by Nick Upton
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Central & Northern Thailand, 1st-14th December 2015

Michael Carmody contacted me in late 2014 asking me to assist him in creating a birding trip to Thailand for Legacy Tours in early December. At that time of year forests in the central and southern regions are well below their best so I designed a trip that would spend the bulk of the time in Northern Thailand but also giving a taste of tropical forest birding at Kaeng Krachan as well as enjoying some superb shorebirding at Pak Thale & Laem Pak Bia.

Birding Tours

Nick Upton, Michael Carmody, Gary Breece, Pat Mitchell, Bob Adams


We used a Toyota Commuter van which had plenty of space for the five of us to spread out; the luggage was stored on the back row of seats. Vans are not allowed up the dirt road to Panoen Tung at Kaeng Krachan so we hired a local driver (Mr Neung) to take us up to this prime birding spot, although it was a little bumpy and dusty for those in the back. The road up the Thatorn side of Doi Lang is in a terrible state of repair and we had to engage the services of a local songthaew driver to take us up - once again a bit bumpy for those in the back but worth it for some great birds.

All the places we stayed in were simple, but comfortable and clean local hotels and guesthouses. All accommodation had air conditioning and private bathroom with heated showers and complimentary bottled water. Everyone was happy with our accommodation and any small problems or sensible requests were dealt with quickly.

All the places that I regularly visit serve good food and everyone on the trip really enjoyed the variety of Thai dishes available, indeed, dinner was highly anticipated every day and thoroughly enjoyed.

Notes on Finding Birds
At Kaeng Krachan some areas were excellent while some provided very slow birding and were a little disappointing; most certainly this is not the prime time to visit this area but even at the slowest of times Kaeng Krachan provides sightings of some fantastic birds and this is why it was selected over Khao Yai at this time of year for this trip.

Birding the open areas and wetlands was typically fairly easy and armed with the knowledge of where to find a number of key species these areas provided us with some of the best birding of the trip and several extremely rare birds.

Cool weather was slow in arriving in Northern Thailand in late 2015 and this limited the abundance of migrant species. However, the birding in the mountains of the north was always good with hardly any slow periods and many flocks of colourful species to work through. As was expected at this time of year birding in the mountains was a delight with good abundance of birds, a wide variety of species which included some very special birds.

Field Guides
1. A Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand by Craig Robson
2. Guide to the Birds of Thailand by Philip D. Round & Boonsong Lekagul
3. Raptors of the World by James Ferguson-Lees & David Christie
4. Reed and Bush Warblers by Peter Kennerley & David Pearson

Birding Highlights

Petchaburi Rice Fields: Watercock, Cinnamon Bittern, Greater Spotted Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Pink-necked Green Pigeon
Kaeng Krachan: Great Hornbill, Tickell's Brown Hornbill, Black-and-red Broadbill, Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Long-tailed Broadbill, Red-bearded Bee-eater, Red-headed Trogon, Orange-breasted Trogon, Heart-spotted Woodpecker, Buff-rumped Woodpecker, Violet Cuckoo, Black-thighed Falconet
Lung Sin Waterhole: Red-legged Crake, Slaty-legged Crake, Kalij Pheasant, Orange-headed Thrush, Siberian Blue Robin
Laem Pak Bia/Pak Thale: Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Far Eastern Curlew, Nordmann's Greenshank, Heuglin's Gull, Slender-billed Gull, Malaysian Plover, White-faced Plover, Chinese Egret, Terek Sandpiper, Red-necked Phalarope
Thatorn Rice Fields: Pied Harrier, Yellow-breasted Bunting, Striated Grassbird, Eurasian Bittern, Grey-headed Lapwing, Citrine Wagtail, Siberian Rubythroat, Eurasian Wryneck
Doi Lang: Himalayan Cutia, Scarlet-faced Liocichla, Ultramarine Flycatcher, Sapphire Flycatcher, Giant Nuthatch, Spot-breasted Parrotbill, Siberian Runythroat, Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler, Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher, White-headed Bulbul, Collared Owlet, Himalayan Bluetail, White-gorgetted Flycatcher, White-bellied Redstart, Red-billed Scimitar Babbler, Collared Babbler
Thatorn Riverside: Spotted Bush Warbler, Baikal Bush Warbler, Jerdon's Bushchat, Siberian Rubythroat, Eurasian Wryneck
Fang Hot Springs: White-capped Redstart, Slaty-backed Forktail, Spot-winged Grosbeak
Doi Ang Kang: Giant Nuthatch, White-tailed Robin, Black-breasted Thrush, Slender-billed Oriole, White-browed Laughingthrush, Crested Finchbill, Silver-eared Mesia
Mae Hia Agricultural College: Red Avadavat, Yellow-eyed Babbler, Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Striated Swallow, Wire-tailed Swallow
Doi Lo: Northern House Martin, Greater Spotted Eagle, Citrine Wagtail
Doi Inthanon: Dark-sided Thrush, White-browed Shortwing, Pygmy Wren Babbler, Black-backed Forktail, Collared Falconet, Northern White-crowned Forktail, Rufous-throated Partridge, Snowy-browed Flycatcher, Speckled Woodpigeon, Ashy-headed Woodpigeon, Clicking Shrike-babbler, Large Niltava, Vivid Niltava, Small Niltava, Lesser Shortwing

Birding Diary

Petchaburi Rice Fields
Leaving the Mariya Boutique Residence at 5.30am we arrived at Petchaburi Rice Fields at around 7.30am where we were able to see lots of open country and freshwater wetland species quickly and easily. At this time in the morning it was fairly easy to get good views of a few skulking species such as Thick-billed Warbler, Dusky Warbler and Black-browed Reed Warbler as well as the more easily seen Oriental Reed Warbler. Being in this area in the early morning gave us the chance to get great views of the beautiful Pink-necked Green Pigeon perched in the open before it retreated to shady perches as the day heated up - we saw around 10 of these lovely birds.

Wetland species in this area included small numbers of Grey-headed Lapwing, a Cinnamon Bittern in flight as well as both Bronze-winged and Pheasant-tailed Jacanas, the latter in their non-breeding plumage. We also stopped to study some Purple Swamphens feeding in a freshly planted rice field. This species has recently been split with the birds in this area supposedly being Black-backed Swamphens as opposed to Grey-headed Swamphens further north in Thailand. The birds in this area showed no hint of black backs and are very grey-headed indeed so I would suggest that further research is required regarding the splitting of this species.

Wat Khao Takrao
As the temperature increased we moved towards the fish ponds near Wat Khao Takrao where large numbers of birds were present including 500+ Northern Pintail, 800+ Garganey and a small group of Pied Avocets as well as our first Western Osprey of the trip. This area is always good for Black-headed Ibis and we were able to get good views of 3 birds from the vehicle as well as several Painted Storks. Purple Heron, Grey Heron, Caspian Tern, Whiskered Tern, Lesser Whistling Duck and Indian Cormorant were all other birds we were able to add to our very quickly growing list.

Having enjoyed a good morning with a very large number of species we headed towards our accommodation at Ban Maka for lunch, anticipating our 3 days at Kaeng Krachan National Park.

Kaeng Krachan
During our stay at Kaeng Krachan we spent our mornings in the lowland areas, spending time birding at Km 9, Bang Krang campsite and between streams 1 and 3. All three of these areas provided us with sightings of great birds but at Km 9 we really had some of the best birding of the trip with several fruiting trees drawing in lots of species which we were able to view for long periods. The most memorable of these was 10+ Great Hornbills all in one tree, together with even greater numbers of Oriental Pied Hornbills and several White-handed Gibbons. Other species feeding on fruiting trees included Thick-billed Green Pigeon, Vernal Hanging Parrot, Common Hill Myna and Green-eared Barbet.

This area was also a good place for several species of woodpeckers with Greater Flameback, Common Flameback, Greater Yellownape and Heart-spotted Woodpeckers all showing well and allowing us good 'scope views and a pair of Sultan Tits were also enjoyed by the whole group. Our several stops at this area allowed us to get repeated views of many species here which is always nice on a trip like this and on one evening stop we were able to add a party of 4 Black-thighed Falconets to our list - a nice way to end the day! One of the birds I am always keen to show people is Black-and-red Broadbill, so it was exciting for all of us when a pair of these amazing birds emerged from the vegetation around a pool in the Km 9 area - Black-naped Woodpecker was another nice species seen in this area.

Siberian RubythroatBird Watching Trips:
The Gulf of Thailand, Kaeng Krachan and the northern mountains always form the core of the Central/Northern Thailand itinerary but depending on the time of year this can vary to reflect where the best birding is to be found.

The wetlands are superb between November-late March but the forests of the Central region are best visited January to July while the Northern mountains are at their best late December-February; but there are always lots of good birds to be seen.

Contact me to arrange a birding trip and/or to discuss the best bird watching options for you:

Red-legged Crake

Red-legged Crake
(Photo by Nick Upton)

Birding around Bang Krang campsite allowed us to see a number of species of small, arboreal birds that can be difficult to see in forest with taller trees. This open area with some low trees provided was the only place we saw Crimson Sunbird, Golden-fronted Leafbird, Yellow-vented Flowerpecker and Hainan Blue Flycatcher and a Violet Cuckoo feeding on an emergence of caterpillars was a real highlight here. We also had our best views of Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, Blue-winged Leafbird and Asian Brown Flycatcher here as well as being able to call in both Banded Bay Cuckoo and Asian Drongo Cuckoo.

Some of the most sought-after birds at Kaeng Krachan are found between the stream crossings in the mature and moist forest but November and December are some of the harder months for birding this area. However, we still managed to see some nice species including Orange-breasted Trogon, Streak-breasted Woodpecker, brief views of Common Green Magpie and two very obliging Black-and-yellow Broadbills here. A fruiting tree at stream two was a nice find with Blue-eared, Green-eared and Red-throated Barbet feeding in it but generally birding was slow in this area - to be expected at this time of year.

The remainder of our time at Kaeng Krachan was spent at higher altitude, around Km 27-28 looking for the specialities of that area. We spent two afternoons in the area with very different results. The first of our two visits provided us with sightings of some really memorable birds including Red-bearded Bee-eater, Red-headed Trogon and a wonderful flock of Long-tailed Broadbills as well as plenty of other birds to see. However, our second visit was extremely quiet and frustrating hearing many good birds, none of which would respond to call playback or show themselves. We did see a number of warblers here including Alstrom's, Sulphur-breasted and Yellow-bellied as well as good views of both sexes of Rosy Minivet and Buff-rumped Woodpecker; eventually we caught up with a noisy Speckled Piculet after much hunting for it.

Lung Sin Waterhole
On our final afternoon staying in the Kaeng Krachan area we spent time at the Lung Sin Waterhole. This man-made waterhole in an area of dry forest always provides an amazing wildlife spectacle, allowing for excellent close-up views of many common forest birds as well as a number of species which can be really hard to observe in the forest. All members of our group were keen to get into the hide early and this really paid off with a pair of Kalij Pheasants visiting at around 2pm and hoards of smaller birds bathing throughout the hottest part of the day. Lesser and Greater Necklaced Laughingthrushes were wonderful to see at close range as was Black-naped Monarch, Abbott's Babbler and some number of Siberian Blue Robins. Waiting around until the latter part of the afternoon provided an incredible finale with 2 Red-legged Crakes and 2 Slaty-legged Crakes coming to bathe. Both of these species are incredibly seldom seen away from waterholes such as these and to see both of them at the same time is extremely unusual.

Khao Look Chang
Our morning here was to target Black-headed Woodpecker, a bird I see here on 95% of visits. On every birding trip in Thailand it always seems that one location will be rather hard work, providing frustrating birding, and this was that location on this trip. Bird activity was very low, probably as a result of overcast and oppressive weather which is always bad for birding in Thailand. We found a pair of Black-headed Woodpeckers but some members of the group struggled to get onto them and after a period of tracking them we completely lost the birds. However, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo and Rufous Treepie were obvious, a Spotted Owlet was a nice distraction while our walk out provided our only Forest Wagtail of the trip.

Laem Pak Bia/Pak Thale
These two adjacent sites on the Gulf of Thailand always provide some of the best birding of any trip and it is the Spoon-billed Sandpiper which can be found here that inspires many people to go birding in Thailand. We spent an afternoon and a full day at these excellent locations seeing 40 species of Shorebirds including 2 Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpipers which we were able to watch feeding at close range. For many this is the highlight of the trip but we also managed to get good views of a total of 9 Nordmann's Greenshank (Endangered), 4 Far Eastern Curlew (Endangered), several thousand Great Knot (Endangered) as well as Red-necked Phalarope, Long-toed Stint, Pied Avocet and very large numbers of Red-necked Stint, Marsh Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Lesser Sand Plover and Broad-billed Sandpiper.

Gulls provided typical problems with 4 adult Heuglin's Gulls at Pak Thale along with another large gull which seemed a different structure to the Heuglin's and displayed some plumage detail in the greater coverts that I cannot see in any photos of Heuglin's Gulls of similar ages. I photographed this bird in the morning and afternoon and I am yet to receive full expert feedback as to what its identity may be. Six Slender-billed Gulls were unexpected but far easier to identify!

One of the highlights here was our boat trip to the sand spit with Mr Daeng our boatman. Here we were able to observe the colourful Malaysian Plover (Near Threatened) and the intriguing White-faced Plover (Data Deficient) in great light as well as at least 2 Chinese Egrets (Vulnerable). Large numbers of Great Crested Terns, a few Lesser Crested Terns, Pacific Reef Egret, Collared Kingfisher and Striated Heron all added to a very enjoyable and successful excursion and a great lunch provided by Pi Da (Mr Daeng's wife) added to an excellent day.

We finished our first afternoon at Laem Pak Bia in the King's Project area where we managed a really grand finale seeing Common, Pintail and Greater Painted Snipes as well as well as two Indian Nightjars, Slaty-breasted Rail and Ruddy-breasted Crake - great birding! This was all rounded off by the emergence of over 7000 Lyle's Flying Foxes heading off into the sunset. Our second day in this area finished on the mudflats at Pak Thale where we got improved views of Far Eastern Curlew and added Terek Sandpiper to our list; this was a nice place to end with thousands of shorebirds arriving to feed as the tide went out.

Petchaburi Rice Fields

A second visit to this large area of rice fields provided a final afternoon's birding before heading to the North of Thailand and allowed us to catch up with some species that we did not see on our first morning. A nice male Plaintive Cuckoo was seen early on when things were quiet hot and we also managed to get good flight views of both Yellow Bittern and Watercock.

As the afternoon drew on we visited an area which is frequented by a number of large raptors and we were successful in getting close-up flight views of 2 adult Steppe Eagles as well as up to 4 Greater Spotted Eagles on the ground. Black-eared Kite, Black-winged Kite and a female Eastern Marsh Harrier made it a good raptor afternoon and Cotton Pygmy Goose on a lotus pond was a nice way to end this part of the trip. We also found 5 Eurasian Coot which was quite a notable record for this part of Thailand.

Our journey into Bangkok was not too bad, taking around 2 hours to the Airport Hotel at Don Muang airport for the next morning's flight to Chiang Mai.

Thatorn Rice Fields
After arriving at Chiang Mai airport we drove towards out accommodation for the next 3 nights at Thatorn, arriving in time for a few hours of birding at Thatorn Rice Fields for our first visit to this location; on another afternoon we made a short visit to look further around the area. This site is usually a good place to see Citrine Wagtail, Black-collared Myna, Green Sandpiper, Chestnut-tailed Starling and Dusky Warbler and having seen all of these birds a large bird was spotted in flight which turned out to be Eurasian Bittern, a very scarce bird in Thailand. As not everyone in the group had seen this bird we tracked it down to its landing place where we able to obtain exceptional views of it.

This area always turns up some interesting species and we used the last of the light to locate a Siberian Rubythroat which was seen briefly as was a Eurasian Wryneck. We had already seen a juvenile Pied Harrier but it was wonderful to also see an adult male hunting as the light began to fade; this has to be one of Thailand's most spectacular raptors. Other good birds we found at this location included a flock of 19 Yellow-breasted Buntings, now listed as an endangered species, a flock of 6 Grey-headed Lapwings and a Striated Grassbird. This site always has some interesting birding and it often feels like more time would be rewarded with some rarities. However, it is the mountains and their birds which draw people to this region and that would be our next stop.

Doi Lang (Fang approach)
There is so much habitat on the Fang side of Doi Lang that spending many days here would not be a waste of time but as it turned out we ended up spending just the one full day here, but what a day it was to be. At first things looked disastrous with thick cloud obscuring our view and heavy rain by 8am. Even in these awful conditions we managed to see some good birds at a couple of feeding stations - Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler, Siberian Rubythroat, Silver-eared Laughingthrush, White-gorgetted Flycatcher and a male Slaty-blue Flycatcher but with it still raining at 9.15am things looked bad. However, as is so often the case, the rain stopped, the clouds broke up and the birds began to be active.

Very shortly after the rain ceased we located our first Giant Nuthatches in pine forest, a species that we were to see a number of times throughout the day. Often this Endangered species is difficult to find but on this occasion we were treated to many views. Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker, a superb male Maroon Oriole, a male Little Pied Flycatcher, Japanese Tit and Radde's Warbler all quickly followed before we moved along to some more moist forest patches. With the sun emerging bird activity became quite high and we ran into several flocks, seeing birds such as Buff-throated Warbler, Stripe-breasted Woodpecker, Sapphire Flycatcher, Rufous-backed Sibia and most of the commoner species that occur on the mountain. Such was the level of bird activity that even our lunch was difficult to fit in with a flock of Striated Yuhinas and a Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher taking our attention.

After our lunch the action began again, a walk along the road revealing a female White-bellied Redstart, 3 Eurasian Jays and more flocks of small birds. While I left the group waiting at a stakeout to go and fetch something from the vehicle I bumped into an aquaintance who called to me that he was photographing a group of Himalayan Cutias. Not wanting anyone to miss this fantastic bird I ran back and called everyone to me and in record time the group assembled to enjoy fantastic views of this difficult-to-find speciality as it hung from fruiting branches at close range. After this excitement we had time to go and locate a pair of Spot-breasted Parrotbills and a male White-bellied Redstart, lured out by mealworms.

With the day drawing to a close we began to head to our accommodation but with one more stop in the pine forest where a lovely male Ultramarine Flycatcher was waiting for his supper. Back at our accommodation we enjoyed an excellent meal for a great end to a great day.

Doi Lang (Thatorn approach)
With the military blocking usage of the through road it was necessary to ascend the mountain from the Thatorn side for some key species. The state of the road is awful these days and the border police will not allow access in saloon cars or minivans, so we hired a local driver for the day. Passing through the gate at 7am (no earlier is allowed) we made our first stop at the large concrete bridge where early morning activity can be high at time. On this visit things were a little quiet but a flock of Grey-headed Parakeets repeatedly flew around, giving us plenty of opportunities to see them. A little bit of call playback awoke a group of Collared Babblers which showed themselves very well and these led us onto a party of Red-billed Scimitar Babblers which made us work to see them but in the end we all got good views.

Our main targets were higher up the mountain at the second border police checkpoint. Here a number of colourful birds performed for us at the feeding stations with the amazing Scarlet-faced Liocichlas as the star of the show, although Spectacled Barwing was not far behind. Here we also saw many Dark-backed Sibias and several Himalayan Bluetails, including a nice male. The moist forest here harbours many nice birds and we managed to call out a pair of Whiskered Yuhinas and spot a nice male Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher. Observing the tree tops we located a Golden-throated Barbet, several Black Bulbuls and our only White-headed Bulbul of the trip - a really nice bird when seen in the sunshine among pink flowers. A commotion alerted us to the fact that a Collared Owlet was sitting in the branches of a mossy tree, gathering some warmth from the sun.

A walk along the road did not turn up very much at all so it was up to the San Ju view point for lunch. We managed to get a few more birds up here too - Mountain Hawk Eagle, Striated Bulbul and Common Rosefinch but unfortunately failed to see the Golden Bush Robin that I heard in the undergrowth - a very rare and skulking species in Thailand. With the levels of bird activity having become very low we headed down the mountain for an afternoon in the lowlands and to everyone's surprise and delight we came across one of the birds of the trip - Blue Pitta. A nice male was hopping around in the road and we somehow managed to get everyone out of the van so that we were all able to get a great view of this beautiful bird. A Blue Pitta in the road at 2pm at a location that I had never before seen this species was a major stroke of luck, never, I am sure, to be repeated.

Thatorn Riverside
A late afternoon session at Thatorn Riverside often turns up some nice birds, although it can be a bit hit-and-miss. On this afternoon we managed to get some good views of some rare species as well as catch up on a few species that some members of the group had missed. Red-throated Pipits gathering to roost were notable and a good view of Eurasian Wryneck was nice. On the river we spotted Wire-tailed Swallow, Temminck's Stint, White Wagtail and Common Sandpiper as well as seeing our first Paddyfield Pipit on some farmland. As it got close to dusk a number of skulking species came out into the open to feed - several Siberian Rubythroats were very obliging and a male Jerdon's Bushchat feeding from a short post was a very welcome surprise. This late time of day offers a chance to see a very skulking species - Baikal Bush Warbler which is rather common on thick wetland habitat but very hard to see. A little call playback got at least 5 birds responding but another song attracted my attention and I confirmed that it was a Spotted Bush Warbler by listening to my collection of calls/songs. There are fewer than 5 records of this bird in Thailand, although it is probable that it is rather commoner as it is so hard to observe. This bird came out into the open several times for us to see and as song is the key to identifying this bird we were very pleased. Moments later we also called out a Baikal Bush Warbler as the light was fading.

Great Barbet

Great Barbet
(Photo by Nick Upton)

Brown-breasted Bulbul

Brown-breasted Bulbul
(Photo by Nick Upton)

Fang Hot Springs
Our morning here was all about finding Spot-winged Grosbeak, and finding a flock of 60+ birds was easy as they occurred at their regular place at the appointed time! Our other target birds were found in the river with a very nice White-capped Water Redstart and a pair of Slaty-backed Forktails giving us great views. A walk around this picturesque location turned up a few more species including Red-rumped Swallows hawking for insects around the hot springs, a Blue-bearded Bee-eater, Lineated Barbet, Blue-throated Barbet, Coppersmith Barbet as well as Oriental and Japanese White-eyes.

Doi Ang Kang
Although this is a beautiful location we did not schedule much time here due to it being busy with tourists visiting over a national holiday period; with that in mind we spent an afternoon and a morning at Doi Ang Kang. This, in fact, gave us plenty of time to find most of our target species for this location with a very nice mixed flock that repeatedly moved back and forth in front of us at the King's Project revealing Blue-winged Minla, Marten's Warbler, Golden Babbler and Yellow-bellied Warbler. A couple of fruiting trees here were excellent with Great Barbet, Mountain Bulbul, Hill Blue Flycatcher, Common Rosefinch, Black-breasted Thrush and Slaty-backed Flycatcher. The feeding station was not as good as it can be, being early on in the season and birds not yet habituated to coming for food. Still, we got great views of a male White-tailed Robin, female Siberian Blue Robin and both sexes of Black-breasted Thrush.

The view into Mynamar from Ban Nor Lae military camp is always of interest and we also found a few interesting species here - Daurian Redstart, Yellow-streaked Warbler and female Purple Sunbird.

Another area we spent some time at was the Chinese Cemetery, an area of scrub and farmland which has often provided some good birding over the years. Several Buff-throated Warblers were found in low bushes and a flock of Asian House Martins were seen in the late afternoon but the most notable thing here were the large numbers of Brown-breasted Bulbuls and Crested Finchbills feeding on fruit in the old orchard here. Crested Finchbill seems to be a nomadic species which can disappear at times so it was nice to see many of these birds in such good light.

In this area we also caught up with the secretive White-browed Laughingthrush, a flock of 6-7 were seen in a bare tree, and Hill Prinia. When the temperature began to increase and bird activity tailed off we headed towards Chiang Mai, making a stop in the farmland near Ban Arunothai where we were able to view a pair of Rufous-winged Buzzards perched on a hillside; we also spotted an Oriental Hobby on a dead tree too, making this a nice raptor stop.

Mae Hia Agricultural College

This area of fields and ponds close to Chiang Mai airport is a good place to see a number of open country birds, particularly the colourful Burmese Shrike which we found perched on a supporting wire of a radio mast. Several Red Avadavats were seen in flight but when we went closer to get a better view an unfriendly man on a motorbike rudely shooed us away. It seems that certain areas have been closed off to public access but the rude way in which the man spoke to us was very uncharacteristic in such a friendly country. As the day grew cooler lots of birds emerged including Yellow-eyed Babbler, a skulking bird that responded to call playback, and we also obtained good views of both Wire-tailed and Striated Swallow perched on wires.

As we were leaving a subadult Eurasian Sparrowhawk flew past us at close range and 3 Crested Treeswifts flew overhead. This was a nice ending to the day in an area where we were able to get more good views of many of the commoner species such as Pied Bushchat, Long-tailed Shrike, Scaly-breasted Munia, Brown Shrike, Paddyfield Pipit and Lineated Barbet.

Doi Lo
This area of rice fields, between Chiang Mai and Doi Inthanon, was newly discovered as a birding site in late 2015 and has turned up a host of rarities in a couple of months. We visited on our way to Doi Inthanon in hope of seeing the Jack Snipe that had been recently reported there. Unfortunately, despite finding large numbers of Common and Pintail Snipe we failed to find the Jack Snipe, which we later learned, had disappeared the previous day. Large numbers of Citrine Wagtail were present along with White Wagtail and Eastern Yellow Wagtail and as we scanned the fields we located lots of Wood Sandpiper and a single Common Greenshank but it was 4 Northern House Martins that were the most notable species seen.

Doi Inthanon
Our final birding site of this trip was Doi Inthanon, the highest point of Thailand. This is one of the most frequently visited birding sites in the country and it continues to produce some great birds even though large numbers of tourists visit. The large number of public holidays during our trip made it impossible to be in quiet locations for all of them so even though I knew it would be busy at Doi Inthanon at this time, it is the one site where I can continue to find good birds even though there are large numbers of people around; this proved to be true once again, although at times noisy people and traffic tested the patience.

Many of our best sightings were at or near the summit where we got great views of 2 Speckled Woodpigeons sunning themselves in the early morning and tracked down skulking birds including the bizarre Dark-sided Thrush, Pygmy Wren Babbler, several White-browed Shortwings, a wonderful Northern White-crowned Forktail, a male Snowy-browed Flycatcher and a pair of Rufous-throated Partridges. Just being at the summit area is wonderful in the early morning and late afternoon when the crowds are not present, with mossy, ferny forest and some lovely birds. As ever we also found the local subspecies of Green-tailed Sunbird as well as Ashy-throated Warbler and a nice prolonged sighting of a male Fire-breasted Flowerpecker.

The checkpoint at Km 37.5 was very busy with traffic but even so it proved to be worth being patient here with amazing close-up views of Large Niltava and a singing male Small Niltava along with a female White-browed Shortwing appreciating the mealworms we had for it. These birds were perhaps eclipsed by a wonderful male Asian Emerald Cuckoo which I somehow heard over the noise of talking, passing traffic and a crowd of noisy motorcycles. The 'scope views we had of this bird were probably the best I have ever had.

At Km 34.5 we experienced some of the best birding of the trip with lots of mixed flocks of birds which included Rufous-backed Sibia, Yellow-cheeked Tit, Blyth's Shrike-babbler, Golden Babbler, Grey-chinned Minivet and lots more. This is where we also managed to locate some species I associate with Doi Inthanon - Clicking Shrike-babbler, Chestnut-crowned Warbler and Hume's Treecreeper, the latter coming in very close indeed. A pair of Vivid Niltavas was a nice surprise, feeding on small fruits and a couple of male Large Niltavas were rather more anticipated but no less welcome.

Further down the mountain we saw a Lesser Shortwing at Mr Daeng's as we had lunch as well as a soaring Eastern Buzzard, while at Watcharitan waterfall we found a female Plumbeous Redstart and a couple of Puff-throated Bulbuls before the crowds arrived. Down low at Km 13 we got a good view of a Black-backed Forktail in the stream and our crazy decision to drive into the burning hot dry dipterocarp forest at 10.30am paid off with several Collared Falconets. Our last new bird of the trip was a pair of Oriental Honey-buzzards soaring near Inthanon Highland Resort where we had our last lunch together before parting company at Chiang Mai airport after a really enjoyable trip.

Nick Upton (

Species list with sites and notes

Petchaburi Rice Fields: PRF
Kaeng Krachan: KK
Laem Pak Bia: LPB
Pak Thale: PT
Wat Komnaram: WKN
Khao Look Chang: KLC
Lung Sin Waterhole: LSW
Wat Khao Takrao: WKT

Thatorn Rice Fields: TRF
Thatorn Riverside: TRS
Doi Lang: DL
Fang Hot Springs: FHS
Doi Ang Kang: DAK
Mae Hia Agricultural College: MH
Doi Lo: DLo
Doi Inthanon: DI

1. Rufous-throated Partridge: 2 on two days at DI summit.
2. Bar-backed Partridge:
2 seen by some at LSW.
3. Mountain Bamboo Partridge:
2 seen by some at DL.
4. Red Junglefowl
: KK, LSW & DL.
5. Kalij Pheasant: 1m & 1f at LSW.
6. Lesser Whistling-duck: WKT, LPB, PRF & MH.
7. Cotton Pygmy Goose: A few at PRF.
8. Northern Pintail: A large flock at WKT.
9. Garganey: Large numbers at WKT.
10. Little Grebe: A few at PRF & LPB.
11. Painted Stork: A few at LPB, PT, & WKT.
12. Asian Openbill: PRF, LPB, WKN & DLo.
13. Black-headed Ibis: A few at WKT.
14. Eurasian Bittern: 1 seen in a rice field at TRF.
15. Yellow Bittern: Just 1 flushed from a field at PRF.
16. Cinnamon Bittern: 1 at PRF.
17. Black-crowned Night Heron: King's Project, LPB.
18. Striated Heron: 2 at LPB sand spit.
19. Chinese Pond Heron: Common & widespread.
20. Javan Pond Heron: Known to be common at LPB, PT, WKT, WKN & PRF but inseperable from Chinese Pond Heron in non-breeding plumage.
21. Eastern Cattle Egret: Many sites.
22. Grey Heron: PT, LPB, WKN, WKT, PRF & TRF.
23. Purple Heron: A few at WKT & PRF.
24. Eastern Great Egret: PRF, PT, LPB, WKN & WKT.
25. Intermediate Egret: PT, LPB, WKN & WKT; a few at DLo.
26. Little Egret: Seen at all wetland sites.
27. Pacific Reef Egret: A few at LPB sand spit.
28. Chinese Egret: 2 at LPB sand spit.
29. Little Cormorant: PRF, PT, LPB, WKN, KLC & WKT.
30. Indian Cormorant: Fairly common at PT, LPB & WKT.
31. Western Osprey: 1 at WKT on two visits.
32. Oriental Honey-buzzard: 2 at the base of DI.
33. Black-winged Kite: A few at PRF & TRF.
34. Black-eared Kite: A few at PRF & DLo.
35. Brahminy Kite: PRF, PT, LPB & WKT.
36. Crested Serpent Eagle: 1 at KK.
37. Eastern Marsh Harrier: 1f at PRF.
38. Pied Harrier: A few including adult males at TRF.
39. Crested Goshawk: A few at KK, DAK & DI.
40. Shikra: A few at KK, KLC, FHS & DI.
41. Besra: 1 at Siripum waterfall, DI.
42. Eurasian Sparrowhawk: 1 at MH.
43. Rufous-winged Buzzard: 2 near Ban Arunothai, near DAK.
44. Eastern Buzzard: 1 at DI.
45. Greater Spotted Eagle: 4 at PRF; 1 at DLo.
46. Steppe Eagle: 6 adults at PRF.
47. Mountain Hawk Eagle: 1 at DL.
48. Collared Falconet: 3 at Km 13, DI.
49. Black-thighded Falconet: 4 at Km 9, KK.
50. Common Kestrel: 1 at PRF; a few at TRF.
51. Oriental Hobby: 1 near Ban Arunothai, near DAK.
52. Peregrine Falcon: 1 japonensis at DI.
53. Slaty-breasted Rail: 1 at King's Project, LPB.
54. White-breasted Waterhen: PRF, LPB, TRS & DLo.
55. Ruddy-breasted Crake: 1 at King's Project, LPB.
56. Red-legged Crake: 2 at LSW.
57. Slaty-legged Crake: 2 at LSW.
58. Watercock: 1 at PRF.
59. Purple Swamphen: A few at PRF.
60. Common Moorhen: A few at PRF & Ban Maka.
61. Eurasian Coot: 5 at PRF.
62. Black-winged Stilt: Common in wetlands.
63. Pied Avocet: Small numbers at LPB, PT & WKT.
64. Grey-headed Lapwing: A few at PRF, WKN & TRF.
65. Red-wattled Lapwing: PRF, WKT, WKN, LPB, KK, MH.
66. Pacific Golden Plover: PT, LPB & WKN.
67. Grey Plover: PT, LPB & WKN.
68. Little Ringed Plover: Many sites.
69. Kentish Plover: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
70. White-faced Plover: 1m & 1f at LPB sand spit.
71. Malaysian Plover: 10+ at LPB sand spit.
72. Lesser Sand Plover: Common at PT & LPB.
73. Greater Sand Plover: A few at PT & LPB.
74. Greater Painted-snipe: A few at LPB & TRF.
75. Pheasant-tailed Jacana: A few at PRF.
76. Bronze-winged Jacana: A few at PRF & Ban Maka.
77. Pintail Snipe: A few at King's Project, LPB, TRF & DLo.
78. Common Snipe: Abundant at LPB, TRF & DLo.
79. Eastern Black-tailed Godwit: Large numbers at PT & LPB.
80. Bar-tailed Godwit: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
81. Whimbrel: 40+ at PT.
82. Eurasian Curlew: 1000+ at PT.
83. Far Eastern Curlew: 4 at PT.
84. Spotted Redshank: Common at PT & LPB.
85. Common Redshank: A few at PT & LPB.
86. Marsh Sandpiper: Very common at PT, WKT & LPB.
87. Common Greenshank: Fairly common at PT & LPB; 1 at TRF; 1 at DLo.
88. Nordmann's Greenshank: 7 at LPB; 2 at PT.
89. Green Sandpiper: 1 at TRF.
90. Wood Sandpiper:
91. Terek Sandpiper: 2 at PT.
92. Common Sandpiper: A few at PT, LPB, WKT & TRS.
93. Ruddy Turnstone: 1 at LPB sand spit.
94. Great Knot: Large numbers at PT & LPB.
95. Red Knot: 50+ at PT.
96. Sanderling: A few at PT & LPB.
97. Red-necked Stint: Very common at PT & LPB.
98. Temminck's Stint: A few at LPB & WKN.
99. Long-toed Stint: Fairly common at PT, WKN & LPB.
100. Curlew Sandpiper: Very common at PT & LPB.
101. Spoon-billed Sandpiper: 2 seen well at PT.
102. Broad-billed Sandpiper: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
103. Ruff: A few at LPB.
104. Red-necked Phalarope: 1 at LPB.
105. Slender-billed Gull: 6 at PT.
106. Brown-headed Gull: PT, LPB, WKN & WKT.
107. Heuglin's Gull: 4 adults at PT; 1j at LPB sand spit.
108. Unidentified large Gull: 1 subadult bird showing many features atypical of Heuglin's Gull; the only expert feedback so far is that it should be Heuglin's but I cannot find any photos of Heuglin's that share the plumage features of this bird.
109. Gull-billed Tern: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
110. Caspian Tern: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
111. Great Crested Tern: 30+ at LPB sand spit.
112. Lesser Crested Tern: A few at LPB sand spit & PT.
113. Little Tern: Common at PT & LPB.
114. Common Tern: Fairly common at PT & LPB.
115. Whiskered Tern: Common at PT & LPB.
116. White-winged Tern: A few at LPB.
117. Rock Pigeon
118. Speckled Woodpigeon:
2 near summit of DI.
119. Ashy Woodpigeon:
3 fly past near summit of DI.
120. Oriental Turtle Dove:
1 surprisingly seen at TRF.
121. Red Collared Dove:
Common in open country.
122. Spotted Dove: Common in open country, seen daily.
123. Common Emerald Dove: A few at KK; 1 at LSW.
124. Zebra Dove: Common in open country.
125. Pink-necked Green Pigeon: A few at PRF.
126. Thick-billed Green Pigeon: Several at Km 9, KK.
127. Mountain Imperial Pigeon: KK, DL & DAK.
128. Vernal Hanging Parrot: A few at a fruiting tree at Km 9, KK.
129. Grey-breasted Parakeet: 30+ in flight at DL.
130. Greater Coucal: A few at KK, PRF, DL, DAK.
131. Green-billed Malkoha: A few at PRF, KK & DI.
132. Asian Koel: A few at PRF.
133. Asian Emerald Cuckoo: 1m at Km 27.5, DI.
134. Violet Cuckoo: 1 subadult male at KK.
135. Banded Bay Cuckoo: 1 at Bang Krang campsite, KK.
136. Asian Drongo Cuckoo: 1 at Bang Krang campsite, KK.
137. Eurasian Barn Owl: 1 seen in flight at Thatorn.
138. Collared Owlet: 1 at DL.
139. Asian Barred Owlet: 1 at Inthanon Highland Resort.
140. Spotted Owlet: 2 at KLC.
141. Large-tailed Nightjar: 1 at KK.
142. Indian Nightjar: 2 at King's Project, LPB.
143. Crested Treeswift: 3 flyover at MH; 2 flyover at base of DI.
144. Grey-rumped Treeswift: A few in flight at Km 9, KK.
143. Himalayan Swiftlet: A few at KK, DAK & DI.
144. Pale-rumped (Germain's) Swiftlet: Very common at PRF, PT, LPB, WKN & WKT.
145. Asian Palm Swift: Common.
146. Pacific Swift: 1 flock at DL.
147. Cook's Swift: Common at DL & DAK.
148. House Swift: A few at LPB.
149. Orange-breasted Trogon: 2 near stream one, KK.
150. Red-headed Trogon: 1f at Km 27.5, KK.
151. Indian Roller: At most open country sites and roadsides.
152. Oriental Dollarbird: A few at Km 9-12, KK.
153. White-throated Kingfisher: Common in open country.
154: Black-capped Kingfisher: A few at PT, LPB & Km 9, KK.
155. Collared Kingfisher: PT & LPB.
156. Common Kingfisher: PT, LPB, Ban Maka, TRF & DLo.
157. Red-bearded Bee-eater: 1 at Km 27.5, KK.
158. Blue-bearded Bee-eater: 1 at FHS & 1 near base of DI.
159. Green Bee-eater: PRF, LPB, WKT, MH, DLo & DI.
160. Blue-tailed Bee-eater: A few at PRF & LPB.
161. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater: A few at KK.
162. Eurasian Hoopoe: 2 at KLC.
163. Tickell's Brown Hornbill: A group of c12 at Km 9, KK.
164. Oriental Pied Hornbill: Fairly common at KK.
165. Great Hornbill: c10 at a fruiting tree, Km9, KK.
166. Great Barbet: 1 at King's Project, DAK.
167. Lineated Barbet: 2 at FHS; 2 at Inthanon Highland Resort.
168. Green-eared Barbet: A few at Km 9, KK.
169. Golden-throated Barbet: Dl & DI.
170. Blue-throated Barbet: A few at Km 27.5, KK; a few at FHS; 1 at DL.
171. Red-throated Barbet: 1 in fruiting tree at stream 2, KK..
172. Blue-eared Barbet: A few at KK & FHS.
173. Coppersmith Barbet: KK, KLC, FHS.
174. Eurasian Wryneck: 1 at TRF; 1 at TRS.
175. Speckled Piculet: 1 at Km 27.5, KK.
176. Heart-spotted Woodpecker: 1 at Km 9, KK.
177. Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker: Several, DL.
178. Freckle-breasted Woodpecker: 1m at LPB.
179. Stripe-breasted Woodpecker: DL & DAK.
180. Greater Yellownape: Several in lowlands, KK.
181. Streak-breasted Woodpecker: 1m between streams one & two, KK.
182. Black-headed Woodpecker: 1m seen briefly at KLC.
183. Black-naped (Grey-headed) Woodpecker: 1m at Km 10, KK.
184. Common Flameback: Several seen in lowlands at KK.
185. Greater Flameback: Fairly common in lowlands, KK.
186. Bay Woodpecker: 1 seen well between streams two & three, KK.
187. Buff-rumped Woodpecker: 1 at Km 27.5, KK.
188. Black-and-red Broadbill: 2 at Km 9, KK.
189. Long-tailed Broadbill: A flock of 10+ at Km 28, KK.
190. Black-and-yellow Broadbill: 2 between streams one & two, KK.
191. Blue Pitta: 1m on the road at 2pm as we descended DL.
192. Golden-bellied Gerygone: 1 at PT.
193. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike: Many sites.
194. Ashy Woodswallow: Seen at many open country sites.
195. Common Iora: KK, Ban Maka, KLC & DL.
196. Great Iora: 2 at Ban Krang campsite, KK.
197. Large Cuckooshrike: A few at DL.
198. Indochinese Cuckooshrike: 1m at DL; 1f at DAK.
199a. Black-winged Cuckooshrike (jabouillei): KK.
199b. Black-winged Cuckooshrike (melaschistos): 1m in pine at DAK.
200. Rosy Minivet: A few at Km 27.5 & Km 17, KK.
201. Swinhoe's (Brown-rumped) Minivet: Common at KK.
202a. Grey-chinned Minivet: A few in mixed flocks at DI.
202b. Grey-chinned Minivet (montanus): A few at Km 27.5, KK.
203. Long-tailed Minivet: DL & DAK.
204. Short-billed Minivet: DL & DI.
205. Scarlet Minivet: KK, DL & DI.
206a. Brown Shrike (confusus): Common in open country.
206b. Brown Shrike (luscionensis): 1 at DAK.
207. Burmese Shrike: 1 at MH.
208. Long-tailed Shrike: 2 at PRF; also DAK, DL, MH & DLo.
209. Grey-backed Shrike: 1 at DL.
210. White-bellied Erpornis: A pair at LSW.
211. Blyth's (White-browed) Shrike-babbler: DL, DAK & DI.
212. Clicking (Chestnut-fronted) Shrike-babbler: A pair at Km 34.5, DI.
213. Slender-billed Oriole: 1m in pine, DAK.
214. Black-naped Oriole: Common in lowlands at KK.
215. Maroon Oriole: 1m at DL; 1f at DAK.
216. Black Drongo: Seen at all open country sites.
217a. Ashy Drongo (leucogenis): A few at KK.
217b. Ashy Drongo (salangensis): 2 at Km 9, KK.
217c. Ashy Drongo (mouhoti): Fairly common at KK, also seen at DI.

217d. Ashy Drongo (hopwoodi): Several at DAK.
218. Bronzed Drongo: KK, FHS, DAK, DI.
219. Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo: Km 27.5, KK.
220. Hair-crested Drongo: KK, DI, DAK, FHS.
221. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo: KK & KLC.
222. White-throated Fantail: A few at DL, DAK & DI.
222. Pied Fantail: PRF, LPB, WKT, KLC.
224. Black-naped Monarch: KK & LSW.
225. Blyth's (Asian) Paradise-flycatcher (indochinensis): Seen by a few at Km 28, KK.
226. Eurasian Jay: 3 at DL.
227. Common Green Magpie: 1 seen briefly between streams one & two, KK.
228. Rufous Treepie: KLC & Inthanon Highland Resort.
229. Grey Treepie: A few at DL & DAK.
230. Racket-tailed Treepie: 2 at KLC.
231. Eastern Jungle Crow: At many open country sites.
232. Yellow-bellied Fantail-flycatcher: DL & DI.
233. Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher: In mixed flocks at most sites.
234. Japanese Tit: In pine at DL & DAK.
235. Yellow-cheeked Tit: DAK & DI.
236. Sultan Tit: Seen every day in lowlands at KK.
237. Indochinese Bushlark: 1 at LPB; 1 at MH.
238. Oriental Skylark: A few at WKN.
239. Crested Finchbill: Numerous at Chinese Cemetery, DAK.
240. Striated Bulbul: A few at DL: 1 near DI summit.
241. Black-headed Bulbul: Numerous at KK; a few at LSH; 1 at DAK; a few at FHS.
242. Black-crested Bulbul: Common at many forest sites.
243. Red-whiskered Bulbul: Common at DAK.
244. Brown-breasted Bulbul: At Chinese Cemetery, DAK.
245. Sooty-headed Bulbul: Common in northern Thailand.
246. Stripe-throated Bulbul: A few at Km 9, KK; a few at LSW; a few at FHS.
247. Flavescent Bulbul: Common in northern mountains.
248. Yellow-vented Bulbul: 2 at PRF.
249. Streak-eared Bulbul: Common in open country.
250. Puff-throated Bulbul: 2 at Watcharithan waterfall, DI.
251. Ochraceous Bulbul: Common at KK.
252. Grey-eyed Bulbul: Common at KK.
253. Mountain Bulbul: DAK & DI.
254a. Ashy Bulbul (davisoni): A few at Km 28, KK.
254b. Ashy Bulbul (hildebrandi): Dl & DAK.
255. Black Bulbul: DL, DAK & DI.
256. White-headed Bulbul: 1 at DL.
257. Barn Swallow: Seen every day.
258. Wire-tailed Swallow: 1 at TRS; a few at MH.
259. Asian House Martin: A small flock at DAK.
260. Northern House Martin: 4 at DLo.
261. Red-rumped Swallow:A few at FHS.
262. Striated Swallow: A few at MH.
263. Pygmy Wren Babbler: 1 at DI summit.
264. Yellow-bellied Warbler: A few at Km 27.5, KK; a few at King's Project, DAK.
265. Mountain Tailorbird: A few at Km 34.5, DI.
266. Dusky Warbler: PT, PRF, TRF & TRS.
267. Buff-throated Warbler: 1 at DL; a few at DAK.
268. Yellow-streaked Warbler: 1 at Ban Nor Lae, DAK; 1 at Chinese Cemetery, DAK.
269. Radde's Warbler: 1 at DL.
270. Orange-barred (Buff-barred) Leaf Warbler: A few at Dl & summit, DI.
271. Ashy-throated Leaf Warbler: A few at summit, DI.
272. Chinese Leaf Warbler: 1 at DL; a few at Km 34.5, DI.
273. Pallas's Leaf Warbler: A few at DL.
274. Yellow-browed Leaf Warbler: Common at most sites.
275. Hume's Leaf Warbler: A few in pine at DL, DAK & DI.
276. Greenish Warbler: A few at DL.
277. Two-barred Warbler: KK, Ban Maka & KLC.
278. Blyth's Leaf Warbler: 1 observed displaying its alternate "wing-drooping" behaviour. NOT wing-flicking, all Phylloscopus flick their wings to some degree. Blyth's flicks its wings and then drops one wing as the other wing continues to flick. Usually it holds this "dropped" wing slightly away from its body, sometimes it stretches it away from its body. Also seen at DI summit.
279. Claudia's Leaf Warbler: DL, DAK& DI.
280. Davison's Leaf Warbler: Fairly common on DL, DAK & DI where it frequently sings.
281. Sulphur-breasted Leaf Warbler: In mixed flocks at KK.
282. Bianchi's Warbler: 1 seen & identified on call at DL.
283. Marten's Warbler: 1 at King's Project, DAK. Id on call.
284. Alstrom's Warbler: A few at Km 27.5, KK. Id on call.
285. Chestnut-crowned Warbler: 1 at DL; a few at DI.
286. Oriental Reed Warbler: A few at PRF, TRS & DLo.
287. Black-browed Reed Warbler: A few at PRF.
288. Thick-billed Warbler: 1 at PRF; 1 at TRF.
289. Striated Grassbird: 1 at TRF; 2 seen briefly at TRS.
290. Baikal Bush Warbler: 1 seen, many heard at TRS.
291. Spotted Bush Warbler: 1 seen singing, song contrasting with Baikal Bush warblers singing nearby. Papers on this bird say that song is critical to identifying it from Baikal Bush warbler which is much more common in Thailand. There are fewer than 5 records for this species in Thailand.
292. Zitting Cisticola: A few at MH & DLo.
293. Bright-capped Cisticola: 2 at DLo.
294. Hill Prinia: 2 at DAK.
295. Rufescent Prinia: A few at KLC & DL.
296. Grey-breasted Prinia: A few at TRF.
297. Yellow-bellied Prinia: 2 at PRF; 1 at TRS.
298a. Plain Prinia (herberti): PRF, LPB, WKN.
298b. Plain Prinia (blanfordi): TRF, TRS, MH, DLo.
299. Common Tailorbird: PRF, Ban Maka, KK.
300. Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler: 1 at DL.
301. White-browed Scimitar Babbler: A few at KK; 1 at DL; 2 at DAK.
302. Red-billed Scimitar Babbler: 5 at DL.
303. Grey-throated Babbler: 2 at Km 27.5, KK.
304. Rufous-fronted Babbler: A few at KK.
305. Golden Babbler: A few in mixed flocks at DAK & DI.
306. Pin-striped Tit Babbler: Common at KK; 2 at LSW.
307. Chestnut-capped Babbler: 2 at TRS.
308. Rufous-winged Fulvetta: A few at Km 34.5 & summit, DI.
309. Brown-cheeked Fulvetta: Many at LSW.
310. Collared Babbler: A small flock at DL.
311. Abbott's Babbler: 2 at LSW.
312. Puff-throated Babbler: A few at LSW.
313. White-necked Laughingthrush: Briefly seen at DL.
314. Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush: LSW & Ban Maka.
315. Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush: LSW & Ban Maka.
316. White-browed Laughingthrush: Briefly seen at DL; a small group seen well at Chinese Cemetery, DAK.
317. Silver-eared Laughingthrush: DL & summit, DI.
318. Himalayan Cutia: A party of 5 at DL.
319. Blue-winged Minla: Seen in mixed flocks at DL, DAK & DI.
320. Chestnut-tailed Minla: Common at summit, DI.
321. Scarlet-faced Liocichla: 3 at DL.
322. Spectacled Barwing: DL & DI.
323. Silver-eared Mesia: 1 flock of 15+ birds at DAK.
324. Rufous-backed Sibia: Small numbers at Dl & DI.
325. Dark-backed Sibia: Common in northern mountains.
326. Yellow-eyed Babbler: 2 at MH.
327. Spot-breasted Parrotbill: 2 at DL.
328. Striated Yuhina: A large flock at DL.
329. Whiskered Yuhina: 2 at DL.
330. Chestnut-flanked White-eye: Many at Km 34.5, DI.
331. Japanese White-eye: DAK & FHS.
332. Oriental White-eye: FHS & DI.
333. Everett's White-eye: Km 28, KK.
334. Asian Fairy-bluebird: KK.
335. Chestnut-vented Nuthatch: DL, DAK & DI.
336. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch: Seen daily at KK.
337. Giant Nuthatch: DL & DAK.
338. Hume's Treecreeper: Several at Km 34.5, DI.
339. Common Hill Myna: A few at fruiting trees, Km 9, KK.
340. White-vented Myna: Seen at all open country sites.
341. Common Myna: Seen at all open country sites.
342. Black-collared Myna: TRF, TRS, MH & DLo.
343. Asian Pied Myna: LPB, PT, WKN, WKT, KLC, PRF & DLo.
344. White-shouldered Starling: 1 at PRF; 1 at TRF.
345a. Chestnut-tailed Starling (nemoricola): TRF & DI.
345b. Chestnut-tailed Starling (malabaricus): 2 at TRF.
346. Orange-headed Thrush (innotata): 1m at LSW.
347. Dark-sided Thrush: 1 at DI summit.
348. Black-breasted Thrush: 1m & 1f at King's Project, DAK.
349. Oriental Magpie Robin: Most open areas.
350. White-rumped Shama: Ban Maka & LSW.
351. Dark-sided Flycatcher: A few at Km 24, KK.
352a. Asian Brown Flycatcher (dauurica): KK & KLC.
352b. Asian Brown Flycatcher (siamensis): 1 at Km 9, KK.
353. Vivid Niltava: 1m & 1f at Km 34.5, DI.
354. Small Niltava: 1m at Km 27.5, DI.
355. Large Niltava: 2m at Km 34.5, DI; 1m at Km 27.5, DI.
356. Verditer Flycatcher: Seen daily at KK; a few at DI.
357. White-gorgetted Flycatcher: A few at DL.
358. Hainan Blue Flycatcher: 1f at Bang Krang campsite, KK.
359. Hill Blue Flycatcher: 1m at King's Project, DAK.
360. Tickell's Blue Flycatcher: Several at LSW.
361. Blue-throated Flycatcher: 1f at KK.
362. Chinese Blue Flycatcher: 1m & 1f at KK.
363. Lesser Shortwing: 1 at Mr Daeng's, DI.
364. White-browed Shortwing: 3m at summit, DI.
365. Siberian Blue Robin: Several males & females at LSW; 1f at DAK; 1f at Mr Daeng's, DI.
366. White-bellied Rdstart: 1m & 1f at DL.
367. Siberian Rubythroat: 1m at TRF; 3m at TRS; 2 at DL.
368. White-tailed Robin: 1m at King's Project, DAK.
369. Himalayan Bluetail: c6 at DL; 1f at DI summit.
370. Slaty-backed Forktail: 2 at FHS.
371. Black-backed Forktail: 1 at Km 13, DI.
372. Northern White-crowned Forktail: 1 at DI summit.
373a. Blue Whistlingthrush (eugenei): FHS, DAK & DI.
373b. Blue Whistlingthrush (caeruleus): A few at DI.
374. Slaty-blue Flycatcher (cerviniventris): 1m & 1f at DL.
375. Slaty-backed Flycatcher: 1m at DAK.
376. Sapphire Flycatcher: 1m & 1f at DL.
377. Taiga Flycatcher: KK, Ban Maka, KLC, FHS, TRF.
378. Snowy-browed Flycatcher: 1m at DI summit.
379. Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher: 1m & 1f at DL.
380. Ultramarine Flycatcher: 1m at DL.
381. Little Pied Flycatcher: A few at DL.
382. White-capped Redstart: 1 at FHS; 1 at Watcharitan Waterfall, DI.
383. Plumbeous Redstart: 1f at Watcharitan Waterfall, DI.
384. Daurian Redstart: 1f at Ban Nor Lae, DAK.
385. Chestnut-bellied Rockthrush: 1m & 1f at DL.
386. Blue Rockthrush: 1m at FHS.
387. Jerdon's Bushchat: 1m at TRS.
388. Grey Bushchat: Dl & DAK.
389. Pied Bushchat: TRF, TRS, MH, DLo.
390a. Eastern Stonechat (stejnegeri): PRF, TRF, TRS, MH, DLo.
390b. Eastern Stonechat (przewalski): 1m at Chinese Cemetery, DAK.
391. Blue-winged Leafbird: A few at KK.
392. Golden-fronted Leafbird: 1m at KK.
393. Orange-bellied Leafbird: Many at DL, DAK & DI.
394. Yellow-vented Flowerpecker: 1 at KK.
395. Plain Flowerpecker: A few at DAK & DI.
396. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker: 1m at DI summit.
397. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker: A few at KK.
398. Brown-throated Sunbird: 1m & 1f at PRF.
399. Purple Sunbird: Many at Inthanon Highland Resort.
400. Olive-backed Sunbird: Many sites.
401. Mrs Gould's Sunbird: DL, DAK & DI.
402. Green-tailed Sunbird (angkaensis): A few at summit, DI.
403. Black-throated Sunbird: A few at Km 28, KK; a few at DAK & DI.
404. Crimson Sunbird: A few at Bang Krang campsite, KK.
405. Little Spiderhunter: 1 at Watcharitan Waterfall, DI.
406. Streaked Spiderhunter: 2 at King's Project, DAK.
407. House Sparrow: PRF & TRF.
408. Eurasian Tree Sparrow: All open and urban areas.
409. Plain-backed Sparrow: PRF & base of DI.
410. Asian Golden Weaver: PRF & DLo.
411. Baya Weaver: PRF & TRS.
412. Red Avadavat: A few at MH.
413. White-rumped Munia: PRF.
414. Scaly-breasted Munia: Most open country sites.
415. Forest Wagtail: 1 at KLC.
416. Eastern Yellow Wagtail (macronyx): PRF & DLo.
417. Citrine Wagtail: TRF, TRS & DLo.
418. Grey Wagtail: FHS, DAK, DI.
419. White Wagtail: TRF, TRS, FHS, DAK.
420. Richard's Pipit: LPB, PRF, MH & DLo.
421. Paddyfield Pipit: TRS & MH.
422. Olive-backed Pipit: FHS & DI.
423. Red-throated Pipit: c8 at TRS.
424. Common Rosefinch: A few at Dl & DAK.
425. Spot-winged Grosbeak: 50-60 at FHS.
426. Yellow-breasted Bunting: 19 at TRF.


1. Northern Treeshrew: LSW.
2. Stump-tailed Macaque: Many on the road at Km 7-8, KK.
3. Long-tailed Macaque: Lots in Petchaburi town.
4. Dusky Langur: Seen daily at KK.
5. White-handed Gibbon: A few groups at KK.
6. Black Giant Squirrel: A few at KK.
7. Pallas's Squirrel: DI.
8. Grey-bellied Squirrel: Common at KK, LSW & Ban Maka.

9. Western (Burmese) Striped Squirrel: Many locations.
10. Small Asian Mongoose:1 at LPB.
11. East Asian Porcupine: 3 seen on the road at night at KK.
12. Lesser Mouse Deer: A few at LSW.
13. Red Muntjac: 1 at Km 10, KK.
14. Sambar: 2 at Km 9, KK.
15. Lyle's Flying Fox: Thousands at LPB.

Nick Upton can be contacted at

More information on Petchaburi Rice Fields
More information on Kaeng Krachan
More information on Laem Pak Bia/Pak Thale
More information on Thatorn Rice Fields & Riverside
More information on Doi Lang

More information on Doi Ang Kang
More information on Mae Hia Agricultural College
More information on Doi Inthanon
More information on Fang Hot Springs

If you are interested in arranging a bird watching tour you can see some suggested itineraries here - Birdwatching Trips - and you can contact me at the above email address to discuss the best options.

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Black-and-yellow BroadbillDownload a full checklist of the birds of Thailand including all distinct subspecies that are potential splits for the future.

Malayan Banded PittaBird Watching Trips in Thailand - Tailor-made birding tours in Northern, Central & Southern Thailand for groups of all sizes.

Pallas's SandgrouseSaudi Arabia , 6-16th August 2025 - Arabian Golden Sparrow, Crab Plover, Arabian Woodpecker, Philby's Partridge, Yemen Thrush: £3700

Christmas Island Frigatebird Java, Sumatra & Bali, 11-27th September 2025 - Javan Banded Pitta, Large Frogmouth, Christmas Island Frigatebird, Bali Myna, White-faced Partridge: $7290

Blue-faced MalkohaSri Lanka, 19th Nov - 1st Dec 2025 - Serendib Scops Owl, Indian Pitta, Malabar Trogon, Spot-winged Thrush, Sri Lanka Blue Magpie, Pied Thrush: £3200

Steller's Sea EagleSouth Korea, 3-15th January 2026 - Steller's Sea Eagle, Relict Gull, Red-crowned Crane, White-naped Crane, Baikal Teal, Solitary Snipe, Asian Rosy Finch: £4050

Black-headed WoodpeckerCambodia, 12-26th March 2026 - Giant Ibis, Bar-bellied Pitta, Greater Adjutant, Mekong Wagtail, Cambodian Tailorbird, White-rumped Vulture: £4050

Bar-bellied PittaSouth Vietnam, 29th Mar - 9th Apr 2026 - Bar-bellied Pitta, Vietnamese Cutia, Collared Laughingthrush, Vietnamese Greenfinch, Blue-rumped Pitta: £3150







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