common.
303. Asian Golden Weaver: PRF.
304. Streaked Weaver: PRF & LPB.
305. Baya Weaver: PRF.
306. Red Avadavat: 1m in flight, LPB.
307. Chestnut Munia: A few at LPB.
308. Forest Wagtail: 2 at KLC.
309. Eastern Yellow Wagtail: Several at PRF & LPB.
310. Grey Wagtail: Seen several times at both KY & KK.
311. White Wagtail (leucopsis): 1 at KLC.
312. Richard's Pipit: A few at LPB.
313. Paddyfield Pipit: A few at WKN.

Nick Upton can be contacted at

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More information on Laem Pak Bia/Pak Thale
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Black-and-yellow BroadbillDownload a full checklist of the birds of Thailand including all distinct subspecies that are potential splits for the future.

Malayan Banded PittaBird Watching Trips in Thailand - Tailor-made birding tours in Northern, Central & Southern Thailand for groups of all sizes.

Pallas's SandgrouseSaudi Arabia , 6-16th August 2025 - Arabian Golden Sparrow, Crab Plover, Arabian Woodpecker, Philby's Partridge, Yemen Thrush: £3700

Christmas Island Frigatebird Java, Sumatra & Bali, 11-27th September 2025 - Javan Banded Pitta, Large Frogmouth, Christmas Island Frigatebird, Bali Myna, White-faced Partridge: $7290

Blue-faced MalkohaSri Lanka, 19th Nov - 1st Dec 2025 - Serendib Scops Owl, Indian Pitta, Malabar Trogon, Spot-winged Thrush, Sri Lanka Blue Magpie, Pied Thrush: £3200

Steller's Sea EagleSouth Korea, 3-15th January 2026 - Steller's Sea Eagle, Relict Gull, Red-crowned Crane, White-naped Crane, Baikal Teal, Solitary Snipe, Asian Rosy Finch: £4050

Black-headed WoodpeckerCambodia, 12-26th March 2026 - Giant Ibis, Bar-bellied Pitta, Greater Adjutant, Mekong Wagtail, Cambodian Tailorbird, White-rumped Vulture: £4050

Bar-bellied PittaSouth Vietnam, 29th Mar - 9th Apr 2026 - Bar-bellied Pitta, Vietnamese Cutia, Collared Laughingthrush, Vietnamese Greenfinch, Blue-rumped Pitta: £3150







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