Days Doi Ang Kang & Doi Lang, 26th-29th December 2009 |
If you need help organizing a bird watching trip to Thailand,
take a look at the suggested itineraries for ideas on
creating a tailor-made trip and contact me for advice:
bird tours. |
Last time David Scott and I were out together he asked
me about the possibility of a short trip to northern Thailand, particularly
in relation to Doi Lang, a site he had never visited before. With
only a few days available, I decided that by combining some time at
Doi Ang Kang with nearby Doi Lang we could maximise the number of
interesting species, particularly migrants, and enjoy some very lovely
scenery. |
We used a Toyota Fortuner from Hertz, collected from Chiang
Mai airport on arrival from Bangkok. This is a very comfortable
vehicle but this automatic, petrol version lacked power for
overtaking and laboured up hills because of this and what appeared
to be badly configured gear ratios. In additio,n this vehicle
doesn't hold the road as well as it might and was extraordinarily
fuel inefficient. On a recent trip to the same locations the
fuel bill for a diesel Toyota Vigo was half what it was using
this Fortuner. However, it is a robust vehicle and dealt with
the potholed road up Doi Lang very well, if a little slowly.
Travel to Chiang Mai
We flew Thai
Airways who recently have come in for a lot of criticism
for their poor service, corrupt practices and shabby planes;
whilst the service was efficient and hassle-free, the plane
was pretty old and tatty and the air-conditioning didn't seem
to work very well and the heat combined with turbulence on our
descent to make me rather dizzy and nauseous - I was very pleased
to land! My flights with Air
Asia have been far more pleasant and I will use them in
future rather than Thai. |
At Mae Rim we stayed at the luxurious Sukantara
Cascade Resort and Spa.
At Doi Ang Kang we stayed at the Ang
Kang Nature Resort.
At Thatorn we stayed at Thatorn Chalet (currently closed and for sale). |
One of the great things about travelling in Thailand is the abundance
of excellent food at cheap prices. However, early starts in remote
places can cause a few problems in terms of finding food.
At Sukantara the food was excellent as one would expect of such a
place, and far more reasonably priced than I thought it would be (although
accommodation is expensive). A packed breakfast was prepared for us
to take on our way.
At Doi Ang Kang restaurants in the village of Ban Khoom don't open
until about 7am so breakfast can be a problem. However, a breakfast
buffet was served at 6.30am at the Ang Kang Nature Resort. Decent
food can be had at any of the restaurants at Ban Khoom and really
good food can be found at the restaurant in the King's Project or
the Ang Kang Nature Resort.
There are no facilities at all at Doi Lang so breakfast
was taken in packed form from the hotel as was a packed lunch of sandwiches.
The food in the restaurant of Thatorn Chalet is good and they also
serve passable western food for those who are tired of rice and noodles.
There are lots of other places to find good food in Thatorn and roti
pancakes sold from a food stall near the bridge are really nice and
cheap. |
on Finding Birds
Although there were good birds to be found at both Doi Lang and Doi
Ang Kang, generally things were pretty quiet. Bird waves were few
and far between and many birds which are fairly common residents were
hard to find. Some target birds were also missed due to noise and
disturbance from the large number of people present at the sites over
this holiday period. The lack of flocking species is difficult to
explain but it is possible that the cold weather had made them flee
somewhere warmer or that the superabundance of fruit, seeds and flowers
meant that finding food was easy and that birds were not forced into
much activity.
On the other hand a good number of winter visitors were present and
with patience and skill they could be tracked down. On Doi Lang a
group of Thai photographers had set up camp at the checkpoint and
were feeding birds at certain places. If you see them, don't be shy
to ask them what is about as they are friendly and most speak some
English and are a good source of information. |
At this time of year very few birds are calling and even fewer respond
to call playback making species that dwell on the forest floor or
spend large periods of the day in inactivity, very hard or impossible
to find.
Winter migrants, obviously do not sing at this time of the year but
do often call aiding in their finding and, in the case of Phylloscopus
and Seicercus warblers, their identification.
Bird calls used were from The
Birds of Tropical Asia and a few calls downloaded from Xena
Canto. |
1. A Field Guide
to the Birds of Thailand by Craig Robson
2. Guide to the Birds
of Thailand by Philip D. Round & Boonsong Lekagul
3. A
Guide to the Large Mammals of Thailand
by John Parr. |
Ang Kang: Giant Nuthatch,
Scarlet-faced Liocichla, Chestnut-headed Tesia, Black-breasted Thrush,
Black-headed Greenfinch, Dark-sided Thrush, Grey-winged Blackbird,
Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler, Chestnut Bunting, Rufous-gorgetted
Flycatcher, Slaty-blue Flycatcher, Spectacled Barwing.
Lang: Black-throated Tit,
Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher, Black-eared Shrike-babbler, Chestnut
Thrush, Fire-tailed Sunbird, Eyebrowed Thrush, Scarlet-faced Liocichla,
Himalayan Bluetail, Long-tailed Sibia, Spectacled Barwing. |
26th December: I met David at Suvarnabhumi (pronounced
Soo war na poom) airport where we checked in and boarded our flight.
After collecting our vehicle we headed to Sukantara Resort on the
mae Rim road a little north of Chiang Mai. The resort is in the foothills
of Doi Pui and we found a little time before dusk to go uphill and
locate a Slaty-backed Forktail at a small waterfall and a Verditer
Flycatcher. Further uphill we spotted a few Common Rosefinches and
Olive-backed Pipits on a dead tree, gathering to roost with hundreds
of Asian House Martins wheeling around us. This area had some interesting
habitat and might have some good birds for those who investigated
At the rather luxurious Sukantara
Cascade Resort and Spa we had a good dinner overlooking
a floodlit waterfall where a Blue Whistling Thrush (eugenei)
was taking advantage of the extra light to feed in the water at 9.30pm!
27th December: Leaving at 5.30am we headed towards
Doi Ang Kang using the road through Ban Arunothai which starts with
a left from the northern end of the Chiang Dao bypass. As we approached
Ban Arunothai I spotted a raptor in a tall tree that turned out to
be a Rufous-winged Buzzard; as we were watching another flew by. This
area of open country with scattered large trees, before and after
Ban Arunothai is a good place to look for Rufous-winged Buzzard; I
have seen it here on a number of occasions in the mornings but not
so often later in the day.
The drive is a pleasant one and we made a couple of brief stops to
take in the view before arriving at a good spot for Hume's Pheasant.
Until very recently this had a kilometre marker numbered Km 34; however,
it has now been renumbered as Km 41. Unfortunately, this is a very
busy time of year in Thailand and large numbers of people were gathering
at Doi Ang Kang for the New Year period which is a big holiday in
Thailand and the volume of traffic was such that any Hume's Pheasants
wandering around close to the road would have been scared away. We
decided to return the next day much earlier.
Nearby at the Chinese Cemetery large numbers of Brown-breasted Bulbuls
were feeding in flowering trees and a short walk along the road along
a sunny ridge allowed me to hear a Slaty-blue Flycatcher in the undergrowth
which we managed to get a few brief but clear views of; a nice male
cocking its tail.
Our next stop was along at Km 21. Time spent here always seems to
turn up some good birds and we very quickly called in a Chestnut-headed
Tesia. Unfortunately, it didn't show itself very well and we had to
be happy with a few glimpses. Whilst it responded to call playback
we didn't want to disturb the bird too much and left. Further along
the trail a lot of activity in the form of Rufous-backed and Dark-backed
Sibias feeding in a fruiting tree made us stop and we also got fine
views of a Spectacled Barwing. The trail has a sort of cross roads
and we elected to go up a steep firebreak which had a lot of bird
activity along it. Firstly we saw some Common Rosefinches and then
a female Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher moving rather slowly low in a
tree; this is a species I don't see too often. The views from the
ridge top are excellent and with such great weather it was a very
pleasant place to stop. It was also a place to see 2 Chestnut Buntings,
several Chestnut-vented Nuthatches, a distant view of 2 Striated Bulbuls
and some Fork-tailed (Pacific) Swifts.
As lunchtime was approaching we moved down and ran into our first
mixed feeding flock of the trip. In the north these are often detectable
by the twittering of the very common Grey-cheeked Fulvetta and this
is how we found this flock. The flock contained some nice northern
birds including Yellow-cheeked Tit, Blue-winged Minla and Mrs Gould's
Before lunch we found time to check out the back of the kitchen at
the Mae Per forest trail for a pair of Black-breasted Thrushes that
usually winter there but due to the noise of campers there was no
sign of them. However, the pines here always contain Japanese Tit
(Parus minor according to the new Thai
checklist, not Parus Major as in Robson)
and Streaked Spiderhunter, both of which we saw easily. As we were
heading to the car David mentioned that Maroon Oriole was a bird that
he would very much like to see and seconds later one called nearby,
as if to let us know it was there. After a brief search it was spotted
and a very nice male jumped into a pink flowering tree; a beautiful
sight indeed.
Lunch was taken on the veranda of the restaurant of the Ang Kang Nature
Resort where large numbers of Crested Finchbills were feeding on fruiting
and flowering trees. This species seems to be nomadic, sometimes being
mysteriously absent but extremely abundant when food sources are available.
On this occasion flowering, fruiting and seeding trees seemed to be
everywhere, and with them Crested Finchbills.
After lunch we decided to check out the thrush stakeout behind the
restaurant in the King's Project. Every year several scarce thrush
species winter here, feeding on scraps of food. Usually one has to
be at this spot early in the morning before human activity scares
the thrushes away. However, I have found that the birds usually just
hide in the twisty trees above the site and can often be found sat
on branches so we gave it a try. We were extremely lucky as we managed
to see a Dark-sided Thrush foraging on the ground, a male Black-breasted
Thrush moving around in the trees and a a male Grey-winged Blackbird
sitting on a branch. Also a male Hill Blue Flycatcher was showing
itself well. A pretty good result for 1pm with crowds of noisy people
milling around!
After this we had a very unsuccessful hour or so searching in vain
for birds. It seemed like the heat of the day had quietened down any
bird activity. It can be difficult birding on northern mountains at
this time of year because there is so little time available. It is
too cold for birds (down to 4-5 degrees C on this visit) early in
the morning and by 11pm to midday it is too hot.
At 3.30pm it was back to the Chinese Cemetery to wait for some Black-headed
Greenfinches. A large, bare tree seems to be their favourite pre-roost
gathering and it was very satisfying that they started to arrive at
3.45 and by about 4pm a flock of 30 birds departed. Also seen here
was a Yellow-streaked Warbler which I located from its bunting-like
call in the undergrowth.
We tried to push our luck by going along the road to try and find
a Giant Nuthatch at what is now Km 38. Whilst we got a response from
the birds they were too far away to see but a nice flock with a male
Little Pied Flycatcher and a male Rufous-bellied Niltava made the
excursion worthwhile.
We stopped once again at the Chinese Cemetery where this time a Common
Buzzard was perched on the bare tree and then we headed to Ban Luang
to see the River Chat but this was another case of crowds of people
scaring a bird away as large numbers of tourists were busy noisily
checking in. We did see a Eurasian Sparrowhawk though, a scarce bird
in Thailand. After this we went back to Ang
Kang Nature Resort where we had an excellent
28th December: After breakfast we headed up to Km
40 at 7am hoping to see Hume's Pheasant before traffic scared them
away. Alas, lots of early morning traffic was bringing more tourists
to Doi Ang Kang for the holiday period and our search was unsuccessful
- it was difficult to believe that any self-respecting Hume's Pheasant
would be seen foraging along a road so busy with tourist traffic. |
next stop was back at the new Km 38 to try and see a Giant
Nuthatch. A short walk along the road and some quiet listening
revealed some weak tapping amongst a feeding flock which contained
Grey-chinned Minivets, Chestnut-vented Nuthatch and several
White-browed Shrike-babblers. The tapping turned out to be
what I thought, a Giant Nuthatch foraging. After struggling
with several backlit views and fleeting glimpses a Giant Nuthatch
finally obliged us by dropping into an area where it was nicely
lit and proceeded to perform well for us, giving us a great
this success we decided to head back to the King's Project
for another look at the thrushes but on the way we were distracted
by the amazing sight of large numbers of Crested Finchbills,
Brown-breasted, Flavescent, Sooty-headed and Red-whiskered
Bulbuls feeding on pink flowering trees. These were also joined
by some Common Rosefinches - fairly common birds but they
were a lovely sight amongst the beautiful blossom.
At the
thrush site, at the King's Project, a number of photographers
were setting up their hides, so we waited a while. Unfortunately,
they kept getting in and out of their hides, trampling around
on the thrush feeding area and generally making a disturbance.
I have no doubt that after some lengthy wait they got their
photos but for birders who don't want to wait all morning
for these birds this behaviour was a bit annoying. Seeing
these birds may take quite some patience unless you are lucky
like we were the previous day.
The trail
at Km 21 was where we had seen the most birds on the previous
day so we headed back there for another short walk. Shortly
after taking the right-hand spur I heard the alarm call of
a Small Niltava and very soon after we managed to get a clear
view of the female; her blue neck patch shining in the sunlight
for a brief moment confirmed her identification. We saw quite
a few of the commoner birds here, Grey-cheeked Fulvetta, Yellow-cheeked
Tit, Mrs Gould's Sunbird, but it wasn't until we got out on
the ridge that we located 3 Scarlet-faced Liocichlas, again
by hearing their call; this time their contact call. We observed
these birds from about 60 metres away, looking downhill, but
even at that range their bright red faces stood out easily.
It is remarkable how one can spot their red faces even through
the densest undergrowth, but here we were lucky and saw them
out in the open. |
Trips In Northern Thailand:
Visiting northern Thailand in the dry season usually
results in sightings of many |
species as well as a number of resident birds. However,
the early wet season can also be a great time to
visit to see breeding birds such as Parrotbills,
Green Cochoa, Lesser Cuckoo and skulking species
suddenly become far easier to find.
Whatever time you choose to visit the north, there
is always something good to see.
Contact me to arrange a trip and/or to discuss the
best birdwatching options for you: nickupton@thaibirding.com |
took us up to about 11am and with bird activity not at its highest,
large numbers of people on the roads and David itching to get to
Doi Lang we decided to move on to our second site. We arrived at
Thatorn for lunch and headed up Doi Lang; it takes about 45 minutes
to 1 hour to get up onto the top ridge of Doi Lang from Thatorn
if not stopping. When we got there things were pretty quiet but
taking a look at the photographer's feeding station, behind the
checkpoint kitchen revealed some really nice birds; firstly a gang
of Dark-backed Sibias arrived to feed on some fruit and they were
very quickly joined by a pair of Spectacled Barwings. Being able
to observe these birds at such close range (about 3 metres) was
a real treat but I was really waiting for a Scarlet-faced Liocichla.
It didn't take long to turn up and seeing this bird at such close
quarters is almost blinding its face is so bright, not to mention
beautiful markings and colouration all over its body, plumage details
which aren't so obvious at longer range. Other lovely birds which
revealed themselves to us here were a male Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher,
a party of colourful Whiskered Yuhinas (common at Doi Lang) and
a female Himalayan Bluetail. Formerly this species was known as
Orange-flanked Bush Robin or Red-flanked Bluetail but many (most?)
authorities have split it into Himalayan Bluetail and Orange-flanked
Bush Robin; the Himalayan obviously migrates from the Himalayan
region and the Orange-flanked Bush Robin comes from Siberia (these
will be the birds which turn up in Europe) - I was given this information
by Phil Round after getting confused on the issue myself. Both species
have been recorded in Thailand but the majority of the birds are
apparently Himalayan, the males are readily identified by their
either blue or white supercilium but the females are difficult (impossible?)
to separate.
After our success
at the feeding station we walked along the road a little. At first
we ran into a flock of Black-throated Tits; these are beautiful
little birds and can always be found on the highest parts of Doi
Lang. They can be quite inconspicuous at times and fast moving,
but we were lucky and our flock came down quite low and fed in front
of us, giving us a good view. Things were quiet after that with
even common birds like bulbuls being hard to find but, as ever,
for those who don't mind walking and remaining patient something
always comes along. For us some nice birds came in the form of a
small flock of birds which included Yellow-cheeked Tit, Rufous-winged
Fulvetta and a nice male Black-eared Shrike Babbler, one of the
specialities of Doi Lang and a bird which can usually be found in
feeding flocks on the summit ridge - they even respond to a little
call playback at times.
As things were
getting late, we strolled back towards the checkpoint where we had
left the car. On the way we came across some Thai photographers
that I know who were waiting at a fruiting tree, about 1km from
the checkpoint, for the appearance of a flock of Cutias which had
been seen in the preceding days. Agonizingly, we learned that we
had missed a flyover Himalayan Griffon that morning, but worse was
the fact that we had missed Long-tailed Sibias (a very scarce bird
in Thailand and one that I hadn't seen in the country) by about
5 seconds! And there were photos to prove it. David and I accepted
that you can't see all the birds and it is better to enjoy the ones
you do see than dwell on those you don't - a philosophy which makes
for much more enjoyable and rewarding birding.
At around 5pm
it was beginning to get pretty cold high up on Doi Lang but we were
treated to a fine sight of a male and female Chestnut Thrush, chasing
each other around the checkpoint and landing in beautiful mossy
trees in excellent afternoon light. It was a great spectacle to
finish the day.
It took us over
an hour to get back to Thatorn as we made a few brief stops along
the way, seeing a couple of Large-tailed Nightjars as we approached
Thatorn. Sitting on the balcony of David's room at Thatorn Chalet,
drinking beer, we saw a Barn Owl make a couple of passes for our
last bird of the day.
We finished the day with some good food in the restaurant of Thatorn
Chalet and bought a great map of the far north of Thailand, a map
far more detailed than any other I have found in Thailand. It is available
from http://www.GT-Rider.com.
December : Having organized
sandwiches for breakfast (and lunch) we left Thatorn at 6am. I didn't
want to be up the mountain too early as the birds don't get active
at this time of year until there is some sunshine on them as it
is quite cold (approx 6 degrees C at 7.30am) and we wanted to have
some light on the road to see the Mountain Bamboo Partridges that
are ever present. As predicted we saw the partridges on the road,
much nicer birds than illustrations suggest, and further up also
some Oriental Turtle Doves, birds which are often to be seen along
the road in the areas of woodland just before and after the valley
with rice paddies in. |
made a couple of stops on the way up. One at the large concrete
bridge where we saw a flock of about 20 Striated Yuhinas come
through quickly and on a flowering tree we saw a Slender-billed
Oriole and a Great Barbet. We also stopped at the rice paddies,
a few kilometres after the bridge but only saw common open-country
birds such as Pied Bushchat and Eastern Stonechat, although
at least one pair of Jerdon's Bushchats do persist there.
Arriving at about 7.30am, we parked the car at the checkpoint
which was quite busy with photographers. Many of the birds
we saw the previous day were still around; Dark-backed Sibia,
Whiskered Yuhina, Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush and Chestnut
Thrush again. As we walked along the road things were a bit
quiet, so we took some time to examine the Leaf Warblers,
picking out Blyth's from its alternate wing shuffling, Pallas's
from its call and Davison's (White-tailed) from its plumage
and song.
At the
Cutia stakeout we ran into a large group of photographers
waiting for the birds. David and I decided to wait to see
if they came. We waited for over an hour but no Cutias appeared.
The crowd was quite noisy and might have had something to
do with the birds not showing up, but it didn't prevent a
female Vivid Niltava from performing or a male Grey-winged
Blackbird from making a brief appearance but the flock of
ten Long-tailed Sibias was definitely the highlight for me. |
made the decision that it was time to move on. He correctly said
that when waiting for something like this, one should set a time
limit. When there are other nice birds to see, I agree with that
sentiment and we moved on. Walking further along the ridge road
activity was not that intense but we found some nice birds including
Maroon Oriole, Golden-throated Barbet and a nice pair of Eyebrowed
Thrushes feeding on berries. Other birds which we saw included noisy
Grey Treepies and Large Cuckooshrikes. The birding was pleasant
rather than spectacular and as the temperature increased I walked
back to get the car and we moved on in search of Fire-tailed Sunbird.
few Fire-tailed Sunbirds winter on Doi Lang each year and can be
found in an area of buddlea along the road at a point where there
are no trees on the Myanmar side of the road and the view is really
good. This view into Myanmar last for a distance of around 1 km
and this area is easy recognizable as it is the only really open
space along the ridge road after the checkpoint. Most people look
for the sunbirds at around 8-9am when the sun brings them out but
I had seen them around midday a few weeks previously and we were
most fortunate that we walked straight up to 2 birds in exactly
the same buddlea bush as I had seen them before (in fact I continuously
saw them in exactly the same bush over the next 2 months). Not males
in breeding plumage but easily identified by their red outer tail
feathers and the male's reddish rump. See Phil Round's article for
more on this bird: Fire-tailed
ate our lunch taking in the view and hoping for some raptors. Whilst
this is often a decent raptor watching spot due to its open nature,
we only saw a Grey-faced Buzzard, and then only briefly. With a
fairly long drive back to Chiang Mai, we began to move downhill.
To our relief we discovered that we had not missed the Cutias; the
crowd was still waiting, three hours after we had left.
the way down we made some stops in various places a little downhill
of the large concrete bridge where we ran into some nice flocks
of birds containing Stripe-breasted and Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpeckers,
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo, Scarlet Minivet, Short-billed Minivet
and a number of White-browed Shrike Babblers; a nice group of birds
to end our day with. We reached Thatorn at about 3.30pm and it takes
about 3 hours to get to Chiang Mai from there. If you are driving
this road please leave plenty of time as it is quite poor for stretches
and if you get stuck behind a slow-moving truck (which happens frequently)
overtaking is dangerous.
I would personally not consider driving this road in the
dark when the chances of a bad accident would be quite high due
to road conditions, lack of visibility and idiotic driving.
Our journey was actually pretty easy and we got back to Chiang Mai
comfortably, where we parted having had a good trip. |
Upton (nickupton@thaibirding.com) |
list with sites and notes |
Pui: DP
Ban Arunothai Road: BA
Doi Ang Kang: DAK
Bypass: FB
Doi Lang: DL |
Mountain Bamboo Partridge: 3 on road
at DL.
2. Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker:
2 at Doi Lang.
3. Stripe-breasted Woodpecker: 1m
at DL.
4. Great Barbet: A few at
5. Golden-throated Barbet: 1
at DL.
6. Blue-throated Barbet: 1
at DL.
7. Blue-bearded Bee-eater: 2
at DL.
8. Green Bee-eater: A few
at DP.
9. Greater Coucal: A few,
10. Green-billed Malkoha: 1
11. Indian Roller: A few
12. Hoopoe: 1 BA
13. Himalayan Swiftlet: A
few DAK
14. Asian Palm Swift: A few
15. Fork-tailed Swift: Many
16. Barn Owl: 2 Thatorn
17. Large-tailed Nightjar: 2
18. Mountain Imperial Pigeon: 2
19. Oriental Turtle Dove: a10
20. Oriental Honey Buzzard: 1
21. Besra: 1 DL
22. Eurasian Sparrowhawk: 1
23. Rufous-winged Buzzard: 2
24. Grey-faced Buzzard: 1
25. Common Buzzard: 1 DAK
26. Black-shouldered Kite: 1
at Fang
27. Common Kestrel: 1f, Fang
28. Orange-bellied Leafbird: A
few DAK & DL
29. Long-tailed Shrike: A
few DAK & DL
30. Grey-backed Shrike: A
few DAK & DL
31. Ashy Drongo: A few DAK
& DL
32. Bronzed Drongo: A few
33. Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo: 1
34. Grey Treepie: A few DL
35. Slender-billed Oriole: 1
36. Maroon Oriole: 1m DAK,
1m DL
37. Large Cuckooshrike: 1
38. Grey-chinned Minivet: A
few DAK & DL
39. Long-tailed Minivet: 1m
1f DAK
40. Short-billed Minivet: A
few DAK & DL
41. Scarlet Minivet: 1m 3f
42. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike: 8,
43. White-throated Fantail: A
few DL
44. Common Iora: A few DL
45. Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush: 1m
46. Blue Whistling Thrush: A
few everywhere eugenei & caeruleus
47. Black-breasted Thrush: 1m
48. Chestnut Thrush: 1m 1f
49. Eyebrowed Thrush: 2 DL
50. Dark-sided Thrush: 1
51. Grey-winged Blackbird: 1m
52. Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher: 1f
DAK, 1m DL
53. Slaty-backed Flycatcher: 1f
54. Little Pied Flycatcher: 1m
55. Slaty-blue Flycatcher: 1m
56. Hill Blue Flycatcher: 1m
57. Verditer Flycatcher: 1,
58. Small Niltava: 1f, DAK
59. Rufous-bellied Niltava: 1m,
60. Vivid Niltava: 1f, DL
61. Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher: A
few, DAK |
Oriental Magpie Robin: A few, DAK
& DL
63. Himalayan Bluetail: 1m 5f, DL
64. Slaty-backed Forktail: 1,
65. Eastern Stonechat: A
few, DAK & DL
66. Pied Bushchat: A few
at DP
67. Grey Bushchat: Many,
68. Common Myna: Many, Fang
69. White-vented Myna: Many,
70. Chestnut-vented Nuthatch: A
few, DAK
71. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch: A
few, DL
72. Giant Nuthatch: 1, DAK
73. Japanese Tit: A few DAK
74. Yellow-cheeked Tit: A
few, DAK & DL
75. Black-throated Tit: 8,
76. Asian House Martin: Many,
77. Barn Swallow: A few,
78. Crested Finchbill: Many,
79. Striated Bulbul: A few,
80. Black-crested Bulbul: A
few, DAK
81. Red-whiskered Bulbul: Many,
82. Brown-breasted Bulbul: Many
at DAK; 3 at DL
83. Sooty-headed Bulbul: Many,
84. Flavescent Bulbul: Many,
85. Ashy Bulbul: Many, DL
86. Mountain Bulbul: A few,
87. Black Bulbul: Many, DAK
& DL
88. Hill Prinia: A few, DAK
89. Chestnut-headed Tesia: 1,
90. Yellow-streaked Warbler: 1,
91. Arctic Warbler: 1, DAK
92. Eastern Crowned Warbler: 1,
93. Buff-barred Warbler: 1,
94. Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 1,
95. Blyth’s Leaf Warbler: A
few, DAK & DL
96. Davison’s Leaf Warbler: A
few, DL
97. Bianchi’s Warbler: 1,
98. White-browed Laughingthrush: 2,
99. Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush: A
few, DL
100. Scarlet-faced Liocichla: 3
101. Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler: 1,
102. Rufous-fronted Babbler: 2,
103. Blyth's (White-browed) Shrike-babbler: A
few, DL
104. Black-eared Shrike-babbler: 2,
105. Blue-winged Minla: Many,
106. Striated Yuhina: About
10, DL
107. Rufous-winged Fulvetta: A
few, DL
108. Grey-cheeked Fulvetta: Many,
109. Whiskered Yuhina: Many,
110. Spectacled Barwing: A
few, DAK & DL
111. Dark-backed Sibia: Many,
112. Rufous-backed Sibia: A
few, DAK & DL
113. Long-tailed Sibia: a10
at DL
114. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker: 1m,
115. Mrs Gould’s Sunbird: Many
at DAK & DL
116. Black-throated Sunbird: 1m
at DAK
117. Fire-tailed Sunbird: 1m
at DL
118. Streaked Spiderhunter: 1
at DAK
119. Olive-backed Pipit: A
few, DP, DAK & DL
120. White Wagtail: A few,
121. Grey Wagtail: A few,
122. Black-headed Greenfinch: 30,
123. Common Rosefinch: Many,
Upton can be contacted at nickupton@thaibirding.com |
More information
on Doi Ang Kang |
you are interested in arranging a bird watching tour you can see some
suggested itineraries here - Birdwatching
Trips - and you can contact me at the above email address to discuss
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