near Thatorn, 23rd Oct 2001 |
Watching Trips:
If you need help organizing a bird watching trip to Thailand,
take a look at the suggested itineraries for ideas on
creating a tailor-made trip and contact me for advice:
bird tours. |
Despite reports bemoaning the destruction of the rice paddies around
Thatorn, in Chiang Mai province, that in the past was so productive
for birds, I decided to take a walk around this area to see if it
was still a worthwhile birding location. Walking south over the bridge
in the village of TaTorn I took the second left towards the farmland.
At the end of this lane is an abandoned resort, beyond this is a series
of farm tracks, fields and ditches which one can wander around pretty
freely in search of birds. |
I stayed in the Thatorn
Garden Home Nature Resort; cheap air-conditioned rooms,
with private toilet and shower, and good food available.
Barred Buttonquail
Siberian Rubythroat
Eurasian Wryneck
Lesser Coucal
Common open-country birds proved to be numerous with Common
Iora, White Wagtail, Paddyfield Pipit
and Black-collared Starling all putting in regular appearances
throughout my walk. A short way along the track was a small
field with a number of infield trees which looked promising;
the ubiquitous Taiga Flycatcher was there and a gentle tail
flicker caught my attention: an Olive-backed Pipit. These distractions
set the stage for the most interesting birds so far to show
up; a pair of Asian Barred Owlets which were quite actively
attempting to hunt whilst being mobbed by a Black Drongo. |
there were quite a few birds to be seen, the reports that rice-growing
had been exchanged for fruit and vegetable crops were clearly true
and this would certainly influence the number and type of birds to
be seen here.
The trail along the river didn't appear too promising, veering away
into some dry vegetable fields, so I walked southwards away from the
river towards a series of reed-filled ditches. Eastern Stonechat,
Pied Bushchat and Grey-breasted Prinia did their best to entertain
me and it was whilst watching these that I heard an interesting call
in the undergrowth. After much short-focussing of my binoculars I
managed to get rather pathetic views of a Siberian Rubythroat; not
the best way to see a new bird, but still an interesting observation.
Having reached the reedy ditches I began to feel more optimistic about
finding something interesting as the habitat appeared more promising.
As expected I soon found both Dusky and Oriental
Reed Warblers as well as a whole load of more everyday species
such as Sooty-headed Bulbul and Spotted Dovel. The more I explored
the area, the more encouraged I was that there was still sufficient
habitat to make birding worthwhile; a few stubble fields survive,
a few small reedbeds and some open pools. In fact, the further south
I went from the river, the better the habitat became and with it some
more interesting birds revealed themselves - it may be that birders
have to explore further away from the river than before.
Continuing my walk a pair of Barred Buttonquail showed themselves
quite nicely on the edge of a stubble field, a species that is often
only seen as a brief glimpse, and flying out of a dead tree a Eurasian
Wryneck gave me a far more satisfying addition to my life-list than
the earlier Rubythroat. |
poking around the knotted vegetation that surrounded a few muddy
pools I managed to find a Common Greenshank, a Common Snipe
and a single
Green Sandpiper; a little disappointing as I was hoping
for Long-billed Plover, although in hindsight this species would
prefer exposed gravel on a river bed.
After quite a long walk south I came across a largish area of
reeds and water where an Intermediate Egret
was perched on a dead tree. However, by this time the
sun was becoming a bit too intense and bird activity had become
low, so I decided to turn around despite the fact that this
area of habitat looked very good. On the way back I continued
to add species to the day's list with the most notable being
an Oriental Skylark feeding on a farm track.
Retracing my steps I found I had wandered off the series of
trails and tracks and a couple of farmers got a little angry
with me. Apologies accepted sticking to the obvious byways caused
no problem and everyone I |
Trips To Northern Thailand:
Northern Thailand is a superb region for birding |
with lots of good birds at all times, although between
late November and late March is the best time for
seeing migrants alongside a large number of resident
Contact me to arrange a trip and/or to discuss the
best birdwatching options for you: |
encountered before
and after this incident was friendly. It is important to remember
that this area is all privately owned and birders should conduct themselves
in an appropriate fashion. |
quite a few interesting birds and some good habitat made me feel
like this walk hadn't been a waste of time, indeed, it was interesting
to get out into a habitat that isn't often visited in Thailand:
farmland. Despite the fact that this area has obviously suffered
a lot of habitat degradation over the years I feel it is still worth
a look, especially due to its geographical position; a good place
to find scarce birds or even a new species for Thailand. Certainly
it is still a nice place to have a walk and TaTorn has some nice
accomodation available and some decent places to eat; for me it
is always somewhere I stop on a visit to the north of Thailand,
due to its regular bus service from Chiang Mai, as it is a pleasant
and quiet place to relax for someone who lives in busy Bangkok.
For birders wishing to find scarce species such as Buntings and
Bush Warblers investigating areas a kliometre or so south from the
river could be rewarding as there is still rice agriculture and
lots of weedy ditches to search in.
Upton ( |
seen at TaTorn |
Chinese Pond Heron
2. Intermediate Egret
3. Black-shouldered Kite
4. Shikra
5. Barred Buttonquail
6. White Breasted Waterhen
7. Common Greenshank
8. Green Sandpiper
9. Common Snipe
10. Rock Pigeon
11. Spotted Dove
12. Greater Coucal
13. Lesser Coucal
14. Asian Barred Owlet
15. Common Kingfisher
16. White-throated Kingfisher
17. Indian Roller
18. Eurasian Wryneck
19. House Swift
20. Barn Swallow
21. Oriental Skylark
22. Richard's Pipit
23. Paddyfield Pipit
24. Olive-backed Pipit
25. White Wagtail
26. Grey Wagtail |
Common Iora
28. Red-whiskered Bulbul
29. Sooty-headed Bulbul
30. Black Drongo
31. Dusky Warbler
32. Yellow-browed Warbler
33. Oriental Reed Warbler
34. Zitting Cisticola
35. Grey-breasted Prinia
36. Plain Prinia
37. Common Tailorbird
38. Siberian Rubythroat
39. Oriental Magpie Robin
40. Eastern Stonechat
41. Pied Bushchat
42. Taiga Flycatcher
43. Brown Shrike
44. Long-tailed Shrike
45. Chestnut-tailed Starling
46. Black-collared Starling
47. Common Myna
48. White-vented Myna
49. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
50. White-rumped Munia
51. Scaly-breasted Munia |
Upton can be contacted at |
More information
on Thatorn Riverside
& Rice Fields |
More information
on birdwatching locations in the North
of Thailand. |
you are interested in arranging a bird watching tour you can see some
suggested itineraries here - Birdwatching
Trips - and you can contact me at the above email address to discuss
the best options. |