by Nick Upton
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Doi Ang Kang
(Updated 06/05/19)

Doi Ang Kang

Scenery at Doi Ang Kang
(Photo by Nick Upton)

Doi Ang Kang, in Chiang Mai province, is an area on the border with Myanmar (Burma) consisting of a number of peaks and steep ridges that, although largely deforested farmland, contain a lot of scrubby vegetation and forest patches which provide enough habitat to house a good number of interesting bird species, many of which are found in few other parts of the country.

One of the delights of Doi Ang Kang is that the scenery is some of the most spectacular in the country and there is often cooler weather than in the lowlands, together with some tasty fresh food. This region is a very relaxing place to visit with plenty of opportunities for walking and birding in the surrounding countryside, although one must be prepared for some steep hikes. A number of small hill tribe villages are dotted around the region as are a few Thai military outposts which occasionally get involved in cross-border disagreements with nearby Burmese military installations, which resemble fortifications from a bygone age.

Birding in this region can is usually rewarding and at the right time of year (December to March) there can be many migrant species that are found at few other places in Thailand and there are some local specialities which are present all year round with some of those being easier to find in the wet season.

Birding Highlights
Crested Finchbill

Crested Finchbill
(Photo by Nick Upton)

A number of bird species that are seen at few other sites are specialities of Doi Ang Kang. Crested Finchbill is seen by most visitors, but at certain times of the year it can be surprisingly difficult to find due to its nomadic nature. Red-faced Liocichla is another treat but again it can be quite tricky to see as it skulks in scrubby undergrowth, but once it shows its striking red face this species can be spotted at quite a distance. Another bird lurking in the undergrowth is Spot-throated Babbler which is seen by only a few, but listen out for its surprisingly rich song and it can be tracked down. White-browed Laughingthrush and Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler are fairly reliable resident species which can be found in any scrubby growth.

Lots of other northern specialities occur here and in some "winters" plenty of Thrushes (Black-breasted, Eyebrowed, Grey-sided, White's and Scaly are normally reported) and other winter migrants are seen, however, in many years there are very few. A good number of flycatchers frequent this site with Rufous-gorgetted, Ultramarine, Sapphire and Slaty-backed Flycatchers all being seen in small numbers most years and others such as White-gorgetted and Hill Blue Flycatchers are resident.

A couple of really scarce species continue to be reported from Doi Ang Kang; quite surprisingly Hume's Pheasant and Giant Nuthatch both persist, they should be searched for in the drier forest remnants. Red-tailed and Spot-bellied Laughingthrush are two more resident species seen by a patient and very lucky few.

Daurian Redstart

Daurian Redstart
(Photo by Nick Upton)

Parrotbills are quite an elusive group of birds in Thailand but a good proportion of birders manage to find at least one species at Doi Ang Kang; Spot-breasted Parrotbill is the most often seen but Grey-headed Parrotbill can sometimes be found in drier forest while Pale-billed (Lesser Rufous-headed) Parrotbill and Grey-breasted (Black-throated) Parrotbill can also be found but are very scarce.

This being one of the most northerly outposts in Thailand there is quite a range of Phylloscopus warblers to be seen, but not necessarily identified! Buff-throated Warbler is one of the more readily identified of these and is quite an attractive character - usually to be found in grassland and scrub. Pallas's Leaf Warbler, Chinese Leaf Warbler and Hume's Warbler can all be found here but are quite uncommon. With many of these leaf warblers being split further and many birds in northern Thailand being in very worn plumage, often the only way to identify many of these confidently is by call. Bush Warblers also occur at Doi Ang Kang, but are so skulking that it is very hard to see them; Aberrant, Russet, Manchurian and Pale-legged Bush Warblers have all been recorded at Doi Ang Kang.

A checklist of the birds for this location can be found here - Doi Ang Kang

Bird Watching Trips:
If you need help organizing a bird watching trip to Thailand, take a look at the suggested itineraries for ideas on creating a tailor-made trip and contact me for advice: Thailand bird tours.
Travel Information 

Use the interactive map below to plan your route to Doi Ang Kang. The blue line shows the route from Chiang Mai (Blue Pin) to the vilage of Ban Khoom at Doi Ang Kang (Red Pin).

Finding Doi Ang Kang is reasonably easy, although transport can be a bit of a problem. The best option is to hire a vehicle in Chiang Mai and drive, that way one is fee to go birding on the roads and ridges of Doi Ang Kang thoroughly. If coming from Chiang Mai drive north on Route 107 heading towards Chiang Dao. At Chiang Dao go around the bypass, do not enter the village, and very shortly after the bypass rejoins Route 107 there is a junction with some traffic lights; turn left here where Doi Ang Kang is signposted. After this simply follow the road with infrequent signs to Doi Ang Kang resort. This journey will take a few hours, but the road goes through some nice scenery and there are a number of excellent birding stops once the road has climbed up to higher altitude. Eventually the road comes to a dead end in the village of Ban Khoom.

If coming from the nort,h take a right hand south of the town of Fang at Km 137 where Doi Ang Kang is signposted. The road climbs quite steeply before eventually reaching an army checkpoint, continue to the village of Ban Khoom. Although this is a remote area it is quite easy to find as there are signposts for the Ang Kang Nature Resort and there is a King's project at Ban Khoom which is quite well-known.

For those without their own transport it is still possible to get to Doi Ang Kang. Take the Chiang Mai - Thatorn bus from Chiang Peuk bus station in Chiang Mai and get off at Km 137 where there is a large sign for the Ang Kang Nature Resort: wait for a songtaew to Ban Khoom here. I have never tried this myself but I believe the songtaews are reasonably frequent, but it would be a good idea not to rely on this songtaew late in the afternoon. If one does get stranded here there are a few small guesthouses in Fang. Once in Ban Khoom a lot of walking will be required for the best birding, although it is probably possible to arrange transport to the trails with the locals.

Finding Birds

Finding birds at Doi Ang Kang can be difficult at times, however, with a good number of regular stakeouts and lots of places to stop along the road and a few trails to walk, there are lots of birding options so if one isn't working out for you, try another spot; often birdwatchers need to be very patient and persistent at this location, particularly in the afternoon.

Farmland Trail: Although not one of the best trails in terms of bird diversity, this one can be used at times when the cloud is locked in higher up, making visibility poor; at these times many of the flocking birds descend into the valley. There are still patches of forest along here and in the past I have seen a number of good birds. White-browed Laughingthrush is numerous and regularly found along here and Common Rosefinch and Chestnut Bunting can be seen too. In shady glades White-gorgetted Flycatcher often occurs and raptors can often be observed flying along the valley; Common and Oriental Honey Buzzards are frequently seen. A number of trees with small flowers attract flowerpeckers and sunbirds with Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker and Mrs Gould's Sunbird notable highlights. White-browed and Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babblers are reliable on this trail and it is one of the best places on Doi Ang Kang to find Russet Bush Warbler which has a very distinctive song. This trail seems to ramble on for miles for those who like to explore.

Mae Per Forest Trail: This trail starts with a sealed road towards some lodges where school parties seem to stay and camping is possible. At the back of these lodges a good birding tail begins with some of the most intact forest on the mountain - it is worth walking along here a number of times in order to find some of the best species.

Mae Per Forest Trail

Mountain Bulbul
Mountain Bulbul


Silver-eared Mesia
Silver-eared Mesia

Scarlet-faced Liocichla
Scarlet-faced Liocichla


Blue-winged Minla
Blue-winged Minla

(Photos by Nick Upton)

The best time to be birding along this trail is just as the morning sun hits the treetops, which is actually some time after first light due to the steep ridges blocking the early morning sun. Parties of small flocking birds can be frequent with Grey-cheeked Fulvetta, Blue-winged Minla, Golden Babbler, Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo, Yellow-cheeked Tit, Mountain Bulbul, Ashy Bulbul and Silver-eared Mesia being just a few of the commonly seen species and sometimes there is a surprise with them, perhaps Long-tailed Broadbill or Clicking Shrike-babbler.

A few farmed patches along here and scrubby vegetation around them can attract Chestnut Bunting and Common Rosefinch as well as Spectacled Barwing and if flowers are seeding then small numbers of Crested Finchbill may be encountered. These areas provide breaks in what can otherwise be thick forest so it is worth waiting in these patches for birds to come along as they are where the best views can be obtained.

In the shadier areas along the stream and gullies a number of good birds can be found with some effort; Mountain Tailorbird is common, Small Niltava, White-gorgetted Flycatcher and perhaps Chestnut-headed Tesia. Rusty-naped Pitta and Pygmy Wren Babbler also occur but finding them will probably take a huge effort. Other really good birds I have seen along here include Spot-breasted Parrotbill, Pale-billed (Lesser Rufous-headed) Parrotbill (very rare) and Grey-breasted (black-throated) Parrotbill as well as Scarlet-faced Liocichla. While it is never an easy bird to locate birding along this trail may give the best chance to see Spot-throated Babbler which may be heard singing its sweet song in the breeding season and when it is wet White-crowned Forktail is remarkably easy to see as it forages on the trail.

The patch of pine trees at the car park area can also be worth birding in with species like Slender-billed and Marion Orioles, Japanese Tit, Streak-breasted Woodpecker all regular and a number of other small birds such as Chestnut-vented Nuthatch are frequent here. In the "winter" months it is always worth checking in the rubbish in the gulley behind the main building where I have seen Black-breasted and White's Thrush in the past.

This area is also a good choice if you like night birding with regular sightings of Brown Wood Owl and Collared Scops Owl. Mountain Scops Owl and Hodgson's Frogmouth can sometimes be heard although finding them is a real challenge but seeing Grey Nightjar hunting at dusk is more likely and I once saw a Eurasian Woodcock roding here - the only record of possible breeding in Thailand that I am aware of. In March-April the fireflies here are one of the most spectacular natural events that I have ever seen.

King's Project : These gardens and farm plots are part of a project initiated by King Bumiphol to take villagers away from opium production and towards cash crop production. Although the farmed areas are subject to intense pesticide use the unmanaged parts of the property and fruit trees attract some good birds and this is a good place for birding if the weather higher up is poor as birds often get pushed down into this little valley.

Black-breasted Thrush
Black-breasted Thrush


Hill Blue Flycatcher
Hill Blue Flycatcher

Rusty-naped Pitta
Rusty-naped Pitta


Streaked Wren Babbler
Streaked Wren Babbler

(Photos by Nick Upton)

When trees are flowering here it is a great place to find White-headed Bulbul; the best time for this species tends to be between November and early January. Red-whiskered, Mountain and Ashy Bulbuls are also often attracted to these trees and the large trees with red flowers near the restaurant seem to also lure in Streak-breasted Woodpecker, Maroon Oriole. Slender-billed Oriole and Hair-crested Drongo.

Small flowering bushes in the garden are a magnet for Black-throated Sunbird and Olive-backed Pipit is frequently seen foraging on the ground between trees. Behind the restaurant is a shady area surrounded by rocks where Black-breasted Thrushes often feed on scraps from leftover meals. Sometimes other thrushes winter here too with Scaly Thrush in most years and Blue Whistlingthrush a resident.

Another excellent stakeout is behind the bamboo farm where photographers and birders lure in birds with mealworms; please be unobtrusive here and respect others, also do not overfeed the birds or the next people to visit will have a long wait. Black-breasted Thrush, White-tailed Robin, Hill Blue Flycatcher and Rufous-bellied Niltava are usually here and can be joined by others - Streaked Wren Babbler, Japanese Thrush, Rusty-naped Pitta and others have been seen.

Ban Nor Lae Army Camp: Unlikely as it may seem the army welcome visitors to the small camp in the hilltribe village of Nor Lae; just drive up to the barrier at the base of the steep slope up to the camp and the sentry will open it for you and birders can park at the top of the slope just before a second barrier. The camp is small but it overlooks some nice habitat on the Myanmar side of the border and there are plenty of bushes and shrubs in the camp which host a few interesting species. Please do remember that although visitors are welcome this is sill a working military outpost so one should respect the signs which state that certain areas are out of bounds.

The small flowering bushes that encircle the lawn of the camp always seem to attract small numbers of White-eyes which should be studied closely as Oriental, Japanese and Chestnut-flanked can occur. A resident group of Eurasian Tree Sparrows live here but the flocks are worth checking as I once saw Russet Sparrow here and there are single records of Brambling and Chaffinch too. The small bushes also host Yellow-browed Warbler and both Olive-backed and Purple Sunbird - an unusually high altitude for this latter species.

Grey Bushchat
Grey Bushchat


Yellow-streaked Warbler
Yellow-streaked Warbler

Buff-throated Warbler
Buff-throated Warbler


Chestnut-flanked White-eye
Chestnut-flanked White-eye

(Photos by Nick Upton)

In the "winter" months this camp usually plays host to a few Daurian Redstarts, the males of which are really beautiful. This species can be quite skulking here but often their quivering tail movement will give them away in the thick vegetation.

In the long grassy areas in no-man's-land both Buff-throated and Yellow-streaked Warblers commonly occur as migrants and often Siberian Rubythroats can be heard calling from within this dense vegetation too, although seeing them can be tough. Grey Bushchat, Sooty-headed Bulbul and Long-tailed Shrike will certainly be seen in no-man's-land and are likely to be the first birds on visitor's "Myanmar list". The viewpoint shelter is a good place to just stand and look at the strange border situation where military camps resemble something from medieval times and spending some time looking out here can turn up some interesting surprises; I have seen Spot-breasted Parrotbill, Large Hawk Cuckoo, White-browed Laughingthrush while staring into Myanmar.

In the late afternoon this can be a good place to view large numbers of Cook's Swift as they gather before roosting; a close look may reveal Pacific Swift with them and other species such as Asian House Martin.

Trails in Pines & Fields : An obvious dirt track runs from the road close to the village of Ban Nor Lae, right next to a small shelter. There are always Olive-backed Pipits here and there is a small trail running through the forest here which is worth exploring. I have seen White-tailed Robin, Speckled Piculet, Silver-eared Mesia and Daurian Redstart here while Hume's Leaf Warbler can be found in the pines. I have not followed the trail far so it is more or less uncharted territory.

Ban Luang Resort : These lodges are situated in a limestone sink hole and are owned by a local man, Khun Tawatchai, who runs his property in a way sympathetic to birds with several bird feeding areas which make it a good area for birding in as well as a nice place to stay.

White-capped Water RedstartBird Watching Tours To Doi Ang Kang: If you are visiting northern Thailand then Doi Ang Kang is an excellent location, coupled with a visit to Doi Inthanon and/or Doi Lang.

At any time of year a good selection of colourful birds can be seen and in the dry season a whole range of migrants visit this location.

Contact me to arrange a birding trip and/or to discuss the best bird watching options for you:

A small waterfall at the rear of the property is an excellent place to see White-capped Water Redstart (River Chat) between mid-November and late March as it emerges to feed on mealworms supplied by Khun Tawatchai. Other birds that also join it include Rufous-bellied Niltava, Black-breasted Thrush and Hill Blue Flycatcher and sometimes other species may make benefit of this food.

In the stream itself White Wagtail and Grey Wagtail are common visitors and another feeding station close to the stream is reliable for several species of Bulbul, Grey Bushchat and, in cold weather, several species of Thrush including Grey-winged Blackbird, Black-breasted Thrush and Grey-sided Thrush.

Around the gardens species such as Oriental Magpie Robin, Taiga Flycatcher and White Wagtail are frequent while a little bit of searching should also reveal Blue Whistlingthrush and Long-tailed Shrike. If trees have flowers or fruit on them some nice birds will visit to feed on them including Crested Finchbill and White-headed Bulbul which makes quite a picture as it feeds on pink cherry blossom. Towards the end of the dry season, when things get hot Black-headed Greenfinch may come to drink in the stream, perching atop fruit trees before coming down to the water. A little before dusk this is also a good place to look up and observe large numbers of Striated Swallows.

Km 21 Trail & Firebreak Trail : This trail, along with the offshoot to the firebreak and to the summit of Doi Ang Kang, has long been a favourite with birders and for good reason as the habitat supports a wide range of species. However, over the years it has become overgrown meaning that actually seeing the birds along here is not easy, particularly if you are in a group; this is definitely an area where individuals and very small groups will do best.

Grey-cheeked Fulvetta
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta


Spot-breasted Parrotbill
Spot-breasted Parrotbill

Lesser Shortwing
Lesser Shortwing


Rufous-throated Partridge
Rufous-throated Partridge

(Photos by Nick Upton)

There are frequently lots of flocking birds in this area which are often revealed by the call of Grey-cheeked Fulvetta. Many species will follow including Silver-eared Mesia, Golden Babbler, Yellow-cheeked Tit and Bianchi's Warbler often joins them here, listen out for its distinctive call to clinch its identification from other Seicercus warblers.

The undergrowth is thick here and some skulking species can be found with some patience and a little luck. White-gorgetted Flycatcher can often be heard singing here but seeing it can be really hard while Lesser Shortwing can be impossible until the wet season when it struts around on the trail. In most "winters' a Chestnut-headed Tesia holds a territory in this area and Pygmy Wren Babbler can usually be heard singing its distinctive "three blind mice" song. Other secretive birds I have seen along here include Rufous-throated Partridge and Pale-footed Bush Warbler and a very lucky few have managed to glimpse Spot-breasted Laughingthrush - if you manage to repeat that feat then buy a lottery ticket because your luck is blessed.

Other good birds that can be found here with patience include White-necked Laughingthrush, Speckled Piculet, Scarlet-faced Liocichla and this is where I saw my first Spot-breasted Parrotbill. In the rainy season birders have a good chance of finding Green Cochoa here and Lesser Cuckoo can usually be heard calling, one of the few sites in Thailand for this species.

Firebreak Trail : A fairly wide, but steep, firebreak offers a chance to see birds out in the open as they feed and cross the trail. Species such as Mountain Bamboo Partridge, White-browed Laughingthrush, Gould's Sunbird and Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush can be found along here and the views from the top of the ridge are excellent; this trail is ridiculously steep though so if you have any mobility issues do not attempt to walk up it.

Heading uphill in the opposite direction from this trail is another steep trail to the summit of Doi Ang Kang. Some good birding can be had along the first few hundred metres with good views over some open habitat where Crested Finchbill is often seen.

Army Camp & Campsite : These areas and forest along the road can be very birdy at times and it is possible to see most of the commoner birds of the mountain here quite quickly. In the pine trees here large numbers of Leaf Warblers occur including Hume's, Yellow-browed, Buff-barred and Greenish Warblers while Chestnut-vented Nuthatch, Japanese Tit and Blyth's Shrike-babbler are never far away. Several species of Flycatcher often occur here too although they seldom make themselves obvious so take some time to look for Little Pied Flycatcher, Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher, Slaty-backed Flycatcher and perhaps other species. In previous years a couple of Chestnut-bellied Rockthrushes occupied the pines too but with clearing of many of the pine trees and concreting of much of the copse for a visitor centre a shy bird like this is likely to find somewhere else to go.

In the more open habitats which are overlooked by the camps skulking resident species include White-browed Laughingthrush, Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler and Hill Prinia but in the "winter" Buff-throated Warbler, Aberrant Bush Warbler, Grey-crowned Warbler and Chestnut Bunting are usually hiding in the long grass too. Some of the most sought-after birds of the north may be found here by lucky birders with Grey-headed Parrotbill and Scarlet-faced Liocichla always possible as well as Spectacled Barwing and Spot-breasted Parrotbill. It is also a good place for Shrikes with Long-tailed Shrike resident here while Brown Shrike and Grey-backed Shrike are regular migrants; be careful not to misidentify lucionensis Brown Shrikes as Grey-backed Shrikes!

A number of trees along the road produce flowers and fruits and these attract a lot of species to feed upon them. Mrs Gould's Sunbird is best observed under these conditions and Mountain Bulbul, Striated Bulbul, Ashy Bulbul and Fire-breasted Flowerpeckers are likely to join them.

Chinese Cemetery, Fields & Dump : This open area has some disused farmland and orchards on the West side of the road and a few Chinese tombs on the East side, hidden among the scrubby vegetation. This is by far the best site to see Brown-breasted Bulbul, a species with a very restricted range within Thailand, but easy to observe here alongside Sooty-headed and Red-whiskered Bulbuls.

Chinese Cemetery

Japanese Tit
Japanese Tit


Brown-breasted Bulbul
Brown-breasted Bulbul

White-browed Laughingthrush
White-browed Laughingthrush


Flavescent Bulbul
Flavescent Bulbul

(Photos by Nick Upton)

The open nature of this spot makes it excellent for observing large flocks of Cook's Swift and usually Fork-tailed Swift; Asian House Martins also often take advantage of the skies here too. However, birding this area can be quite difficult at times although there are some good species that are always present including White-browed Laughingthrush, Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler, Hill Prinia and Siberian Rubythroat.

The undergrowth here undoubtedly holds some interesting birds but it takes a bit of work to find them. Yellow-streaked and Buff-throated Warblers are usually present as migrants and this is one place where Aberrant Bush Warbler is at its most common, just listen for its strange, harsh "pishing" call. Other species in the undergrowth here include Yellow-eyed Babbler, Hill Prinia and Rufous-fronted Babbler but there is also the chance of something rarer - Russet Bush Warbler should occur at this spot and in November I have noticed Manchurian Bush Warbler perhaps on passage as I have never seen it in any other month.

In the overgrown orchard here Olive-backed Pipits usually forage on the ground and it is likely that birders can also find Little Bunting feeding with them. The trees attract many Bulbuls when they are fruiting and Mrs Gould's Sunbird feeds on the blossom when they are in flower. Long-tailed Shrike is resident here as is the przewalski subspecies of Eastern Stonechat both of which are easily observed.

A short track leads to a smelly dump and of course this can attract a few birds to feed on scraps particularly during migratory periods when birds need food. I have seen Eyebrowed Thrushes feeding here and it is a good spot to see White-browed Laughingthrush in the open. The adjacent open woodland plays host to Japanese Tit and White-throated Fantail as well as a few flycatchers including Little Pied and Hill Blue Flycatchers.

This area has lots of low trees which make it a good spot to study difficult Phylloscopus warblers and it is a good spot to look for Chinese Leaf Warbler, Pallas's Leaf Warbler among the much commoner Davison's and Yellow-browed Leaf Warblers.

Ban Arunothai Road: The road heading from the Chinese cemetery south towards Ban Arunothai passes through lots of good habitat and birding spots which can be visited as one either enters Doi Ang Kang or leaves. Just 500m to 1km south of the cemetery is some pine forest where a few pairs of Mrs Hume's Pheasant persist although seeing them is extremely tough; at Km 31 the road is extremely steep and mature pines remaining here are the habitat of Giant Nuthatch, Slender-billed Oriole and Hume's Leaf Warbler; Km 25 is an excellent place to stop in the early morning for White-browed Scimitar Babbler, Crested Finchbill, Grey Treepie, White-browed Shrike Babbler, Striated Bulbul and many more birds typical of the habitat, sometimes Grey-headed Parrotbill puts in an appearance here.


Doi Ang Kang used to have a lot of accommodation options but in late 2018 they were all closed down for an undisclosed reason. My favourite place to stay, Ban Luang Resort, was a casualty of this order as was every other hotel/guesthouse in the area. Conversations with locals indicate that there will be no change in the foreseeable future and they will remain closed. Currently the only place to stay on site in the army campsite which has a toilet/shower block and some small restaurants that open early in the morning. It may be surprising to learn that even the luxurious Ang Kang Nature Resort has been closed down and demolished!

With this development the most convenient place to stay and visit Doi Ang Kang is in the town of Fang. There are lots of places to choose from in this town with Tangerine Ville Hotel and Sleeping Tree Hotel being my two personal favourites, both offering comfortable rooms. Fang has a full range of facililites including a hospital, banks and supermarket.

Ban Khoom, Doi Ang Kang

Ban Khoom
(Photo by Nick Upton)

In the village some very good local food is available, both of my favourite restaurants are in the street behind the buildings one sees when approaching the village. These two places are both run by enthusiastic guys who produce a mixture of Yunnan and Thai cuisine with menus with photos/English script. Just to reiterate, although there used to be plenty of accommodation in the village, it has all been shut down.

The small shops in the village sell just about everything including excellent one-size-fits-all gloves and emergency raincoats if the rain sets in unexpectedly as it sometimes does here. All the shops sell souvenirs and a speciality of this village is dried fruit grown in the King's project, which is sold in virtually every shop - it is very sweet and delicious.

Local fruit wine is also sold in most shops for 100 baht per bottle; if you choose to try it, it will certainly be one of the most memorable experiences of your trip! The market has an ATM machine these days which takes overseas bank cards so that you have some cash to spend - try the fresh ginger tea and almonds baked in butter, both are delicious.

Some Useful Books

This lovely book covers all of the thrushes in the world and is a useful reference for anyone hoping to see some migratory thrush species in northern Thailand. Beautiful plates by Ren Hathaway are accompanied by insightful and extensive species accounts.

Birds of Thailand Birds of Thailand
This field guide has set new standards in identifying birds in the wild in Thailand. With the most up-to-date taxonomy of any publication this is the book you need if you are birdwatching in Thailand. Forget all of the older guides and buy this one.

Other Related Pages

Doi Ang Kang Bird Checklist

Birdwatching Tours

Destruction of Giant Nuthatch Nesting Habitat at Doi Ang Kang

Other Northern Thailand Birding Locations

Trip Reports

3 Days Doi Ang Kang & Doi Lang, 26-29th December 2009 - by Nick Upton

Rainy Season Birding Tour of Thailand, 1st-14th July 2009 - by Nick Upton>

In Search of 4 Target Species in the North, 28-29th July 2008 - by Nick Upton

Wet Season Tour of Thailand, 17-25th July 2008 - by Nick Upton

Northern Thailand, 14-19th February 2007 - by Peter Ericsson

Thailand Tour, 10-24th January 2007 - by K. David Bishop

Doi Ang Kang, 30th May-1st June 2006 - by Dominic Le Croissette

Northern Thailand, 6-13th October 2004 - by Peter Ericsson

Mae Fang, Doi Ang Kang & Golden Triangle, 14-22nd March 2004 - by Peter Ericsson

Doi Angkhang and Doi Inthanon, 3-5th November 2002 - by Peter Ericsson

Doi Angkhang, 2nd March 2002 - by Peter Ericsson

Black-breasted Thrush Bird Watching Trips:
Doi Ang Kang is an excellent site and almost a must-visit location on bird watching trips to the north of Thailand. It is worth including a visit to Doi Ang Kang in short trips to the north and on longer tours.

Look at some itinerary ideas, Thailand bird tours, or contact me for information:
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Photo Galleries

Select the thumbnail photos to see larger images.

Around Doi Ang Kang

Ban Nor Lae army camp
View into Myanmar
Sea of fog, Doi Ang Kang
Sea of Fog
Doi Ang Kang hilltribe village
Hilltribe Village
Doi Ang Kang view
Giant Nuthatch Tree
Doi Ang Kang road
The Road to Fang

Butterflies at Doi Ang Kang

Red Lacewing
Red Lacewing
Common Jester
Common Jester
Golden Sapphire
Golden Sapphire
Common Fivering
Common Fivering
White-banded Hedge Blue
White-banded Hedge Blue
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Christmas Island Frigatebird Java, Sumatra & Bali, 11-27th September 2025 - Javan Banded Pitta, Large Frogmouth, Christmas Island Frigatebird, Bali Myna, White-faced Partridge: $7290

Blue-faced MalkohaSri Lanka, 20th Nov - 2nd Dec 2025 - Serendib Scops Owl, Indian Pitta, Malabar Trogon, Spot-winged Thrush, Sri Lanka Blue Magpie, Pied Thrush: £3675

Steller's Sea EagleSouth Korea, 3-15th January 2026 - Steller's Sea Eagle, Relict Gull, Red-crowned Crane, White-naped Crane, Baikal Teal, Solitary Snipe, Asian Rosy Finch: £3950







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